Bleach Drabble (398-400)

Apr 03, 2006 02:02

ARGH I should sleep or something. Get back to a school schedule. o.o But I wanted to post this before I did I guess, to prove that yes, I did get to 400 before my break ended. So.


Title: Taking the Bull by the Horns
Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Character/s: GinxIl Forte
Word Count: 454
Warning/s: Spoilers for the beginnings of the Arrancar arc.
Summary: Gin teaches Il Forte about power.
Dedication: shinigamikender, who requested it on my personal journal. ^^
A/N: The prompt was: “Il Forte- Control”… haha I always end up having him molested by Gin, don’t I? XD

Pretty ones who aren’t strong enough are some of Ichimaru’s favorite things.

Especially when they don’t know how weak they really are and they have to be shown, have to be reigned in and taught how to act properly.

Il Forte doesn’t play well with the others because his head is too big and his skill not quite enough to back it up, and when Aizen, concerned for his young one, asks Gin for his help, Gin readily agrees, smiling at little Il Forte and telling him, “Let’s get along, na?”

He shows him first, how powerless he really is. Hands wrapped around the young Arrankar’s hips, his teeth on his shoulder and a sharp cry or two when he bleeds, is all it really takes.

Gin teaches him the limits of his own strength in this manner, shows him the difference between how much someone can bleed without dying, how much he can bleed to feel good.

And Il Forte learns, however reluctantly, that pretty ones who aren’t strong have to use other means to get what they want.

They can control in other ways after all, can take charge in a manner that doesn’t involve strength so much as power. He discovers that you can be painstakingly gentle and still rule with an iron fist. Force and authority aren’t synonymous, after all.

And after many painful, wonderful weeks of instruction, Gin finally sits back and licks the blood clean from his fingers, grinning and just the tiniest bit proud when he tells Il Forte, “There now, I think you’re finished.”

Il Forte bows his head at Ichimaru-sama, grateful as any student can be.

“No, Ichimaru-sama. I’ve just begun.”

Gin laughs at that and touches his pupil’s hair, thinking that such a pretty little one has the potential to gather lots of power in his two lovely hands, if he’s learned well enough, if he remembers all the things Ichimaru has seen fit to show him.

The strong should fight.

But the powerful should control.

The moment Il Forte forgets that, his life will be forfeit.

And while Gin would love to see this pretty one around for a long time to come, while he wouldn’t mind having that attractive body and that lovely, wicked face to look down upon in his bedroom chamber, he supposes, that ultimately, the choice is up to Il Forte.

How well his cute little student learned, the educated decisions he will or will not make for himself, are all the things that will be the difference between violent death and violent glory for sweet Illy-chan.

Which one he wants for himself is all in his own hands.

Because really, if you asked him, Gin doesn’t mind either.



Title: Self-Esteem is for Everybody
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Renji, Kira
Word Count: 255
Warning/s: Spoilers for the academy special chapter?
Summary: Kira doesn't think Renji has the stones.
Dedication: para! <33
A/N: The prompt was: “Kira Izuru- Cynical”.

“You can not.”

“I can too!”

“You can’t!”

“Why the hell are you so damn convinced about me already eh?”

“Because… it’s you.”

“The hell did you get so cynical, you damn bastard?”

“Right about the time you got so deluded.”

Renji scowls at his classmate, revved up by the challenge that’s presented itself. “You don’t fuckin’ think so, huh?”

Kira shakes his head. “Not in a million years.”

“Che. Well. You obviously don’t know me at all, if you think I care what these other assholes think of me.”

The blond sniffs. “Prove me wrong then.”

“Gimme the damn thing then,” Abarai responds in kind, eyeing the article of clothing in question. “I’ll wear it all damn day.”

Kira smirks. “Will you?” he drawls, sounding just the right amount of skeptical as he hands Renji the pink-and-white sakura patterned kimono.

The redhead snatches it from him with a flourish and throws it over his shoulders. “Damn fuckin’ right I’ll wear it all day.”

And he does.

Which proves Izuru wrong of course, but the fact that Renji’s uncomfortable at everyone looking at him and speculating and laughing a little bit the whole day he has it on makes it all worth it in the end, because Kira doesn’t mind being wrong if his classmate has to make an absolute ass out of himself in order to get them there in the first place.

Besides, Kira thinks with something vaguely like wicked laughter, Renji looks kind of cute, all wrapped up in pink like that.



Title: BFF
Rating: PG-13 for swearing.
Pairing/Character/s: Ikkaku, Yumichika
Word Count: 992
Warning/s: Vague (but not really) spoilers for Ikkaku and Yumichika’s backstory.
Summary: Only Ikkaku gets to call Yumi those names, goddammit.
Dedication: tsukishine- requested over at my other journal, and I'm happy, because eleventh division love to commemorate the 400th drabble is YAYZ.
A/N: The prompt was: “Ikkaku- Being Friends with Yumi”. Um, I honestly couldn’t think up anything for the other prompt I was given that was in the top seven responses. Something about Kon and soap? I’ll meditate on it some more and hopefully be less lame and come up with something for the next one? Yes. Though…four hundred is a tempting place to stop. O.o

“God you’re such a fag,” Ikkaku mutters when Yumi stops in front of a shop window to flutter at the pretty kimonos he sees displayed behind the glass.

