(no subject)

Dec 21, 2008 16:33

Title: Christmas Kisses
Author: Las
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jonny/take your pick
Summary: Christmas time holds special memories.
Disclaimer: Not real, no money made.

Author’s notes: Someone shoot me, I wrote fluff. Predictable Christmas fluff, to make it even worse. I blame it all on the hangover. *eyedart*


I love Christmas time. It’s not just a time for family and decorations and candles. Ever since a few years ago, Christmas holds a special meaning for me, a happy feeling that outshines any other because it symbolises a special addition to my life.

I always spend Christmas at home, with my parents - it’s only on rare occasions we see each other as a complete family, so it’s good to have a tradition. The year in question, four years ago, I remember being on the phone to my mom, discussing Christmas plans. She carefully enquired to the presence of a girlfriend, anyone to bring home, but I had to disappoint her this year - again. The subject changed to the band, then shifted to Jonny, as it did a lot when we talked. She phrased it carefully yet casually, “Honey, why don’t you bring Jonny along for Christmas? You’re very fond of him.”

I was surprised and felt it was an odd idea, but couldn’t think of a reason why not since she insisted - I always enjoyed having Jonny around, and I wouldn’t mind him meeting my family. He was special to me, and had always been that bit closer to me than any of the other guys from the band. We always found ways to spend more time together.

I tried my very best not to be awkward as I passed the invitation on to Jonny, telling myself it wasn’t a weird thing to do. It was entirely my mother’s doing. I half expected Jonny to refuse and was already busy laughing it off, but to my surprise he seriously pondered it for a while and then agreed.

So Jonny came along. My mom immediately adored him, though my father had to frown a little over his style. For the sake of Christmas, he got over himself - Jonny has a way to create a gentle atmosphere that my father couldn’t fight. I was happy to have him there.

I was helping my mom out in the kitchen after her insistence I do so, when her voice suddenly got this typical tone that she uses on me when she is tiptoeing around some issue.

“You’re in a very good mood,” she smiled as she cut up the salad I’d washed for her.

“I guess I am,” I replied, wondering where this conversation was going to go.

“Jonny seems to make you happy. You two are close.”

I stopped in my tracks and stared at her. “Mom. Not like that.”

“Are you sure, sweetheart? I just want to say that… I never offered for you to bring a boyfriend home with Christmas. But you can, of course.”

“Mom,” I stuttered. “Don’t be weird. He’s not my boyfriend, he’s more like a little brother to me.”

“Alright, if you’re sure. I noticed the way you two look at each other… I probably misinterpreted.”

I could tell all too well that she was in no way convinced she misinterpreted and I fell quiet, feeling caught in a way that wasn’t actually being caught - I didn’t look at Jonny that way. I just loved him, adored him.

I tried to shake off the feeling of discomfort as we sat down for dinner, tried very hard not to think of what my mother had suggested. Had she gone mad? Jonny was a man. And yet I started wondering if there was any sort of truth to what she had implied.

Dinner, a few bottles of wine, and surprisingly easy conversation later, Jonny helped me bring back the dishes to the kitchen.

“Thanks for inviting me over,” he smiled at me when we had that moment alone. “Your parents are very nice.”

“Thank my mother, it was her idea,” I responded, putting the plates in the dishwasher. “I’m glad you’re here.”

I straightened up, smiled at him, and caught him in a hug. He hugged back… and didn’t let go. Neither did I. With his thin body wrapped up in my arms I closed my eyes and breathed into his hair. I heard my mom’s words in my head - and in that moment, hazy with warmth and wine and happiness that he was happy here, too, there was nothing I wanted to do more than admit she was right and kiss him.

So I did. In a moment of brief insanity I just did whatever my intuition told me to.

I pressed my lips to his, at the same time soft and loving, and desperate and scared that it would be unwelcome. I felt the first surprise in his body, and then he melted into my arms, his hands pulling me tighter to him as his lips parted hesitantly under mine.

