Bleach Drabble (249-252)

Nov 17, 2005 00:29

Okay, I just SUCK this week. Let's all blame my Film project? Yeees. *shifty-eyed*


Title: Living Well
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: KuukakuxYoruichi (ish)
Word Count: 600
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Shiba family’s past.
Summary: Yoruichi visits Kuukaku
Dedication: Alex- YOU WANTED YURI, now you get it (sort of). Draw me ghei. XD
A/N: Damn you Vinnie, he would have drawn for me for free. :P And holy shit, more yuri? I’m gonna have to balance this out with SOMETHING. Though I suppose this isn’t THAT bad…rather ambiguous really, and I’m BAD at yuri, have I mentioned that? Ah well. The biggest problem I think I have is the…SCREAMING OOC? Yes. That would be the biggest problem. My only excuse is that Kuukaku might be young, or something? O.o I don’t know. This is what happens when I try to write yuri. -_-;;

She showed up at the Shibas’ doorstep a few days after Kaien’s funeral, a long time gone but somehow, still remarkably caught up on all the happenings in seireitei despite her absence.

Kuukaku had merely stared at the cat-woman who was standing there in front of her while she sat on the floor and smoked her pipe and drank her sake, unable to cry because tears never belonged in this great noble house.

Yoruichi hadn’t said anything about Kaien’s loss to her, had only come in like she owned the place and sat down beside her, grabbing the pipe out of Kuukaku’s hand and puffing on it herself for a moment.

They didn’t talk, the clank of Kuukaku’s sake bottles and the heavy breaths they took as they smoked the only noise between them for the longest time.

And then, when Kuukaku couldn’t take it anymore, when her vision was beginning to blur ever-so-slightly around the edges, she turned to Yoruichi and demanded, “Well? What do you want?”

Yoruichi had simply taken the sake bottle and Kuukaku’s dish and poured herself a drink, toasting some invisible entity before downing the contents in one smooth tilt. “I’m here to pay my respects,” she explained after she’d swallowed, placing the empty container down on the ground with a soft clunk. “And to wish Kaien-bocchama a happy rebirth.”

Kuukaku bit her bottom lip when she heard her brother’s name spoken out loud so easily, especially when Yoruichi said it like that, like it was that simple and Kaien was just in the process of reincarnating and not really as gone as he felt.

But Yoruichi had pushed on anyway, despite Kuukaku’s discomfort, and with a voice that sounded as if it held no grief at all, the former shinigami had sighed and said, “He lived well, didn’t he? Che. I remember when that little brat…”

Each and every word that followed had only served to get on Kuukaku’s nerves more and more, because they were words she was supposed to say but couldn’t find the breath for at the moment.

“…and then the rug-rat has the nerve to come up to me and tell me he’s getting married? I hadn’t realized so much time had passed. Che. Well… he always did know how to live well, that brat. I suppose…”

“Would you cut that out already?” Kuukaku growled at that point, glaring at her family friend with suspicious moisture gathering in the corners of her eyes. “Geez, ya sentimental idiot, I know all this. I was there, remember?”

Despite the outburst, Yoruichi had smiled. “Yeah, I remember.”

“And then that stupid idiot said ya had your chance but that he just couldn’t marry you anymore and you hit him on the head and… and…”

Yoruichi pulled her into a hug, just as the tears started falling. Two single drops trekking down the sides of the younger woman’s face and that was all.

From there Yoruichi had pet Kuukaku’s hair and kissed those tears from her cheeks, her smile never disappearing as she cupped the young Shiba’s face and looked into her eyes, saying, “He knew how to live well, didn’t he?”

Kuukaku had managed a little laugh at that, a short bark that sounded half-relieved and half-genuine, and touching her forehead to Yoruichi’s for a moment, asked, “So, you stayin’ tonight?”

Yoruichi used the palm of her hand to properly dry Kuukaku’s face. “Of course.”

The corners of her lip quirking upward at that, Kuukaku muttered somewhat ironically, “Live well, right?”

Yoruichi, breathing deeply, leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Something like that.”



Title: Choices, Choices
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuxYumi, Shuuhei+Kira, Ikkaku+Kira, Iba+Kira, Renji+Kira, implied GinxKira.
Word Count: 965
Warning/s: Post Soul-Society Arc spoilers.
Summary: Sort-of companion piece to #238 (Thug Love)- Yumichika intercedes.
Dedication: lune_etsoleil- here is your Kira is the ultimate UKE fic. Sort of. ^^;; Also to antiparallel because EVERYONE LOVES KIRA (abuse).
A/N: I WILL NEVER STOP BEING MEAN TO KIRA, WILL I? On an even stupider note, this totally started going in one direction before veering around and going in the opposite while getting high on crack at the same time. Oh well.

