Bleach Drabble (286-290)

Dec 17, 2005 00:41

Alright, looks like this is the last batch of requests from that thread! I am...DONE! ^^


Title: Boundaries
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuxYumi, possible (if you want to see it) Ikkaku+Yumi
Word Count: 431
Warning/s: No spoilers I can think of.
Summary: Shuuhei has a burning question to ask Yumichika. Yumichika responds.
Dedication: for mikken, because anyone who writes ShuuxYumi without me having to whore myself out shamelessly to beforehand is AWESOME. *hearts*
A/N: You heard me. She wrote ShuuxYumi OF HER OWN FREE WILL. That’s why we’re best friends now. *nod* Also, inspired by a comment from imparfait on my fic journal. I think I’m too attached to ShuuxYumi to write IkkakuxYumi seriously… sorry! ^^;;

“So, you and Ikkaku are pretty close, huh?”

Yumi blinks at the sudden, rather random inquiry. “Yes.”

Shuuhei looks at the other man’s face as he asks the question and at Yumichika’s unaffected reaction, decides that he doesn’t want to know the answer that much.

Flushing, he turns away. “Er, never mind.”

Yumi cocks his head to the side, curiosity aroused by his lover’s unconscious body language. “Is something the matter?”

“No,” Hisagi says too quickly.

He catches Yumi’s eyes as they narrow suspiciously and winces internally.



“Are you…”

“No.” Hisagi cringes. Is that really his voice right now? He sounds four years old. “Er, I mean… am I what?” he tries again, with what he thinks is an admirably level tone.

Yumi crosses his arms. “Why are you asking about me and Ikkaku?”

“Just…curious,” Shuuhei says, looking away and rubbing awkwardly at the back of his neck. “Since you know…the two’ve you are so… close.”

“And you want to know if…”

Dammit. Trust Yumichika to hit it on the head at the exact moment Shuuhei doesn’t want him to. “Uh. Maybe.”

“How long have you been thinking about this?”

Forever. “Not long.”

The eleventh division death god quirks a brow. “And if I said yes?”

Shuuhei frowns. Grits his teeth and manages a, “Then… well. Uh. Good for him. He should only be so lucky.”

Yumi laughs at him.

Shuuhei flushes and says, “It ain’t funny, asshole.”

Later, when a still chuckling Ayasekawa tells Ikkaku about this, his longtime friend’s eyes bug ever so slightly and he spits out his beer.

“You told him what?” he demands incredulously, wiping dribble from his chin with the back of his hand.

Yumi is delighted by how both of their reactions have been thus far. Smiling, he says, “You heard me.”

Ikkaku slaps a hand to his forehead.

He makes a mental note to be on guard for the next few weeks, when Shuuhei tries to kill him dead for Ayasekawa’s slanderous lies.

Yumichika is amused enough about the whole thing that Ikkaku doesn’t know whether to be offended or relieved that his best friend finds the idea of them together so laughable.

Shuuhei punches him in the eye the next day. And then looks genuinely surprised at his own actions, immediately apologizing to the bald shinigami with a, “Sorry… I just saw you and it was like, an instinct or something.”

At that point-i.e. when his eye is swollen shut-- Ikkaku decides that how he feels about the situation doesn’t matter anymore.

Because either way, Yumi’s gonna get it.



Title: Idol Worship
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: IsshinxRyuuken, mentions IsshinxMasaki
Word Count: 297
Warning/s: Er, spoilers for who Ryuuken is I suppose. -_-;;
Summary: Ryuuken sympathizes with Masaki.
Dedication: laliho- because you’re the type of person who doesn’t just bring a pairing into the world but also births a fandom. XD
A/N: I don’t remember where I saw it, but there was an icon somewhere denouncing IsshinxRyuuken on the basis of the pairing not having a giant poster. My first (probably very insensitive) reaction was… “Um…Ryuuken’s not dead.” So then I got an idea, and here it is. The weirdest things give me ideas. O.o

Ryuuken thinks he’s more relieved than disturbed when Isshin goes to his wife’s memorial poster and converses with it, usually complaining about how “Ryuu-chan doesn’t love me this” and “Ryuu-chan is so mean that.”

