This will be silly.

May 06, 2011 01:43

Okay so this is going to be a bit silly, but bear with me, because I think it will be worth it.

For those of you who have listened to Panic at the Disco's song "Stall Me" from their new album Vices and Virtues, this should already make sense. For those who have not, please listen to it here [ ] and then read on.

Brace yourself for some convoluted logic.

So college is a party, yes? Some would say so.

Physics majors keep to themselves as a general rule, yes? They could sometimes even be considered wallflowers.

There is a building specifically for the study of physics at my school- it is a place where physics majors can learn and "grow" in a group, like flowers in a garden. One could even say it is a wallflower garden.

Inside this physics building is a laser optics laboratory, and adjoined to that laboratory is a darkroom. I spent my afternoon in that laboratory making holograms for fun, as any self-respecting nerd would do, given the opportunity. (I played with lasers all afternoon and made pretty 3D pictures :D but I digress.)

Therefore, today I quite literally spent my afternoon in a darkroom in the wallflower garden of the party.

I just thought I should share that with the world.

irl fun, ahahahaha, school crap, real-world weirdness

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