Zombie Run the Apocalypse Happens Today!!!

Oct 20, 2012 07:39

Running this morning in my very first 5K & it's being chased through the woods for over 3 miles by the probably not so walking dead!!

I'm competing in the Zombie Run Challenge this morning here in Charlotte, I have to admit I'm both nervous and pretty damn excited all at the same time not quite how I feel in CrossFit but kinda close. 

This whole thing began years ago when my lives best friend & I quibbled that if we were lost Donner Partyesque I wouldn't eat her & she told me that she would fatten my ass up and totally eat me, have I mentioned how much I love my best friend!! This whole thing is to prove to her that I'm no the other, other, other, other white meat.......why must I be so nummy and yummy all at the same time!

Have I mentioned how much of a fan I am of slow moving shambling classic Romero zombies, why is that when there is no more room in hell those zombie rise up and chase my ass!!

Fast Zombies Suck!!

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