Bleach Drabble (291-292)

Dec 18, 2005 18:05

Just a quickie update tonight...


Title: Lift Your Head
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: slightly GinxKira, slightly WabisukexShinsou
Word Count: 518
Warning/s: Er, spoilers for Div 3 sword names? (I guess I spoiled that already tho. O.o)
Summary: Wabisuke knows its master’s weaknesses like it knows its own.
Dedication: antiparallel- this is me trying something new with the GinxKira. But dude, got your subliminal messages loud and clear. XD
A/N: So, sentient swords are a bit of a love for me, since my first ever favorite RPG was Tales of Destiny. I just uh…hope I did okay? It was a little hard. O.o

A zanpakutou is born as the reflection of its owner’s soul, its abilities and strength all in accordance with what is in the heart and mind of its wielder.

It is created in the image of the one who holds it.

Wabisuke shudders as it feels Izuru’s straining body as they battle together, every strike against them a solid blow that shakes the sword to its very hilt.

It feels Kira’s arms when they begin to fail around it, feels the fluttering, frightened soul of the blonde straining against its own, weighing it down when all it wants to do is unleash the strength it knows is hidden inside and destroy all enemies in its path.

It wonders sometimes, whether Kira knows how strong he can be. How strong they can be together, if only he’ll set them both free from their self-imposed prison. It wonders if Kira will ever know that the shackles that hold him back also hold Wabisuke back as well, keep it from using its full power. They could be so much stronger together, the sword thinks, if there was not this heavy weight tied around them both, intertwining flesh with flesh and metal with metal.

It wonders if Kira will ever realize that it is Ichimaru’s arms around him that make him shake, make him feel oh so heavy when he could fly with just simple faith in his and Wabisuke’s shared strength.

But it knows Kira’s weaknesses like they are its own, the blade understanding and mourning quietly instead of crying out to its wielder in desperation. Because Wabisuke knows exactly how Izuru feels, knows the soft murmurs of Ichimaru and the deceptively gentle touch of the third division captain with a frightening intimacy all its own.

Because when Gin smiles and strokes Kira’s cheek, when he leans down and says right in the blonde’s ear, “Believe in only me, Kira-chan,” Wabisuke as well, feels the breath of Shinsou on its back, the other sword’s metallic song hissing, “Lift your head only for me, Wabisuke.”

And the younger zanpakutou shudders just as its master does, the touch of Ichimaru’s soul wrapping around it in the form of Shinsou, its voice making Wabisuke weak, the other sword’s familiar touch making Wabisuke flutter with want.

Wabisuke knows that its master can be strong, but is held back, just as it is, by an iron weight wrapped intimately around them both. And so it knows that as Kira’s arms begin to fail now, as his heart flutters and his soul is frightened in the face of this battle, the name Izuru calls next will not be his zanpakutou’s.

Thus Wabisuke is not surprised when moments later, it feels the familiar, metallic touch of Shinsou as it fortifies the younger sword’s attack, as it winds its power around Wabisuke and murmurs, “Lift your head only for me, Wabisuke.”

Wabisuke shudders.

Outside, the young soul slayer feels Kira’s arms strengthen, feels its master’s breath quicken and his spirit flare with hope.

It hears Ichimaru Gin as the captain smiles and says, “I’m here to save you, Kira-chan.”



Title: Initiation
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Iba, Renji, Ikkaku, Shuuhei, Izuru, Hitsugaya
Word Count: 469
Warning/s: No spoilers I can think of.
Summary: Histugaya plays with the big dogs.
Dedication: requested by dorkeyy
A/N: Okay, I lied, there was one more request from that drabble thing. But NOW I’m done. The request was: “characters: the Thugs, Hitsugaya, anyone else you want to stick in there; prompt: pranks.”

“You guys, he’s a captain.”

Iba grinned. “That’s what makes it so great.”

“Erm… he could um… he could…kill us?” Kira reminded them all.

“Hey, he’s the one that wanted the sake in the first place,” Ikkaku stated in response. “We were just followin’ orders’n stuff.”

Shuuhei fidgeted. “He was obviously under duress. You know, being teased for his age and his size. And we bought him enough to make him pass out, remember? Shit…. you guys, we’re totally bad influences now!”

“You’ve become such a damn pansy over the years, anyone ever tell that?” Iba grunted, poking Hisagi in the chest. “This’ll be hilarious, I mean it. ‘sides, we warned the kid, didn’t we?”

Renji nodded. “Totally warned him.”

Shuuhei still looked tentative about the whole thing. “If anyone finds out we gave alcohol to a minor we’re gonna be in so much trouble…”

“Ah, he ain’t technically a minor,” Ikakku reassured the vice-captain impatiently. “’s totally different. Now shaddup and pass me the lipstick, will ya, Kira?”

Kira sighed, but did as he was told. “This is a strange initiation,” he murmured. “Especially since you all go on and on about being as manly as you all are.”

Renji waved the blonde off. “’s different for everyone, yeah? ‘Sides… Matsumoto shouldn’ta left her makeup lyin’ ‘round like this. It’s like askin’ for us to play with it.”

“Totally,” Iba agreed, dabbing at the unconscious young captain’s face with the lipstick Ikkaku had handed him. “Hehe, I’m sure when he wakes up, Shirou-chan’ll be the cutest two-dollar hooker we ever did see.”

“He’s going to kill us,” Hisagi exclaimed, throwing up his hands in defeat. “He’s going to wake up, look in the mirror, and freeze us all solid and then kill us.”

“Hey, he wanted to roll with the big boys. Wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t initiate him just like everyone else, right?” Iba pushed, turning to Ikkaku for affirmation.

“Exactly. Wouldn’t ya feel gypped or somethin’, Hisagi, if we let him in without so much as a how’dya do after what we made you go through?”

Shuuhei frowned. “Well…”

“Heh… remember the wig we set him up with?” Ikkaku barked, grinning broadly. “Man you were one ugly broad, Hisagi.”

“Didn’t look so hot yourself, I remember correctly,” Iba reminded the bald death god. “Damn but you were a dog of a redhead.”

“Still a better one than Abarai, eh?”

Renji rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright, shaddup, would’ja? Someone gimme that black stuff.”

“Eyeliner,” Kira supplied helpfully.

Everyone stared at him.

He looked away, blushing prettily and fidgeting with the edge of one long sleeve. “Erm… I think that’s what it is, anyway.”

They all shook their heads and went back to work, trying actively not to remember which of them had been the best cross-dresser.


Edits please?

shinsou, shuuhei, gin, ginxkira, kira, wabisukexshinsou, bleach, wabisuke, hitsugaya, renji, ikkaku, iba

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