fucked up schoolgirl crush is fucked up

Jan 18, 2010 13:12

Oh God.
Having the emotional age of a nine year old: I have a crush on my history teacher.
Being a mature and well adjusted young woman I have taken to expressing this by bullying playing practical jokes on him.
He's a little OCD and I had great fun before Christmas turning the tables around in his classroom so that the grain of the wood went the "wrong" way. He would literally stop lessons to turn them back,.
He didn't find out it that was me for weeks... although there was a particularly sticky moment when I had to speak to another teacher in the staff room and he suddenly announced that "one of my students has found the perfect way to wind me up"

Anyways, when I was eventually ratted out by Dippy Daisy [who in her defence didn't really mean to...she's just dippy yeah right]
I decided to give him a christmas present to make up for it.
Yeah... I think it was weird too.
I don't really know what I thought I was doing... but... yeah.
Who doesn't want a knitted cravat for Christmas from their weird stalkerey students?

I did give my Classics teacher a pair of mittens for her birthday the day before...so it makes it a little less...
*sigh*  it really doesn't make it any less weird.

Anyways, the japes continued when I instructed a friend of mine [who I suspect might also be a little bit too fond of him and who chooses to suppress this beneath a thin veneer of dislike] to "let on" that I had done something else to his classroom.
He spent a whole lesson staring at the angles of the posters and ensuring the bookshelves were still alphebetised.
I hadn't done anything.
He is still trying to work out what I've supposedly done though.

Anyways, as I was leaving the classroom on Friday, I noticed he had left his glasses on his desk while he went to get a book or something for another student. Seizing the moment, I put them on the Spartan helmet that he occaisionaly lets me wear in lessons.
I thought someone would point it out to him as soon as he came back! I didn't realize the fuckers would keep schtum!
So, long stpry short, I got a bit of a shock when I went to my Classics lesson in the same room this morning and they were till there.
Tristan had been without his glasses all weekend.
Having drawn attention to them with a slightly strangled yelp of horror, I explained to Kathleen [the teacher I gave the mittens to] what had happened and she said she would give them back to him.
I did try to insist that I should do it... but the cow said she didn't trust me to actually give them back!

Anyways, so she gave them to someone in the staffroom to give to him and a scampered into town to buy a kinderegg  peace offering.
So, extremely shame faced I went to his office [mmm it's so neat in there...those folders are just begging to be jumbled up]
He was alarmingly serene. And said that he would consider forgiving me and joked that his christmas present would count in my favour... he does mention that fucking scarf quite a lot actually.
Not that he's ever atually worn it. *bitter phadira is slightly bitter* I think he just likes to embarrass me.

Anyways, now I am really worried that this pretence of okayness is masking quite a pissed off Tristan who will not be letting me wear the Spartan helmet for quite some time.
And who will very probably push me off the boat on our college trip to Greece this Easter.

Nearly twenty one.
I should not be winding up teachers because I fancy them!
I should not bloody well fancy them to begin with.

The worst thing is the fact that he is very probably gay.
And has quite a history of students getting a bit too fond of him.
Seriously, he has had myspace pages and crochet sheep made for him.

And I still haven't finished that bloody English Lit essay.

Enough embarrasment venting.

wrong, is this really appropriate?, college, knitting, pranks, tristan is a wizard, embarassment

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