I thought it's about time for an evaluation of my nappy plans. Flats turned out to be an excellent idea; even my fastest drying MCNs don't dry as quickly as the flats, and as Bridie took so long to get to 4kg most of them didn't fit for a while (even the small sized ones).
So, we have 12 'Squirt' terry towelling flats - really thick, so we've ended up not using them as nappies as they made her bum HUGE when folded. But they are great for catching spew, and for lying on during nappy free time (you need a good thick cloth so the occasional liquid poo squirt doesn't go through onto your carpet/beautiful handmade playmat).
We have 12 'Driglo' terries which we use for night nappies.
During the day she wears the 8 flannel flats I made - could have done with more of these. The muslin ones turned out to be useless as nappies - even folded multiple times, poo went straight through. But the flannel ones are good, trimmer than the terries, though less absorbent and need a pin rather than a Snappi to fasten. Next time though I will make sure that they are perfectly square... I'm pondering learning a new fold for these, with better containment around the legs. We've just been using the butterfly fold and now she's started going nights without pooing, her big morning poo tends to explode out the legs.
18 wipes was not enough. 30 is just enough :) When I go out I take them dry and have a little spray bottle of water. No chemical-laden disposable wipes for my little girl's behind...
All the PUL covers (Bummis, Thirsties, and Mother-ease) have worked equally well. The Eeeny snib covers (tie-up) were good at first but we had a couple of leaks before I realised she was too big for them! We're not using the wool ones as they are a pain to wash, and she always seems to get poo on them after one wear. So having two extra PUL covers from A has been good.
Of the MCNs, the Itti Bitti all-in-2 with the smaller insert and a fitted 'Patti Nappy' that A gave me are the only ones that fit from the start - they're both snap closed. The Swaddlebees pocket (velcro) and the Berryplush AI2 (side snap) have larger crotches but now fit pretty well. A gave me a few other fitteds but they all seem pretty big on her so far.
I love showing off her MCNs when go out - they're much easier to get on her than flats, and so cute (especially the plushy ones!), and people always give positive comments. Now we're getting into warmer weather I'd like to get a lot more of these. I have found Nappy Chic (closing down!), Buy for Baby, and Monkeys Undies - any more auction sites you guys know of? (Ebay doesn't accept 2nd hand nappies.)