Prompt Response: Death Came Quickly

Apr 27, 2007 10:53

Title: Death Came Quickly
Prompt Number/Prompt: 008. Sick
Character/Fandom: Nathan Petrelli, Heroes
Word Count: 355
Rating: PG-PG13
Warning(s): Spoilers up to and including episode 1x19
Summary: Nathan returns from Las Vegas to dreadful news.

Nathan had never found his way home so quickly in his entire life. His heart raced, beating in his throat and his head spun. This wasn’t happening. It wasn’t the way things had been written. It wasn’t what was shown in the paintings which hung Isaac’s gallery and in Linderman’s office. They were supposed to stop an exploding man, it wasn’t supposed to end this way.

Nathan couldn’t get his driver to go fast enough as he felt himself growing physically sick. And the family home was a sight that he wasn’t sure whether to be happy to see, or terrified. He picked the latter.  Nathan jumped from the back of the black town car, slamming the door hard as he rushed hurriedly inside, calling out to his mother.

All she had told him over the phone was that Peter was dead. He had heard her attempt to keep her voice from cracking and all Nathan kept asking was ‘how’.  Peter had been so confused. He had been distraught over what had happened to Simone and the thought that he himself had been the cause of it. Could Peter have done this to himself? But then his mother mentioned another young man, Indian descent, and Nathan knew.

Mohinder Suresh. The same person who was going to be the one to cure Peter had been the cause of his death. Peter had gone there on his own for answers and had walked right into his own demise.

Tugging at his insides, Nathan somehow felt that it was his own fault. The little brother who, from day, was his responsibility was gone. He was dead and there was nothing Nathan could do to bring him back.

Nathan followed the sound of his mother’s voice, heart heavy at the sight of Peter’s lifeless body. He wasn’t supposed to die this way. It was all wrong and it was impossible. Peter couldn’t be dead.  But as Nathan fell to his knees and pulled the young man’s limp body into his arms, he knew for sure. He knew his brother was dead and he only hoped that death came quickly
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