Bleach Drabble (401-402)

Apr 09, 2006 00:14

forgive me for my brain does not function today...ate too much. XD


Title: Breathless
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake
Word Count: 380
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine.
Summary: Kyouraku only likes hearing Jyuushirou gasp under certain circumstances.
Dedication: mei_yanohi- because I am asshole and SUCK BAD. ;_;
A/N: Um. I thought I was going to stop. But I guess not? ^^;;

Times like these are the only ones when he likes to hear Jyuushirou gasp, when he likes to hear the other captain sigh and pant, struggling to find air in his lungs with which to breathe.

It’s only at moments like now where the sound is pleasant to Shunsui’s ears, when he can smile and lean in close and steal a little more of his precious Jyuu-chan’s breath right from his lips, soft, slow kisses and languid, knowing touches all working in tandem to get these results, this lovely pink flush on Ukitake’s cheeks and the way he takes big gulps of air and clings a little tighter to Kyouraku, nuzzling the taller captain’s ear and murmuring his name in broken moans as Shunsui wraps around him just a little bit closer.

“Is it too much?” he whispers, sweetly into his Jyuu-chan’s ear while one hand idles in the other man’s hair, fingers gently massaging Ukitake’s scalp. He smiles when he says it, because Jyuushirou’s eyes flutter open then, his hands loose fists in the sheets at his sides.

“Mmm, you think I can’t take this?” the white-haired man asks when he regains himself a little, allowing a slow smile up at his lover between quiet pants. With eyes twinkling just so, he reaches up to cup Shunsui’s face, to trace his fingers along the other man’s strong jaw line, his touch familiar and confident even as he lies beneath Kyouraku, half out of breath and deliciously naked. “I’m not as weak as you think, Shun,” he teases, leaning up to press a challenging kiss to the other man’s lips, firm and demanding and just the slightest bit amused at his lover’s presumptions.

Kyouraku shudders now-his turn to be left breathless. “Weak? Never, Jyuu-chan,” he says, happily flushed as he touches his nose to the other captain’s.

Jyuushirou’s eyes shine back up at him and Shunsui feels his heart skip a beat, feels everything inside him stop for just a moment when he looks down at the other man and his confident smile.

When he’s regained his senses, he grins and presses a kiss to Ukitake’s forehead.

“Ah, my Jyuu-chan,” he murmurs, lips feather soft against Jyuushirou’s skin, “did I ever tell you that you steal my breath away?”



Title: Free Porn!
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: lightly KenseixShinji, Lisa
Word Count: 603
Warning/s: Spoilers for the post Soul Society arc.
Summary: Lisa channels Nami.
Dedication: mei_yanohi again- and with this, my groveling is done! XD
A/N: Um. We don’t know lots about Kensei. SO…I’m guessing? PLUS I AM LAME. Sorry!! ^^;;

He really hates how that fucker smiles sometimes, like he knows something Kensei doesn’t know.

Creeps him out, really, makes him flush and look away and wonder what a good time to knife the bastard would be.

Lisa looks at him from over the rim of her porn and sniffs, like she knows something too, but then she ignores him like he isn’t worth the time and at least he has that from her, ‘stead of always having to deal with an all-too-smug grin and the feeling like every move he makes is being watched.

Don’t get him wrong, Kensei respects Shinji, has to, given how strong the asshole is, but he doesn’t like the feeling that he’s being laughed at all too well.

When he complains about it, Lisa calls him an idiot.

Kensei calls her a bitch.

And that’s that.

But Shinji grins at him and doesn’t really say much of anything, and all of a sudden all the words get caught in Kensei’s throat when he sees that stupid smile, and the best he can do after that is scowl and scoff and look away.

It makes the other Vizord twitter, and Kensei swears to god one day he’s going to slam the skinny little fuck up against a wall one-handed and pound him good.

Lisa says that’s just a precursor to copious amounts of angry sex-even shows him some pictures that burn scars into his brain to illustrate.

He calls her a bitch again and punches a hole into a nearby tree and tells her not everything is about porn, goddammit.

She smirks at him and shows him pictures until he goes away, and when he passes Shinji, the twerp snickers and winks at him and it makes him feel like he’s five or some shit like that, because apparently the blonde and the bitch know everything and he doesn’t know jack.

He’s going to snap one day, he thinks, and really pin that skinny bastard to something and fuck him up.

Would have done it a long time ago, probably, except that he sometimes thinks that that’s exactly what the smiling idiot is waiting for.

Which is probably the only reason why he hasn’t done it yet.

“Naaa, is something wrong, Kensei-san?”

“Shut the fuck up, bastard.”

Hirako laughs, short barks of delighted amusement at the rude answer. “My apologies.”

Kensei scowls and looks away, face red. “I’m goin’ to my room.”

“Haaai! Have fun doing whatever it is you do in there, ne?”

The larger Vizord makes a strangled noise of frustration in the back of his throat and storms off without another word.

Lisa listens to Hirako’s laughter and Kensei’s grumbling disbelief at the exchange, flipping idly to another page in her yaoi doujinshi as she does.

Smirking, she adjusts her glasses and thinks that those two really are pretty by-the-book as far as the standard type males go in these types of situations.

Though she supposes, if it gets her some real life porn in the near future, then it’s all well and good and she can’t complain about how they choose to go about things, as juvenile as it may be.

Besides, if things keep going like they are, she’ll probably have exactly what she wants inside the next week or two, no sweat.

And as loud-mouthed and retarded as Kensei has been lately, she can’t help but think that the free porn will more than make up for the troubles he’s caused her regarding the issue as a whole.

Especially if she can tape it and sell it for a tidy profit.


Edits severely needed, I imagine.

kenseixhirako, kensei, kyourakuxukitake, ukitake, lisa, bleach, hirako, vizords, kyouraku

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