Bleach Drabble (394-395)

Apr 01, 2006 23:56



Title: Fooled
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: GanjyuxHanatarou, Unohana
Word Count: 826
Warning/s: No spoilers I can think of.
Summary: A day just like any other.
Dedication: requested by cheloya. Also for shinigamikender... YAY GANXHANA PRON. XD
A/N: The prompt was: “Hanatarou- April Fools”. Also doubling as his birthday fic. XD

He never really expects much for his birthday given that it’s not really that big of a deal, but he can’t help but feel a little bit disappointed when the alarm clock goes off that morning and Ganjyu rolls over with a grunt, the other man slapping ineffectually at the ringing machine until Hanatarou sighs and moves on top of him, reaching over the larger man until he gets the clock in his hands and can turn it of manually.

“Ganjyu… wake up,” he murmurs gently, shaking the other man. “It’s time to get ready to go.”

He doesn’t know why he’d expected anything, maybe a “Good morning, happy birthday,” of some sort, especially knowing how Ganjyu is in the mornings, half-conscious and growly.

Predictably, Ganjyu rolls until Hana is squished partially underneath him, the bigger man wrapping and arm around Yamada and grunting. “Five more minutes…”

Hanatarou sighs and extricates himself from his lover gently. “I’ll wake you in five more minutes, then, ‘kay?” he says, patting Ganjyu’s arm before changing into his uniform and going to start breakfast.

The morning progresses like that rather normally, Hanatarou going in to wake Ganjyu up five minutes later and having to wrestle himself away when the other man sleepily makes a second grab for him and asks for five more minutes.

Eventually the smell of food gets Ganjyu up and Hanatarou rushes them through their morning routines before they leave to work together, Ganjyu heading to his office as newly appointed eleventh division third chair and Hanatarou to the fourth division hospice.

No one says anything about his birthday all day at work either, which only surprises him in that it seems Unohana-taichou has forgotten too, and she usually at least ruffles his hair and smiles at him before wishing him a happy birthday, has done exactly that for the entire time he’s worked under her.

He sighs and does his work regardless though, because really, it’s been such a busy few weeks and he can’t expect people to sweat the little things. Maybe he can get back early enough so that he and Ganjyu can have a little dinner together-that would be nice.

He spends the day restocking medical kits for field agents mostly on his own, stuck in a dark supply room marking off quotas on painkillers and energizers and emergency reiatsu boosters.

By the time he’s done the day is almost gone and he supposes it really can’t be helped, he’s not anyone important like a captain or a second or third chair, who everyone remembers from the moment they see them.

When he steps out of the supply room, closing the door up behind him, he’s surprised to see Unohana-taichou there, passing him by in the hallway.

“Good evening, Hanatarou,” she greets, calm and lovely and serene as ever.

He smiles at her. “Good evening, taichou.”

“Would you please come with me for a moment, Hanatarou? I need a little help downstairs,” she asks, gently.

He blinks at her. “O-of course, taichou!”

He follows her down to the storage floor, obedient and willing despite his sinking heart. At this rate, he’s not even going to get to have dinner with Ganjyu either. Well, he supposes that’s that. Maybe they can eat together tomorrow.

At least they’d had breakfast together this morning, as groggy as the larger man had been.

That decided, he trails after his captain towards the big room where they keep extra clean bandages wondering what could possibly be down here that taichou would need.

She opens the door for him into a dark room and he nods in thanks.

When the light suddenly turns on he nearly jumps out of his skin in surprise.

When everyone in the room shouts “Happy Birthday!” he actually does, but luckily enough, two strong, familiar arms wrap around him, keep him from falling like always.

“Che, bet you thought I forgot, didn’tcha?” Ganjyu murmurs, pulling Hanatarou against his chest as he rests his chin on the smaller shinigami’s shoulder. “Never have any faith in me, do ya, punk?”

Hanatarou feels his heartbeat automatically increase at the sound of that voice in his ear, and turning slightly, he looks at Ganjyu, feeling the corners his lips quirking upwards into a small smile, momentarily forgetting everyone else in the room. “Ganjyu…” he laughs, sheepishly, cheeks flushed. “I did think you’d forgotten.”

Ganjyu winks. “Yeah, well. April fools, babe. Gotcha,” he taunts, not unkindly, before stealing a quick kiss. “Now c’mon, neesan made ya cake. And the candles technically, but I ain’t gonna let her use those. ‘Cuz, well, you know. They probably blow up.”

Hanatarou laughs and nods, letting his lover take him by the hand.

And as Ganjyu pulls the little shinigami into his lap, seating them at the head of a table laden with cake and presents, Hanatarou can’t help but think that this is definitely better than anything he could have expected.



Title: Ribbons and Curls
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Eleventh Division
Word Count: 139
Warning/s: No spoilers, but rampant OOCness. XD
Summary: Kenpachi can’t believe his…eye.
Dedication: sophiap- the second request on my other lj.
A/N: The prompt was: “Yachiru- Unexpectedly Girly”.

Kenpachi walks into the room and stares.

Cocks his head to the side a little bit.

Stares some more.

He blinks when his eyeball feels a little bit dry, and when the scene in front of him doesn’t change even after that, he grunts, turns around, and heads off in search of a beer or ten.

Ikkaku, embarrassed as all hell, drops the brush from his fingertips, causing Yachiru to pout up at him for her half-done pigtails. “Baldie!” she cries, impatient for him to finish. “What’re you doin’?!”

Ikkaku blushes a little. “Er…”

Yumichika, chuckling, sets the mirror he’d been holding up for them down and reaches for the brush and the ribbons himself. “I’ll finish your hair for you, fukutaichou,” he soothes happily. “Besides do you really want your hair done by someone who doesn’t have any?”


Edits, plz?

ganjyuxhanatarou, kenpachi, unohana, yumichika, bleach, eleventh division, yachiru, ikkaku

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