It means he isn’t the one who has to listen to Kurosaki’s whining.

Though a part of him feels guilty for unleashing the other man on Masaki, who should at least be allowed to rest at this point.

Eventually, it gets to the point where he takes Isshin by the shoulder, saying, “Leave the poor woman alone.”

“Masaki doesn’t mind!” Isshin insists, gesturing broadly to the shining poster like it’s going to nod in agreement any second now.

Ryuuken’s eye twitches.

And then a horrible, terrifying thought occurs to him. “You’re not…you’re not going to put a poster of me up there, are you?”

Isshin looks puzzled at the question. And then he reaches out and pinches the other physician’s ass.

The Quincy yelps in a rather undignified manner and jumps sideways. When he regains his equilibrium enough to glare, he does. A lot. “What could have possibly prompted you to respond to my inquiry with that?” he demands, looking like he’s on the verge of getting huffy.

“Just wanted to make sure you weren’t dead,” Isshin responds-to Ryuuken’s horror-in what looks like complete seriousness.

“That makes absolutely no sense, Kurosaki.”

Isshin crosses his arms. “You don’t get a poster unless you’re dead,” he announces regally, before turning to the giant portrait and burbling, “Ne, Masaki?”

Ryuuken slaps a palm to his forehead and decides that this is as good an excuse as any for him to aspire to immortality.

He walks off with the beginnings of a massive headache, muttering a thousand apologies to Masaki on her idiot husband’s behalf.



Title: Healing
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: hinted at ByakuyaxRenji, Unohana, Kenpachi, (flirting?) Ukitake, Soi Fong (flirting?)
Word Count: 753
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Soul Society arc.
Summary: Life in the fourth division hospital after the chaos.
Dedication: requested by chironstar
A/N: I’ll admit it feels like it’s going to be trouble to try and get these characters all into the same frame together, but I suppose that’s the challenge. --;; The request was: “Well, I was hoping you could write a ByaRen with a little bit of Ukitake x Soi Fon (crack pairing love!) thrown in ... perhaps with a mention of Kenpachi x Unohana (like an offhand comment or something, because those two crack me up)? Actually, Uki x Soi Fon could be the prompt too, if you needed one.” Um… I’ll see what I can do… ^^;;

“Ma’am, I can’t find Abarai, fukutaichou!” one of the orderlies exclaims frantically, looking frazzled. “I was supposed to change his bandages five minutes ago but when I went into his room he wasn’t there and…”

Unohana reaches out and pats her subordinate on the head calmly. “Try Kuchiki-taichou’s room, ne?”

The young girl blinks. “Why would…” and then trails off, blushing. “Oh. You think…”

The captain smiles. “It’s worth investigating, don’t you think?”

“Yes ma’am!”

Unohana continues on her rounds as her underlings scurry around, and is glad for the propitious timing of today’s events when she catches Zaraki Kenpachi in the middle of climbing out of one of her building’s windows while scoffing to another eleventh division patient, stating that “Anyone thinks they’re strong enough to keep me here, they can go ahead and challenge me, I ain’t stayin’ another night. Damn needles.”

“Zaraki-taichou,” she begins, reaching out and grabbing a handful of gi from the small of his back as he’s about to disappear. “Please return to your bed. The faster you heal the faster you can leave without the threat of being hunted down, drugged, and dragged back, after all,” she explains benevolently, giving a small tug on the material of his clothes.

He turns around, one foot out the window, his feral eye glaring hard at her. “That a threat?”

Unfazed, she looks right back at him. “Procedure.”

They stare at each other for a moment.

He’s the one to avert his eyes first. “Che. Damn procedures.”

His subordinate has the unfortunate luck of being unable to hold in a snort when his captain climbs back through the window, and Unohana has to keep Zaraki from clobbering the other patient. “No violence within these halls please,” she reminds him as she calmly pulls the eleventh division captain from the open hallway and back towards his room.

He calls her all manner of heinous things along the way but before long she doesn’t have to pull very much anymore.

After depositing him back into his bed and telling him someone will be in to check on him momentarily, she continues towards the check-up wing and finds several patients already waiting for her.

Standard protocol dictates that after involvement in any major battle, all captains are to proceed to the fourth division hospice in order for a full check-up. They are not allowed to return to active duty until issued a full bill of health.

