he used to be so awesome

Jul 11, 2008 10:25

It's Friday, and I'm bored, and JC has been giving too many interviews in which he says conflicting things and only reinforces my belief that he has absolutely no plans to release music anytime soon. So let's talk about it ( Read more... )

jc is made of failcats

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brighton_girl July 11 2008, 16:43:58 UTC
You know...his clothes just don't bother me that much. I think he just has really bad taste, and really shitty friends that won't tell him he looks like an ass. Besides, I think he actually likes that stuff. Though he shouldn't wear stuff so tight, it makes him look heavier. Also, how many years in this business and he still doesn't know to stick his head out when he's getting his picture taken? So he always pulls his head back and looks like he has a double chin.

As for the music. I think JC has changed over the years...and to him the best part of it all is actually making the music. Because while he likes to perform, it's all the stuff between making the music and getting to perform it he doesn't like...or he just doesn't want to do it right now. I don't think I totally get 2008 JC.


phaballa July 11 2008, 16:53:13 UTC
To me, it's just a fucking waste of his voice, to be honest. The thing is, he might love *making* music (even if he claims to love the making of and performing of equally), but he's not that great at it. Not to be mean, but his lyrics are not the pinnacle of lyrics and his songs, as much as I enjoy them, often lack real emotion. The thing that makes his music good is HIM singing it with his crazy awesome voice.

I'm conflicted. Because you know... if he's happy just making music for other people, well. Okay, good, I want him to be happy. But I don't want to be invested in him if that's the case. I don't want to be a fan if he's not going to create anything for himself. I don't know if I can stop myself, but I wish I could :P

And yes, he needs to wear clothes that fit and understand that his face is fuller than it was a few years ago, so learn how to post for pictures!


brighton_girl July 11 2008, 17:29:53 UTC
I think that's why I don't get him...because it's a HUGE waste of talent in my opinion. And I just don't think people that have that kind of talent and have the opportunities he does should squander.


phaballa July 11 2008, 17:34:31 UTC
It's almost insulting.


brighton_girl July 11 2008, 17:37:50 UTC
I honestly wonder if someone said to him, your time has come and gone focus on something else. JC at times seems to listen to the wrong voices. At least where his talent lies, those creepy hanger-on's he has agree with US, that he is very talented and should be out there being famous...though that could very well be for selfish reasons. Because let's be honest, how does a bitch like Autumn afford Loboutins? (spelling might be wrong)


phaballa July 11 2008, 17:44:19 UTC
Okay, I am SO HAPPY I am not the only one who wondered how Tummy keeps herself in awesome shoes. Does she have a job? Maybe she got money from her divorce? WHo knows. I kind of want her job, if all she does is fail at updating JC's myspace and go to events with him.

But anyway, I think you're right. I want to know who made JC think that popularity = success? Or that he should ever give a fuck what other people think of his art? Because okay. When *Lance Bass* has performed and sung more in public than JC has, that's fucking sad. Lance barely sang when they were in the group! JC needs to take a page from Lance and put himself out there. Lance fails over and over, but you know what? He never stops trying and he doesn't care if people laugh at him, because he's past the point of doing things to make other people happy, he's doing them for *himself*. JC needs to figure that shit out.


brighton_girl July 11 2008, 17:53:38 UTC
I heard that Tummy models...and we both know that just can't be true.

It's got to be hard though for JC. He was in the biggest selling bad ever...the line was clearly drawn for him. I think maybe it's just about re-learning who he is after such a massive success. I know he always says 'Justin was always the superstar' blah, blah. But you know damn well he enjoyed that success, and I'm sure expected to be supported the same way Justin was. It just didn't work out that way. But yes, JC needs to figure it out and do the best thing for him AND for his fans.


phaballa July 11 2008, 18:00:55 UTC
There's no way Tummy models, unless they don't show her scary shark mouth.

I'm sure JC has a whole list of reasons he tells himself as to why he's not putting himself and his music out there for other people to hear, but in the end, I just think is a lot of excuses. Things didn't go his way with Schizo OR with Kate, that's true. But part of that was his unwillingness to play the popstar game. It was easier in a band. He had 4 other people who could play the game for him. But now that he has to take on sole responsibility, he doesn't step up to the plate and take some chances and just fucking go for it. And that's his own damn fault.



brighton_girl July 11 2008, 18:11:20 UTC
Yep, it's 50/50 here. Yes, he got screwed over...but he actually helped get screwed over. Things change, people don't get to do vanity albums much (just check in with Kelly Clarkson) and he certaintly isn't in a place not to play along. He needs to be more in touch with his fan base too.


phaballa July 11 2008, 19:18:09 UTC
He seems to think he doesn't HAVE any fans. Which is clearly not true. I don't know where he gets these weird ideas from.


brighton_girl July 11 2008, 19:44:42 UTC
Well, if he actually went to his own MySpace and took a look around...


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