It's hmd_tuesdays time again

Aug 14, 2007 21:12

1. If you could get House to say one thing to one other character, what would it be?

"Do me," to Wilson, probably. Predictable? Moi?

2. Pick an episode and change the way it ends. Now tell me about it.

Kids. I'd cut out the final scene and burn it and send the ashes to the moon, but they wouldn't get there, they would accidentally fly straight into the heart of the sun and be double-burned.

3. Steve didn't work out and neither did Hector. What animal SHOULD House have for a pet?

A cat seems like the obvious thing for House, but he'd probably worry that that was too gay for his macho image. So... worm farm? It's immature, but also scientific. He'd like that.

4. Give me one Season 4 Wish. Make it a good one.

Dudek/Wilson. But only temporarily. So, doomed Dudek/Wilson leading to HoYay please.

5. Most attractive Wilson episode ever? Why do you think so?

I have to pick one?! Weeeeell... he was pretty in the Pilot, for definite, and obviously in Fidelity he was all dressed up nice. But he's adorably vulnerable in Histories. And what's that one where Tritter shows him the forged scripts? THE LOOK ON HIS LITTLE FACE. Awwww. I caught a tiny bit of... I think it was Euphoria on Hallmark a while back, and he was gorgeous in that.

Okay, I fail at decisions. I hope Foreman doesn't kill me.
I went to see The Walker tonight with my dad. Probably the most engrossing film I've seen since A History of Violence, or maybe Pan's Labyrinth. Anyway, excellent, excellent film. Woody Harrelson playing gay + Kristin Scott Thomas playing... anything = me in a good mood. Dad didn't like the final scene, but I thought it was okay. He loved the rest of it too, though.

I'm going to be posting a couple of fics tonight, God willing (heheh, seriously, He likes the slash), and I'm doing things that people don't like. Just to forewarn you. That is to say, one of them is a songfic with an OFC, and the other is present tense. I don't play by the rules, but BY GOD I get results. Or not. Anyway, there you have it.

fandom, house/wilson, gay, silliness, writing, house, slash, cinema

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