Introduction at dramaticmuses

Apr 03, 2007 12:34


As some of you have already gathered, my name is Nathan Petrelli and I am running for Congress. I live in New York with my wife Heidi and my two young sons Simon and Monty. Family is the cornerstone of my campaign and I believe strongly that that, as well as my shark like attitude and dedication to my work makes me the most qualified man for the job. I will now open the floor for questions....

Reporter cites witness to car accident six months ago where the driver, Nathan Petrelli was ejected from the car. Said witness reports seeing candidate soar upward as if flying

Fly? Me? *laughs*  What's next? Time travel? Seeing the future? That's absurd. Next question.

Reporter questions about Peter Petrelli and his fall from a city high rise. Does he believe himself to have this same abilty?

*What's with the questions about flying?* As I stated in an earlier confrence, my brother Peter... My brother Peter attempted suicide that night. It is a miracle that he survived the fall and with little to no injuries. He is being treated by the best doctors and I am hopeful that he will make great strides.

Reporter questions if it is true that the campaign is being funded by the Linderman group

Mr. Linderman is a wealthy man who only wants to see the right candidate, myself, appointed to this position. The dealings and the donations are perfectly legitimate. He is a value to my campaign.

Reporter questions the existance of an illegitimate child.

I'm not quite sure where you get your information, but there is no proof to back up that fact and there never will be. As I stated earlier, I place a high value on family and my relationship with them. The allegation of such a thing is crazy. No more questions at this time.

Vote Petrelli.

Nathan Petrelli is portrayed by Adrian Pasdar and is from NBC's Heroes. At this time, he is not available for RPG but he should be available in the future.
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