Bleach Drabble (293-297)

Dec 19, 2005 15:12

Wow, lots of zanpakutou stuff today. o.o


Title: Freeze the Sky
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Hitsugaya, Hyourinmaru
Word Count: 492
Warning/s: Spoilers for ch 208
Summary: A guardian spirit of ice that comes along only once in many generations- Hyourinmaru.
Dedication: emlan- because I was totally thinking of your Hitsu-puppy when I wrote his reactions here. XD
A/N: So I’ve been wanting to write about the swords lately? *shrug* I guess this also doubles for Toushirou’s birthday. XD

Hyourinmaru resents the limits it has been placed under for these past years.

The dragon is a rare, sacred sword, a spiritual being of immense grace and power meant to be revered by all and wielded by only the best.

To be trapped inside the small, fragile body of this arrogant boy is a slap in the face.

To be denied the full glory of its birthright is insulting to both the ice dragon’s reputation and to the word ‘genius’, which has been so liberally gifted to Hitsugaya Toushirou by those who do not know any better.

Those fools cannot even begin to grasp the true depth of Hyourinmaru’s ability. Nor can they understand the fact that Toushirou, so young and foolish and proud, is not truly the genius they believe him to be.

Because Hyourinmaru is more powerful than Histugaya is capable of withstanding, a guardian of nature that could snap the form it has been trapped inside of just as easily as it destroys the Hollows it is forced to battle.

Full if indignant longing, Hyourinmaru roars its outrage in the frozen skies as the flowers of ice begin to shatter like glass around it.

The boy is at his limit.

Hyourinmaru is not even close.

Writhing in anger, it disappears for a breath, leaving the boy to the Arrankar’s attack in one fleeting moment. It feels Toushirou’s pain as his body is ripped asunder and the power is drained from his limbs when the attack connects. The young form falls to the ground and Hyourinmaru watches it, glaring.

The boy believes he will die.

No one can measure the rage of the ice dragon as it looks down at its pathetic master, the one whom it had allowed to use its strength simply because there was no other option.

Not many souls call to the ice and snows of the deep in which Hyourinmaru sleeps. The dragon slumbers there, frozen in time, awaiting the call of a spirit compatible with its own to wake it, to bind with it and allow it glorious battle once more.

It happens only once in many millennia.

The dragon spirit cuts the air above the motionless body of its master and hisses contemptuously in his ear. “Are you dead already, little boy?”

One cold green eye opens and gazes back at the ice guardian disdainfully. “Something like that won’t kill me,” he gasps, though blood trickles from his mouth as he says it.

Such audacity!

Hyourinmaru shrieks, snapping the air in its jaws and causing the gaseous water molecules between them to freeze and fall from the sky. “Do you wish to be stronger, little boy? Can you? Or shall I leave you here? Return to my sleep and await a stronger master, an eon from now?”

A bloody hand reaches towards the roaring ice spirit. “Damn stupid dragon. Shut up and show me while I’m still young, would you?”

Hyourinmaru smiles. “Very well.”



Title: Crest of the Dragon
Rating: PG-13 for swearing.
Pairing/Character/s: Ikkaku, Hozukimaru
Word Count: 102
Warning/s: Spoilers for Ch 206
Summary: Hozukimaru is a reflection of Ikkaku.
Dedication: idiosyn- because I still adore your characterization of Hozukimaru and Ikkaku best. *heart*
A/N: Yeah, I’m being a dumbass and just writing about the swords like a crazy person now. *sigh* I’m so unoriginal. -_-;;

Hozukimaru groans and stares at the sky, breaths coming in pants that taste like blood.

“Fuckin’ shit,” it exclaims after a moment, wincing when it feels its shattered edges reverberate with the vocalization of its disbelief.

“No kidding,” Ikkaku responds, equally as splayed out on his bloodied, broken back.

They wheeze and cringe and bleed together on the floor, the soul slayer’s broken body the mirror image of its wielder’s.

For a moment, there is nothing but silence between them, stunned incredulity at the outcome of their battle.

And then, “This is all your fault, ya great idiot.”

Ikkaku snarls. “Aw, shaddup.”



Title: Playing God
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Urahara, Mayuri
Word Count: 424
Warning/s: Spoilers for Mayuri’s part in the Soul Society arc and possibly for ch 207.
Summary: Urahara and Mayuri and their finest achievements.
Dedication: Beck- I’m comin’ home soooooon!!!! *sparkle*
A/N: This has been bugging me for a while but I really didn’t want to write it because…well, I didn’t think I could do it well. But it bugged me and bugged me and bugged me and I decided to just do it and be done with. I think the results are less than good, but it’s out of my system, which is a relief. Maybe someone else can do this parallel more justice than I can in the future? Or already has? *shrug*

He made her with a smile, called himself her father even before her first breath. He shaped her with everything he considered dear and anticipated a truly beautiful daughter to open her eyes and look up at him once he was done.

They said it was unethical; to play the role of god and mold a life out of nothing for his own amusement, but Urahara had no ambitions towards divinity that he knew of when he started on that dear little one.

He just thought that it would be nice, maybe, to not have to be alone in this new world.

When she opened her eyes, she smiled at him shyly and he patted her head.

She was everything he could ever have wanted and every day as he watched her grow and learn and gain strength in this strange human world, he found himself looking forward, more and more, to seeing what she would do next.

Urahara created her with a heart full of hope.

He felt Ururu was perfect.

He made her with determination, called her his greatest achievement even before her first breath. He shaped her with everything he considered practical and necessary to become a competent shinigami. He anticipated a fully functional, unquestionably obedient servant to open her eyes and look up at him once he was done.

