Top 5 Fannish things meme - part 2: The Men of Classic Who

Aug 10, 2009 15:50

londonesque asked for my Top 5 men of Classic Who (excluding the Doctor), and I felt that this warranted a mini picspam of lurve, so my men are under the cut!

Allow me to introduce you to Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, affectionately known as 'The Brig':

Serious!Brig is Serious and manly in pic #1; in pic #2 Liz and the Third Doctor are doing their best to persuade him to join them for a roll in the hay... :P

The first incarnation of the Doctor whom the Brig met was the Second, and here he is with both Two and Jamie.

The Brig with his right-hand man, Sergeant Benton - of whom more, shortly...

The Brig may be Sir Alistair and retired now, but when Sarah Jane Smith needs a man to help her to break into UNIT's top secret archive, she knows exactly to whom to turn!

As I mentioned, the Brig's right hand man is Sergeant John Benton - even when Captain Mike Yates joins the team, it's still Benton to whom the Brig turns most often:

Benton's just the man to have around, particularly if (as in pic #2) you're facing down giant green maggots in Wales!

Another UNIT man is the Medical Officer whom they seconded: Lieutenant Harry Sullivan (who occasionally travelled with the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith):

Everyone loves a sailor, especially when he looks as dashing as Harry does in his naval uniform! I think Ten got his inspiration for his long brown coat from Harry, you know!

In his very first on-screen appearance, Harry got to go undercover, disguised as Mr Steed - and mighty fine he looks in that bowler hat, too!

Young Jamie Mccrimmon was a piper of the Clan McLaren who lived in 18th century Scotland. He became a companion of the Second Doctor, and was much loved by the Doctor (they were so touchy-feely with each other that a lot of fans are convinced there was more to their relationship:

I'm sure I don't know where anyone could get such an idea, though! :P

My final Classic Who man is Cardinal Irving Braxiatel - a book/audio character who features a lot in the 'Gallifrey' audio series, and several of the Benny Summerfield stories from Big Finish. He's voiced by Miles Richardson, but because he's not yet been seen on screen, I only have one photo of him:

The Benny Summerfield novel 'Tears of the Oracle' (by Justin Richards) suggests that Braxiatel is the Doctor's brother - a bit of semi-official canon which I accept.

character: irving braxiatel, picspam, character: brigadier lethbridge-stewart, meme: top five fannish things, character: sgt benton, character: harry sullivan, character: jamie mccrimon

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