“I look good in floral prints,” Yumichika sniffs, still gazing dreamily over the clothes a second longer-probably just to piss Ikkaku off-before turning to follow again, completely unrepentant for his behavior.

“Dunno why the hell I keep you around,” the bald man mutters, slinging his pack over his shoulder more securely as they walk. “Try’n be a little more manly, will ya? Get us in trouble all the time, actin’ the way you do.”

The prettier man snickers at the quip because it has no basis. Ikkaku wasn’t complaining about how unmanly he was yesterday after all, when Yumichika had killed three bandits on the roadside during the fight Ikkaku had picked with them, all the while looking just as good as he does now.

“Look,” Ikkaku says after a moment, pausing when he sees a bar. “We got a pretty good haul yesterday on account of the fight I provoked. If you’d just, you know, tone it down a bit maybe we could stop around here’n enjoy the good luck for once, ya know? Try not to attract so much damn attention to ourselves.”

Yumichika almost reminds Ikkaku that he’s usually always the one who throws the first punch that gets them in trouble, but he’s learned in their considerable time together that riling up Madarame with words will simply increase the chances that his bald companion will get them thrown out of town later tonight, for drunken and disorderly (and highly costly property damaging) behavior.

“I’ll do my best,” he says instead, forcing himself to sound marginally contrite without breaking out laughing first.

Ikkaku looks at him warily. “Yeah. Well. Not like I expect ya to be perfectly well-behaved,” he concedes after a moment. “Fruity by nature or somethin’, right?”

“Demonically charming,” Yumichika corrects, before letting Ikkaku lead him into the bar.

Ikkaku snorts. “Yer a damn arrogant, incredibly gay bastard is what ya are.” And he leaves it at that, because the smell of alcohol is in the air now, and nothing distracts him better, though a nice ass on a cute girl comes real close.

They take two seats at the bar and Ikkaku orders some disgusting, murky liquid that probably burns holes in his stomach every time he drinks it while Yumi just orders a glass of plum wine and hopes that the dishware they use in this establishment is clean.

Satisfied with that, Ikkaku downs a good half of his drink when he gets it and looks forward to a peaceable evening.

It lasts for about thirty seconds.

Two half-drunk farm-hand looking types amble up to them then, Ikkaku eyeing them from the side as they box out around Yumi, snickering at the smaller man and his pretty clothes.

Madarame rolls his eyes. Like a fuckin’ pair of moths to a flame.

“Hey there, sweetheart… buy you a drink?”

Yumi gives a prissy little sniff at that-really, the sight and sound of it are so damn girly he only has himself to blame for shit like this-before responding with a, “I’ll buy my own, thank you.”

There’s a pregnant pause when the two, while still drunk, realize that the response wasn’t quite as high pitched as it should have been.

“Oi… she’s a…”


Another pause.

And then they blush, glower, and glare in that order, trying to blame their mistake on Yumichika.

Ikkaku sighs internally. Not again. The damned prissy little fuck…he’s so…

“Damned prissy little fuck…” one of the drunkards rumbles after a moment, pride injured upon having been seen blatantly hitting on a man in a public place.

“Fruity little fag,” the other one adds, similarly incensed amidst his buzzed state.

Ikkaku doesn’t know why it bothers him so damn much, because he’d been thinking the same things just a few moments ago, but before he can stop himself his fist is flying out sideways of its own volition, clocking the first man in the chin hard enough to send him reeling, to make him barrel into his comrade with a surprised yelp.

Ikkaku follows through by getting up from the bar despite the bartender’s protests and punching the second guy in the gut for good measure, elbowing him in the face after he bends double and then kicking his feet out from under him.

The first guy, recovering from that initial punch, moves to sneak up behind Ikkaku and grab him from behind, but Yumi winks at the bartender and ‘borrows’ a particularly hefty looking bottle full of wine before swinging it without hesitation at the back of the would-be assailant’s head. It shatters and sends a good spray of liquor everywhere, soaking down the front of Yumi’s clothes-tragically-- though it floors the guy pretty good.

Ikkaku, dragging his groggy opponent back up by the collar of his shirt, wraps an arm around his neck and gets him in a solid choke-hold before turning them both to face Yumichika. “Fuckin’ bastard,” the bald man breathes to his defeated foe, disgusted. “Shit like that…ain’t any of your damn business, is it?”

“Aaagh… no… not my business! Sorry!” the man gasps hastily, when he feels Ikkaku’s hold around him tighten just a little bit, enough to make it very close to dangerous. “I’m sorry!”

“Che. Damn well better be,” Madarame growls at that, before tossing the bleeding bastard down on the ground where he belongs.

It takes him a moment to realize that Yumi is absolutely beaming at him.

He blinks. “The hell is that look for?”

The pretty man laughs. “Nothing.”

Pause. “Er… your clothes got all fucked up.”

Yumi twitters. “I guess I’ll just have to buy some new ones.”

Che. Figures.

Ikkaku grumbles incredulously to himself and moves back to the bar to finish his drink. “Damned fruitcake.”


Edits plz!

yumichika, kira, ginxil forte, bleach, eleventh division, renji, ikkaku

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