I can't win a goat this time, but I can help
Celebrate National Clown Week
Here's a little known fact: This week marks National Clown Week all across the U.S. Signed in 1970, this recognition of clowns was passed under the 91st Congress!
In observance of clown week, visit the employee mall area today from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. to celebrate, bring smiles, and make people aware that clowning is an art. The clowns will be demonstrating and distributing balloons to all those that visit.
Learn how the smiles and laughter that they bring can help lighten any person's day!
The clowns are accepting donations - but not required - to be donated to one of the Community Outreach Group's (COG) beneficiaries, the Children's Shelter.
To see more information on the history of National Clown Week, visit
I wonder if they would approve my showing up in the old black and white...