Bleach Drabble (396-397)

Apr 02, 2006 12:35

ARGH where did my spring break go?! Anyway... still three away from the ultimate goal, hopefully I can do these today? o.o MS EATS MY BRAINS which is probably why I'm so slow lately. -_-;; These are short and sort of rushed, so apologies in advance!


Title: Good Health and Longevity
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Ukitake, Kaien
Word Count: 323
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine.
Summary: Kaien’s never seen his captain defeated.
Dedication: kaeru_chan- the next request on my lj. XD
A/N: The prompt was: “Kaien- Oranges”. Haha I don’t write Kaien all that much, hopefully um… I don’t suck at it. O. o

Kaien peels fruit for his sick captain when he goes to visit him in his hospital room, cheerful like nothing’s wrong when he shows up in the doorway with a basketful of oranges and some great stories about what Kiyone and Sentarou managed to pull off today in taichou’s absence, those crazy kids.

Ukitake appreciates his subordinate’s efforts-which are not unlike Kyouraku’s-to minimize the breadth and depth of his constant illnesses. It’s nice that the vice-captain has so much faith in the white-haired man that he considers his leader’s being sick as merely a small irritation, a little thing not worth any real consequence. He treats Ukitake like nothing’s different at all, hospital bed or office desk.

Kaien has never seen his taichou defeated by anything after all, and as he tells the other man, he’s definitely not going to pay any mind to a bug so small he can’t even see it when he squints.

So he sits at the white-haired captain’s bedside, peeling fruit and talking until Ukitake smiles at him, until his captain realizes that yes, this tiny little hindrance isn’t going to get him, not today, not ever. They sit just like that for a good amount of time and they chat a little bit about everything, and by the time the thirteenth division captain has finished a good orange and a half all on his own, a part of him is capable of forgetting he was ever sick in the first place. That for just a while, he could make his illness feel like nothing.

And that’s what Kaien’s been waiting for, what he’s always waiting for when he pays his captain these sickbed visits.

He takes Ukitake’s smile as an acknowledgement.

And Ukitake supposes that in a way, it is.

Because it’s at moments like those when he can believe it too.

That he’s not going to be beat.

Especially not by something so small.



Title: Handi-capable
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Urquiola, Grimmjaw
Word Count: 261
Warning/s: Spoilers for the current Arrankar arc.
Summary: Urquiola doesn’t make life easier for Grimmjaw.
Dedication: sw_inku- next request! Also, for aisubekijo since it's your birthday and I know you like evil things. XD
A/N: The prompt was: “Grimmy- Thuggery, Uncouth”. Ahaha everyone has Grimmjaw love lately. XD

“That’s disgusting,” Urquiola murmurs, when he sees Grimmjaw picking at the scabbed-over scar that Tousen’s blade had left when it severed his arm from his body.

The other Arrankar snarls at him, flicking dried, flaky bits of skin and blood in his general direction. “Fuck off, small fry,” he growls.

Urquiola thinks it’s a pity that such a powerful being has obviously let himself degenerate to the lowest common denominator of thug behavior, though Aizen-sama says he can’t complain at all about it because the beauty of his endeavors here lies in never knowing how his children are going to turn out beforehand, of always getting to marvel at the wide range of personalities and abilities he gets when he brings them into the world.

Urquiola is of the opinion that someone as uncouth and vile as Grimmjaw never needs to be brought into the world, much less have the ability to earn any of Aizen-sama’s appreciation, but if his leader wishes to keep the unruly Arrankar alive and around-despite his noticeable handicap-then Urquiola has no place to object.

He can, however, make Grimmjaw wish he was dead. Just a little bit.

With something almost like a smirk, Urquiola tosses a new-specially tailored-pair of hakama at his cohort. “For you,” he says, dryly.

Grimmjaw blinks, before catching the pants with his one arm. “The hell…”

Urquiola turns to leave then, eyes tinged with amusement. “Velcro,” he explains. “Thank Aizen-sama later, for his thoughtfulness regarding your condition.”

As he exits the room, Grimmjaw’s enraged curses follow him out.


Edits? YES!

ukitake, bleach, urquiola, kaien, grimmjaw

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