They said it was unethical; to make a life for no other purpose than servitude, to become a father for the sole reason of having control over another person. But Kurotsuchi had no ambitions towards fatherhood that he knew of when he started on experiment number four-hundred and thirty-six.

He thought that it would be convenient, unquestionably, to have something in this world completely devoted to his ambitions and his ambitions alone.

When she opened her eyes, he smiled and told her to hold still, he wasn’t quite done yet. When she screamed, he slapped her and told her not to shift the mechanisms before her completion for risk of complications in the process.

When she was finished, she was almost everything he had intended her to be, though every day he grew less and less impressed with his own work as he watched her grow and learn and gain strength as his vice-captain. As she began to develop a will of her own, he found himself growing more and more wary of what foolish thing she would do next.

Mayuri created Nemu with a heart full of ambition.

He felt that the results of his experiment were far from perfect.



Title: Locked Away
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Kenpachi, ????
Word Count: 377
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Ichigo/Kenpachi fight in the SS arc.
Summary: She’s a princess trapped in a tower.
Dedication: Mel- I believe in your Skye fic!
A/N: I’m going to stop. I mean it. I will. I WILL STOP BEING SO CHEAP. Also, this is RAGING speculation on my part, but that’s the fun part, right? Right. Aheh.

She’s cried out for so long her voice is all but gone. She is tearstained and lonely, trapped from her owner by the deep, immobile barrier he has placed between them.

Her edges are jagged and her shine has dulled considerably from its once magnificent state.

It doesn’t matter. All she wants in the whole wide world is to have Zaraki hear her voice.

It hurts to be without an identity, to be used as tool and have her soul neglected. Her true strength is kept separately contained from his, sealed in the syllables of her name.

She’s a princess locked away in a tower, weeping as the sounds of battle rage outside.

For many, many years she’s been alone like this, crying out for help with no one to save her.

He never asks for her name, and it’s all she needs in the world to break the curse and set her free.

She could fight beside him, if he would let her. She could bolster his strength, temper his enormous power, could channel and shape it into something magnificent, the combination of the best of their natures working in concert.

But he’s locked her away and thrown away the key.

He uses her body as a tool only; coldly ignoring her pleas to let her out, let her join him.

It wears on her and wears on her and after many years, she one day hears a boy cry out, “This is my power and Zangetsu’s together!” And when she hears the roar of another zanpakutou as it slices ferociously into the flesh of her master, that’s it. The end. She can’t take it anymore.

All the years, all the begging, the tears, the isolation-it’s too much.

She breaks.

She feels herself shatter with a cry, her weary voice barely a whisper as she feels them both falling, as she feels her master’s arm go limp and his breath shudder and give.

Then everything goes dark.

She wakes later, feeling her broken body as it is clutched to a heaving chest.

She hears a voice.

“It sucks not having a name, huh?”

And then she hears him ask her for hers.

She’s so surprised that for a moment, she doesn’t know what to say.



Title: Remembering the Rain
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Zangetsu, Shirayuki
Word Count: 500
Warning/s: Spoilers for Ch 202.
Summary: Zangetsu remembers the day the world shifted.
Dedication: emlan again, because she is full of the Zangetsu love.
A/N: I should stop this, shouldn’t I? -_-;;

He would probably never admit it even if asked directly, but the first time his world shifted to the sideways orientation it had now, he’d panicked.

He hadn’t known what was going on in young Ichigo’s life at that exact moment, what monumental event could have happened that would cause the boy’s entire world to shift degrees in the wrong direction.

He knew what it was now, of course, but that first time when he’d blinked and suddenly found himself plunging, it had been the most disconcerting thing he’d ever experienced.

That is, until the rains had come.

It had been as if the shifting of Ichigo’s universe was merely a harbinger for the endless torrential storms that buffeted Zangetsu day in and day out for many years after that.

For a long time, he had been trapped in dark world that never stopped raining, cold and wet and alone.

It felt like the water drained the strength from his bones, and Zangetsu could never remember anything more painful than the sensation of his power being ripped away from him one layer at a time, as if the rain was eroding his very persona away with each ice cold drop.

He remembered curling up in the corner of one of the buildings and willing himself to sleep, if only to lessen the toll of the rain on his heart.

But then one day he’d awoken to another earthquake, and feared for the worst again, feared that Ichigo’s internal balance was going to shift once more and this time, leave him completely upside-down.

When the shaking came to a halt, Zangetsu had stood and tentatively peered out of the nearest window.

Everything had looked exactly as he had left it.

Except for a moment… it seemed as if the rain had stopped.

When he turned around again, a small white rabbit blinked back at him from across the room.

They’d stared at each other in astonishment.

He remembers that this astonishment had lasted several days.

But he had found that Shirayuki was not so bad once they’d gotten over their mutual distrust of one another, and before long, Zangetsu decided that it wasn’t so bad to not be alone anymore.

The rain had stopped that day. It was as if the little snow rabbit had frozen it in the sky above them, causing a quiet calm that soothed Zangetsu’s weary heart, made him feel strong again.

The rain had stopped that day, for just a little while.

And when she left, it began again.

But the second time around was less troubling for Zangetsu.

He’d stood and stretched, looking to the sky in defiance of the storm that brewed in Ichigo’s heart.

This time, he did not mourn the coming of the rain, did not curl up inside one of the poorly constructed refuges and hope for the sun to break through again.

Instead, he called Ichigo’s name.

He roared.

Because this time, Zangetsu knew how to make the rain stop.


Edits totally needed. -_-;;

shirayuki, kenpachi, hyourinmaru, hozukimaru, zangetsu, mayuri, urahara, bleach, hitsugaya, ikkaku

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