(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 02:40

I had an up-and-down kind of day. I didn't get into the play, which is a shame. I did finish Mrs Dalloway, though, which I really enjoyed. I remember the first year of sixth form college, when we only had to read about four or five books, and half the time we read most of them in class. Those were the (incredibly frustrating, but less stressful) days, eh?

We haven't had anything by a straight author yet, which I find quite amusing. Unless you count Freud, which I most certainly don't.

I watched Edge of Seventeen tonight. Wow. I thought it was going to be one of those horribly awkward "what's wrong with me? What does 'gay' mean?" coming out movies, but it's actually really good. And hot.

ANYWAY, HOW ARE YOU GUYS? ANY NEWS? I know I'm not really keeping up with stuff, but don't be strangers. Have some happy:

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theatre, gay, university, cinema, literature, videos, stressed, music

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