I wrote a little thing

Oct 13, 2007 19:09

Title: Tell me the truth about love
Pairing: House/Wilson, OCs
Summary: "Will it come like a change in the weather? Will its greeting be courteous or rough? Will it alter my life altogether? O tell me the truth about love."
Rating: PG
Word count: 505

Eugene leaned back against the nurses' station and drummed his fingers against his thigh. "So, when the hell are House and Cameron going to get together?" he wondered aloud. The gossip fountain was apparently running pretty dry if he was back onto that topic again. Rosie didn't glance up from her newspaper.

"I thought she was with Robert now?"

"Oh, please. That's not going to last."

"If you say so," she replied non-committally. She had her own ideas about House's romantic life, but she didn't care about it particularly, and she certainly wasn't going to air her views.

"Of course," said Eugene, "there's always Cuddy. They have a history together, for one thing..."

"Mm," said Rosie. "I wouldn't like to speculate, really."

Louise suddenly popped her head up over the counter. Eugene jumped. "Jesus Christ, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"I'm sure it's what she lives for," said Rosie, scanning an article about something called 'Muji'.

"I think Doctor House should ask Doctor Wilson out," said Louise. Now Rosie did look up. That was unexpected. Louise had always struck her as so old-fashioned for her age, and to have her own secret conjectures echoed back to her from such an unlikely source was... refreshing. But they weren't quite in agreement.

"What has James done to piss you off?" she asked with a smirk.

"I like him a lot! That's why I think he deserves to be happy."

"A relationship with House sounds more like a punishment than a reward," Rosie pointed out.

"I think they love each other," said Louise, with all the confidence of youth. Eugene rolled his eyes and wandered off.

"You could well be right."

"Surely it's always better to be with the one you love, despite their flaws. Isn't it?"

Rosie thought of her first husband, who had said 'I love you' first with words, then with a bottle and his fists, and finally with a gun pointed at his own head. She'd adored him. She smiled at Louise, and hoped that that sweet girl would never have to learn how wrong she was. She let the question hang in the air, until she noticed James himself stroll over, looking tired but in good spirits. She motioned towards him with her head so that Louise wouldn't say anything about his latent homosexuality while he was in earshot. Her colleague blushed a little.

"Hello, Doctor Wilson," she said, then busied herself with some papers.

"Hello, Louise. Hi, Rosie. How's Michael?"

"Teething," she replied wryly. He grimaced in sympathy.

"How are you coping?"

"I'm not! Joe's in charge of that, thank God..." she trailed off as House, like an apparition, materialised behind James.

"Wilson!" he said loudly. "I'm sorry to hear about your little problem." He paused for a second to beam at Rosie. "Crabs can be a bitch."

Wilson gave Rosie a long-suffering smile, which she returned, and then he turned towards House with an expression she couldn't describe, but which she knew only too well. She watched them walk off side by side, Wilson raising a hand in goodbye, House flashing her a triumphant grin. She made a wish.

The End

slash, house, fandom, house/wilson, fics

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