I think I'm the only person who was completely unmoved by those shenanigans.
I knew they were going to a S6 Buffy place, but I will say again, if I wanted to watch Buffy, I would watch Buffy, which is actually well-written and has clear character motivations and complexities and can keep to a single world of mythology instead of reinventing itself every 2 episodes. ANYWAY. I came to terms with the fact that I would always see SPN as a lesser version of Buffy during S2, but this was just ridiculous.
No, I didn't think it was sad. I just thought it was STUPID. Especially Dean repeating that line to Sam, as if Sam's really going to want to come back to the honeymoon suite (yeah, I KNOW, it was like, "Don't ever come back to ME" or whatever, but still, lack of emotional impact there). It felt like it was trying WAY too hard and was subsequently so over-the-top with its attempts to make me FEEL that I was left completely cold.
And I am sure everyone else loved it. I'm happy for you. But I think next week might be my last time watching SPN. These characters aren't even close to who they started out with despite the actors' best efforts to stay consistent, and Sam is just... he's a gross caricature at this point. Maybe that IS the point. Maybe he's not supposed to resemble Sam at all. And okay, fine, but that means the show loses me, because I don't watch it for the gore or the laughable storytelling, I watch it for the characters. When they go away, it's very hard to care about seals and Lilith and blahblahblah.