It seems gratuitous at times, that such strong people should be forced to adhere to such strict dictates, but Unohana has found throughout her long tenure here that it is often the strongest people who are most neglectful of their own wellbeing.

She nods in familiar greeting to Ukitake Jyuushirou as she heads to her office, the veteran officer gently soothing an indignant Soi Fong as she complains bitterly about having to be here when she knows perfectly well she is fine.

He tells her, warm and friendly, that no one wants to see her injured and that it’s best to be safe about these things, so that if she did sustain something in her fight, it can be tended to now and won’t manifest itself sometime down the line and incapacitate her career as a captain. “It would be a shame,” he says in that tranquil voice of his, “if someone with such skill should be forced to resign early because she did not keep in perfect health.”

Soi Fong huffs and leans back, the younger girl eyeing Jyuushirou with some skepticism. He smiles back, completely genuine, and reaches out to pat her head like they are the best of friends.

She sighs, crosses her arms, and averts her gaze sideways. “Very well.”

Unohana shares a secret smile of thanks with Ukitake at that and opens the door to her office, calling over her shoulder, “I’ll see you now, Ukitake-san.”

He stands, winking at Soi Fong. “It’ll be over before you know it, just watch,” he says with the confidence of someone who has done this many times. “And since you’re much younger and much fitter than me, I’m sure yours will be doubly fast.”

The second division captain rolls her eyes at his statement, though the fact that her cheeks redden ever so slightly does not escape the two other captains’ notice.

As Unohana escorts Jyuushirou into her office she thinks that even though things are beginning to calm down again in seireitei, it’s wonderful that they never seem to calm down too much.



Title: So Pretty and Witty and…
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Keigo, Ikkaku, Yumichika
Word Count: 622
Warning/s: Spoilers for up to Ch 206
Summary: The weird new kids spend the night at Keigo’s place.
Dedication: JaB- Antique Bakery is AWESOME.
A/N: I just love Antique Bakery. And so I blatantly stole a line and decided that it would totally work for Ayasekawa as well. XD

Keigo swallowed, watching the two new (weird) kids from school as they made themselves comfortable in his room, the bald one bleeding everywhere and the other one bustling around murmuring like it was the most normal thing in the world that the bald one was bleeding everywhere.

He stared.

“Ne, Asano-saaaaan, I’m going to borrow your bathroom now, ‘kay?”

The pretty one-Ayasekawa?-beamed at him.

Momentarily blinded, all he could do was nod.

“Wai!!!” and then Ayasekawa pranced down the hall, burbling happily about finally getting to wash the filth off of him.

“Better not come out naked again, asshole. Nobody but Hisagi wants to see that, ya hear me?” the bald one croaked after his companion belligerently, before coughing up some blood and cursing as it dribbled down his chin.

“Er…maybe we should um…take you to a hospital?” Keigo started again.

“Aw, shaddap. Told you already, ‘s just a scratch,” Ikkaku insisted. “Just lemme get some sleep. Be fine in the mornin’.”

“Are you…”

“I’m sure,” he insisted again.

“Okay…” Keigo responded, reluctantly giving up on the matter. “Just uh, try not to get blood everywhere. Er…everywhere else.”

“Che, wiseass. Should be thankin’ me for savin’ your damn hide.” Pause. “Er…get over here’n roll me onto my side, would ya?”

Keigo sighed. Why the hell not at this point, right? After everything he’d witnessed tonight, rolling a half-dead, bald, supposed high-school student onto his side because he didn’t have the muscle power right now to do it himself wasn’t even in the top five of weird-ass things that had happened this evening.

He got up and moved to push baldy-Madarame?- over as gingerly as he could, succeeding in rolling the injured man up onto his left side.

Madarame grunted in satisfaction. “Thanks. Can’t sleep on my damn back. Er, not without bein’ drunk first, that is.”


“Oh, and just ‘cuz I sorta like you, even if you’re not too quick, best to avert your eyes when Yumi comes into the room outta that shower.”

Asano blinked. “Er…is he really going to come out naked?”

