(no subject)

May 02, 2011 15:11

I have henna, an airbrush tattoo of a shark, cotton candy, snow cones, greasy fries, and rub burn.  I am a bit tired, I have a bit of a sunburn from springfest,  my friends are watching a movie, and my other friends are out drinking already. It's too early for me to join my other friends, so the obvious answer is to liveblog Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, with the soundtrack of the two frats outside my open window as a background. Let's brew some peach tea and do this.

EDIT: unfortunately i only got through about half of the movie, but here's what I did get.

If you aint takin shot's get the fuck out the club.
Patron's on the rocks and I'm ready for some LUMOS.
How did he not get in trouble for doing lumos maxima at home under his sheets at night? Oh wait, wrong movie.
Woah, I don't remember this scene! WHAT.
HP2 techno remix
I'll be waiting to open the doooor~
Woah dude, why u so dramatic?
ohai house elf DOBBY I LOVE YOU
How is he not getting the idea that he could get harry murdered by making noise? it's a simple concept
Dobby:There is a plot, harry potter, a plot to make terrible things happen. Harry: who's plotting it? Dobby:...JK Rowling.../lamp
Dobby: Mail call! Harry: YOU SLUT Dobby: Fine, I'll get you expelled. Harry: YOU SLUT I'll stand behind the pudding and make magic hands, to ensure your success.
Dudley:Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?
Why would Vernon want to keep harry home? he hates him.
Enter flying car, Harry is unfazed. What a G.
herp derp vernon falls into a bush
Vernon: drat, foiled again Petunia: What will the neighbors think?
Ron: sorry my house sucks Harry: /tearsup
MOLLYWOBBLES :D She's so scary.
Enter Ginny. Cat got your jumper?
Ginny: O.O Harry: O?O
Molly: They stole your car. Arthur: REALLY? :D
Percy could be cute if he didn't suck so bad.
OH MY GOD look at that teapot.
Why does Molly give Diagon Alley such a dramatic announcement, they've been there a hundred times.
Ron: /disappears in a firey burst of flame Molly: See, no problem Harry: O.O I'm going to die.
That floo powder must be EXPENSIVE, like gas.
Harry: /fails Draco: /Lurks
that is the happiest-looking shrunken head i've ever seen. That one still has Steelers colors on it.
Oh cool, hold hands with the creepy preserved hand on the shelf harry.
Don't pass Nosferatu, he might eat your soul
Does it rain in Diagon Alley? I guess it must, if it snows.
Oculus reparo- I need to remember that one. Yeah, why haven't you, harry? You need it enough.
I like my beats fast and my Gilderoy Lockhart down low.
Ron looks nauseous. So does Harry. And Draco. My goodness, there must be something in the water.
Women: /sigh he's so deamy Men: wtf.
Draco: I'm jealous Ginny: NBD Draco: /leer
Lucius Malfoy: Let me see Harry: No, I won't make out with you.
Lucius's pin looks like the thing from the Neverending Story.
Why is Lucius such a hoe? I don't get it.
Aw Ginny's so cute before she becomes a bad kisser~
Harry: /fail Hedwig: WTF MAN!
How does the entire student body get through Kings Cross without being noticed? That's a damn lot of owls.
Ron can drive stick at 10,000 feet. What a G.
H&R: Train? Train: BOO! :D H&R: :O
Harry falls out of the car and grabs the door, and Ron says "hold on?"
Tree: >:c H&R: x.x
This is a very different experience with rap as a background. makes them surviving the whomping willow look badass instead of stupid. well that too, but more badass.
Car: peace, bitches. Ron: X.X
Harry: bye Hedwig! hedwig: fuck you
OOH BRB Snape upbraiding.
Why does Daniel Radcliffe have no emotions here?
I love that greenhouse
Hermione: /overachieves Everyone else: yeah okay.
Susan Bones looks just like Neville. Why?
Neville's fainted. Sprout: oh just leave him there. TOUGH LOVE UNIVERSITY
I want a gif of malfoy looking smug in fluffy earmuffs. Can that happen please?
First the willow, the the mandrake. Plants: 2 Wizards: 0
Errol serves everyone chips and entertainment at Ron's expense.
Why would he open that in the GREAT HALL?
Lockhart. I had a teacher like him once. She was a trip.
He might be a derp, but he does learn names fast. I'll give him that.
Neville has some strong-ass ears.
Peskipixi pesternomi! I have no idea why that didn't work.
H&R: D: Hermione: /beasts
Aww Neville :c
Wood: earlier, harder, longer. Me: Whatever you say, coach.
Malfoy: I'm a little bitch. Hermione: /outclasses
Eat slugs! I have no idea why that didn't work.
Hagrid: better out than in. GOSPEL TRUTH, HONEY.
Give that girl a hug :'c
Lockhart: Celebrity is as celebrity does. Harry: Yeah okay, Forrest.
Walls: come to me! Me: Wood, is that you?
After studying Shakespeare I just cannot take this seriously. In Shakespeare's plays, death=metaphor for orgasm, so a giant snake saying "let me kill you" just sounds like an inflated metaphor with clear phallic symbols.
Harry: Ohai spiders. Ron: /vomit Me: you're missing the point.
How did they not notice the cat before now? It's a dead cat at eye level. Not something one sees often.
Malfoy enters the scene and Britney Spears' "3" comes on. Fanvids must happen.
Filch: I'll kill you! Harry: nothx Dumbledore: You can't actually do that.
Lockhart: I knew that. Teachers: Yeah okay.
Wait, why were so many students wandering around at midnight in that particular corridor again?
Are Hogwarts students just used to hearing loud hissing noises randomly in the halls?
Cool, choose the only person in the class with a broken wand to demonstrate.
Off-topic question is off-topic.

irl fun, technically secret, harry potter, :d

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