Alexandra is off oxygen!!!

Apr 25, 2006 02:15

Well, I know we suck because its been a long time since we have updated everyone.  So here goes.  Alexandra is 4 lbs 2 oz!

Four weeks ago Alexandra started bottle feeding, one feeding a day.  The next week it was two, then three.  And now (two weeks or so) she has a bottle for every feed, every three hours!  This is a very big step for her since she forgets to breathe sometimes, but she loves the bottle and is getting better at it everyday.  No more feeding tube for her to pull out!!   The doctor told us tonight that we are going to try breast feeding over the weekend.

Four weeks ago she was moved out of her cool "cadillac" isolette into the "pinto" isolette.  They moved Alex from spot #2 to spot #12.   The complete other side of the room!   Last week she went into a normal nursery bed.  Which means she is not critical.

On April 6th, my best friend Heather had her baby. That evening Shayna (Heather's baby) thought it would be fun to visit Alex in the NICU.  They were neighbors for a night.

Today, to my surprise her oxygen was removed.  This is a wonderful thing because its good for her eyes, and shes not relying on the machine to breathe.  Since they removed the oxygen she is breathing very well on her own.  The doctor, Peter and I are very happy.  The good news is that she may be coming home next Tuesday or Wednesday!!  We are very exicted and trying to get everything ready.

Today was the first time Peter and I got to really see her face without all the tubes.  She is beautiful.  She is like a little doll, petite and cute.  She is perfect in every way.  She is very alert when she is awake and likes to smile.  (She can also do the Elvis lip.)
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