Ikkaku scoffed. “’S possible. But even if he don’t…what was the term? He’s… “a gay of demonic charm”… or somethin’ like that. So if you’re a little bit, well, you know, then it’ll probably be dangerous…”

Keigo balked. “I’m not!”

Ikkaku snorted. “Yeah. Sure. Okay. Just warnin’ you. Seen it happen way too many times, is all.”

Keigo swallowed. “Don’t worry. I’m not.”

“Well good then.”

And then he was snoring.

Keigo stared at the bald guy’s back for a little bit after he’d drifted off, feeling strangely indignant about the conversation just ending like that.

Half dead or not, Asano was about to shake him back awake when he couldn’t take it anymore, except that his bedroom door burst open before he could.

Ayasekawa, humming happily and all flushed and smooth-looking from the steam, strolled into the bedroom with nothing but a thin towel wrapped low around his waist.

Keigo stared.

Ayasekawa, catching the boy’s look of stupid awe as he stepped in, smiled winningly. “The shower was wonderful,” he purred. “Thanks!”

Maybe Keigo was wrong in thinking that the strangest event of the evening had already come and gone. His throat bobbed. “Uh… I uh… no problem!”

And then he dive-bombed into his bed without waiting a beat, pulling the covers up over his head and curling into a little ball like he was five again and hiding from the boogey man.

Amused, Yumichika twittered and gave a satisfied little toss of his head.

He could practically hear the kid’s heart beating a million miles per hour in his chest from all the way across the room.

Yup. He still had it.



Title: My Greatest Secret Revealed
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: IkkakuxIzu
Word Count: 335
Warning/s: No spoilers in this one.
Summary: Loosely related to all the past IkkaIzu I’ve done- Ikkaku shares something monumental with Kira.
Dedication: sw_inku- just a few more days of classes, right? ganbatte!
A/N: Because I am now done with all the requests and thus, felt like writing something all on my own just ‘cuz it feels like it’s been a while (though it hasn’t really).

He looked nervous, which wasn’t like him. In turn, it made Kira nervous, which was exactly like him (a long time ago).

He held his breath and looked at Madarame and wondered what it was that had gotten his lover so worked up.

“Uh, say… I got um, I got somethin’ I feel I gotta tell ya, Izuru,”

Kira offered a shaky smile. “Sure.”

Ikkaku, cheeks slightly red, scratched at the side of his mouth. “Well. Ya see. You’n I…we’ve…well, you know. For a while now.”

“We have.”

“So, well… it ain’t much, but I just wanted to uh, tell ya… I uh…”

Izuru, heart fluttering as rapid as a rabbit’s in his chest upon hearing that, did his best to look supportive. “Yes?”

“Okay… so…” Ikkaku knelt, avoiding eye contact with the blonde as he took one of Kira’s hands in his. He coughed. “Uh… just so ya know… I uh…decided to tell ya my most secretest secret today.”

The blonde wasn’t sure to be relieved, worried, puzzled, or all of the above at the admission. He settled for swallowing and squeezing the other death god’s hand gently.

“It’s somethin’ I ain’t ever told anyone. Not taichou, not fukutaichou, not nobody. Hell, Yumi don’t even know this.”

Izuru’s breath caught slightly at the admission. “I’m honored.”

Ikkaku looked up then, at the familiar sound of Kira’s quietly encouraging voice. “It’s ‘cuz… well, since you’re… and I…really, really, really… well… you know.”

Kira smiled again and reached out with his free hand to touch Madarame’s face. “Me too.”

He was rewarded with Ikkaku’s relieved, lopsided smile. “Well. Okay then.”

And then he stood, tugging Kira into a standing position next to him. “I’m gonna teach you how to do my luck-luck dance.”

Kira blinked.

“But ya gotta promise not to tell anyone else in the world, kay? This…this is just fer you’n me, and that’s it. Nobody else, ever.”

Izuru beamed. “Promise.”

“Alright then. Er… you ready?”

“Show me.”

“Well…first ya start with this leg…”


Edits definitely needed all over the place. ^^;;

isshin, isshinxmasaki, shuuheixyumichika, shuuhei, soi fong, keigo, kenpachi, ryuuken, unohana, ikkakuxkira, kira, yumichika, ukitake, bleach, isshinxryuuken, ikkaku, byakuyaxrenji

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