10 Weeks!

Mar 15, 2006 02:35

Well, she's officially 10 weeks old.  Here's what happened in the last week;

She was being weaned off her ventilator.  The vent was giving her only 16 "helper" breaths a minute at @28% oxygen.  She was growing so much that she developed a leak because her throat got bigger.  We could actually her the air going out.  Then she decided to get a little touch of pneumonia.  She's fine but we have to start out at square one again with the vent.  Then tonight she decided to pull out her new tube!  Apparently, the first one wasn't good enough.
The good news is that we are holding her now.  We're doing the kangarooing thing.  It's absolutely amazing!  She's still really tiny, but she's a fighter.  Julie and I have finally gotten to the point that we feel comfortable getting the baby's room together, so now begins the mad dash to prepare for Alex to come home.  I put the crib together tonight and it's starting to look like a nursery now!  I'm going to try to post some more pictures later this week.

-Pete, Julie, & Alex

P.S.  The laser surgery on her eyes went very well.  There shouldn't be any damage to her little eyeballs!
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