Mar 31, 2005 22:59
We had a great time down at the beach, shortly after we got there is started to rain. Also shortly after we got there Rhiannan inevitably needed to go to the toilet. I took Rhiannan for a "wee walk" to try to find a toilet but we couldn't find one, as the rain started to fall harder Rhiannan started to whinge so I began to sing to her. I'm no Kylie Minogue but I quite like to sing to myself; in the car, in the shower, generally whenever no one else (other than close family) is listening. Rhiannan was totally enthralled with my singing "Singing in the Rain" and "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" (well, what else would you sing in the rain!?) and kept asking me to sing them again and again and again.
Whenever people ask what it is that they've regretted in their life they almost always respond with "Nothing, I have no regrets, my life as it is has led me to where I am today, if I hadn't made the choices I did I wouldn't have X, Y or Z now". It's a very clichéd response and every time I hear it I wonder what it is that that person has REALLY regretted. Consider the question properly... "What do YOU regret?" You cannot answer as stated above (in any form) because if you reverse one of the decisions that you'd made you would not be aware of your now current situation. That was all very confusing to write so I pity those of you who are reading it. The moral of the story (yes, there is one) is that I regret not having sang more to my children when they were babies. My children went without nursery rhymes from their mother because she was too self conscious, too fearful of doing the wrong thing, to sing to them or with them. That is my answer, the next time I am asked what I regret I will respond "I regret not having sang to my babies more."