(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 23:59

Was on the radio today (student radio, that is, but radio nonetheless), and did some film reviews. It was all a bit impromptu, but I didn't embarrass myself too badly. Until later on, in a lovely café I've found, I saw one of the girls who was hosting it and didn't recognise her. I tried to cover it up, but it was incredibly obvious. Sometimes I just don't take in people's faces. Or... names. I'm not a bad person, though, honest. I'm just absent-minded.

I had another audition, for 4.48 Psychosis. I'll see how that goes. It seems like a very interesting play, and I like Blasted a lot, so here's hoping. No worries if not, though; I'm busy enough as it is, so in some ways it'll be a relief.

Nutters kept talking at me today. Some bloke who reminded me of T for some reason (three years on and I look for him around every corner - I know, I know) who said I radiated authority (or words to that effect), a guy in the library who showed me where Citizen Kane was (saw it last week but have to rewatch the first five minutes and make detailed notes as part of my Classic Film elective) and then kept on talking, then some guy at the bus stop with pretzels and some sort of delicious biscuit - he got them from the JSoc tent - who turned out to be a raving Tory who thought Hiroshima was A Good Thing, or something, he was very softly spoken, but definitely mad. And then the Irish guy on the bus who gave me a yellow gel pen and sang at me (Three Times a Lady, among others). That was it, I think, but still, that's quite a decent number.

I keep thinking I've forgotten something. Oh yes! Opera tomorrow! I've never been to the opera before. It's Falstaff. There was a deal for students, otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to afford it. I have to go there straight from a lecture, otherwise I might dress up a bit. Oh well, I'd only feel uncomfortable anyway. Always feel like I'm in drag when I wear a dress.

radio, theatre, lunatics, cinema, irish

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