Only when my dad suddenly came walking into the room with more dishes, did we break apart. I’m not sure who of the three of us was more shocked. My father sent me an alarmed, almost disgusted look, dumped the dishes on the counter, then turned on his heel without another word, walking into the hall only to grab his coat and slam the outside door behind him.

Jonny and I hardly had time to get ourselves so much as vaguely figured out before my mom came in.

“What’s going on, where did your father go?”

Neither one of us answered - I for myself was absolutely at a loss of what to say, still feeling shocked. A few seconds ago I kissed Jonny. And my father had just run out of the house.

My mother looked at me and my blush, then at Jonny with his blush. I saw the little wheels in her brain turn and the information click. “Oh, sweethearts. Do you two need a moment?” She gave a short sigh as she addressed me. “Don’t mind your father, darling, he’ll come around.”

She sounded more worried than her words let on, but promptly left us alone, leaving me and Jonny awkwardly meeting each other’s eyes and looking away again.

“I’m sorry,” Jonny uttered quietly, looking embarrassed and troubled.

I reached out to put my hand on his arm. “Jonny. Please don’t tell me you… you regret what just happened.”

He looked up at me, his own eyes as sincere as I was feeling myself. “I don’t think so?” he offered.

I leant down and kissed him softly, a relieved breath escaping me as I felt no resistance. He wrapped his arms around me and I embraced him back, just to stand there for a while.

“I really care about you,” he whispered after long moments of indecision and reluctance to move away.

“I really care about you, too.” I slid my hands down to his waist and kissed him again, our mouths opening again and our tongues touching briefly, experimentally, before I pulled away, my heart in my throat. This wasn’t the time. We needed privacy, and time to think and talk, though right now all my intuition told me to do was drown in him. “We can talk about this later?”

He nodded, then gave me the tiniest smile, his eyes looking into mine wrapping me up in him even further.

“Let’s go find your mother...”

“Yeah. She’s right, don’t worry about my dad.” If he was going to be difficult, then fine, so be it.

“I don’t want to cause trouble in between you and your family.”

I pulled his head to my shoulder. “You’re my family too, Jonny. It’s my life.”

I wondered how I ever missed the little hearts in his eyes. Life had taken an unforeseeable turn, and in the 15 minutes since that turn, it already seemed brighter than it had in a long time.

It’s not disappointed me, since.

Looking back on it, I can of course say that my mother had knack beyond belief for what was going on inside my heart, even if we spent our daily lives so far away from each other. She knew it before I did. I cannot thank her enough.

Right now, it’s one night before Christmas eve, and we’ve spent most of the evening watching TV together, his head on my shoulder, my arm around him and our fingers linked. Once in a while we smiled at each other, knowing Christmas reminds us both of the same set of happenings. I couldn’t help but capture his soft lips with mine whenever I saw him smile. It would be wrong not to. I cherish the fact that those lips still are still for my kisses only.

We’re spending one night at his parents this Christmas, and one day at mine. My dad came around about Jonny soon enough, for my sake (and my mother’s influence, I’m sure), and over the years he’s slowly been growing used to the fact his son isn’t straight.

Over the years, I’ve slowly gotten used to the fact I’m not straight. That people will stare and point when Jonny and I walk hand in hand. That always saying ‘my partner’ instead of ‘my girlfriend’ makes people suspicious after a while. That most people have their opinions ready without thinking, and that for the sake of the band, we can’t be too open about what’s going on.

Not that we really care as long as we have each other, clichéd as that might sound.

Jonny’s been being mysterious ever since we started getting ready for bed, and has now disappeared instead of being in my bed and in my arms, being made love to. I suspect first kiss anniversary plans, to be celebrated a day early, because they are not suitable to carry out when any set of parents are in the same house. I wonder if he’s going to come in a sexy santa outfit, or wrapped up in nothing but Christmas decorations.

Or maybe he’s just going to pull a silly prank. Or shower me in Christmas kisses.

I’m going to lay down my pen and find out.

Merry Christmas.

The End

(now tell me which pairing you had in mind? ;))

fiction, kill hannah rps, christmas kisses

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