My precioussss

Aug 15, 2007 00:08

Everybody look at what
elicia8 made me for my impending birthday. It's amazing, and I'm not just saying that because it's MINE ALL MINE, although that does help.

Let me know if you can't see it for whatever reason. My technical ability, scant at the best of times, seems to have packed up and left me.

Feel free to make icons if you like, but make sure you credit Licia. You should probably also tell her she is awesome at the next available opportunity, just because.

OH BY THE WAY LICIA, I just saw your House/Gandalf picture, which I missed before through Having Been On Holiday (which is my catch-all excuse right now), and I love it to death. I would also like some of whatever you were smoking, if you please.

ETA: Um... I can has typos?

Something has happened to my brain today.

drugs, house, birthday, love

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