Yumichika, fed-up with watching everyone pussyfoot around poor Kira Izuru like he was going to break if they tried anything unexpected, took matters into his own hands one day when he decided to crash the group’s weekly boys’ night outing, showing up unexpectedly a few moments after Shuuhei.

Everyone was surprised.

“Yumi…ah…what’re you…”

“Stealing Kira-san for a moment!” Yumi declared brightly, smiling a million-watts at everyone and grabbing Izuru by the arm before anyone could properly react.

“Oi…Yumi, maybe that ain’t such a good idea,” Ikkaku had started, nervously eyeing a bewildered looking Kira and a determined looking Yumichika. “Er… sure you can join in tonight if ya want but uh…”

“Yeah, yeah, you can join. Just um…maybe ya shouldn’t be so rough with Kira, yeah?” Renji finished for Ikkaku

“Oh nonsense, he’s a man, isn’t he?” Yumichika challenged, looking around archly.

When no one said anything, he took it as acquiescence, and smiling, flounced off with Kira in tow.

Iba, Ikkaku, and Renji all looked at Shuuhei accusingly.

“It’s not my fault!!” Shuuhei insisted, telling them that he hadn’t known Yumi was going to crash their outing tonight.

Meanwhile, at another table in the mahjong parlor, Kira looked around nervously, wondering what senpai’s lover possibly had to say to him.

“Na, Kira, you really need to speak up for yourself, I think,” Yumi started conversationally, though the subject matter wasn’t conversational at all. “Those four idiots over there obviously don’t think you can take care of yourself, eh?”

Kira blinked. “Eh?”

Yumi looked at him appraisingly. “I know why, of course. It’s because you’re very cute when you look like that!” he exclaimed, looking self-satisfied at his brilliant deduction.

The blonde just blinked some more.

Yumi sighed and leaned forward. “Shuuhei always comes home and says he’s worried about you,” the dark-haired shinigami murmured, looking around to make sure no one was listening. “I always ask him if he’s in love with you after he says that, and of course he says no, but I know better…”

“Ah, senpai and I aren’t like that!” Kira interjected quickly on Shuuhei’s behalf, not wanting to cause the other vice-captain any trouble with his lover.

Yumichika waved a hand dismissively. “Oh I know that. But I also know that if he had to make a second choice, he loves you second best.”

Kira blushed. “Er…well… I won’t… we don’t…”

Yumichika shook his head at Izuru’s pink-faced fidgeting. “It’s because Kira-kun is so cute… I mean… look at you!” he declared, indicating the shy bent of the blonde’s lips and the sad, but hopeful turn of his eyes. “It’s not your fault, I know what having such natural beauty means myself, after all. I can’t very well blame you for almost being as blessed as me, ne?”

“Er… of course not.”

“But enough about Shuuhei, because you can’t have him,” Yumi continued simply. “What I want to know is…which of the other three idiots are you going to choose? I mean, you know none of them are going to step up and be men about it, given how timid they are with you and your messy break-up from before, so you’ll just have to be the one to make the first move, ne?”

“Eh?!” Kira wasn’t quite sure he was keeping up properly with Ayasekawa’s rapid-fire talking. He could have possibly heard what he just thought he heard.

Yumi on the other hand, simply looked vaguely scandalized at the blonde’s surprise. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed…”

The dumb look Izuru shot back at him had him shaking his head again.

He indicated the four idiots standing in the background, all of them trying to look like they were drinking and not staring and wondering what the hell Yumi was talking to Kira about. “Iba…Renji… Ikkaku… you mean, you haven’t even had the slightest inkling?” the fifth-chair asked again, just to be safe.

Kira shook his head, looking embarrassed.

The eleventh division death god paused. Looked thoughtful. And then squealed. “How exciting!!”

Kira definitely knew he wasn’t keeping up now. “Eh?”

Looking like he’d just won some sort of lottery, Yumi took Kira’s hand into his own and with his most earnest expression, promised that he would help Izuru find the best match out of the three suitors as humanly possible.

Kira looked like he was trapped in a particularly strong pair of headlights.

“Now… Iba is uncouth but actually quite thoughtful, from what I know of him,” Yumi began excitedly. “He’s rather chivalrous really, if a bit slow, but then again, I suppose the lot of them are a bit…well… you know.” He threw Kira what must have been a conspirational look.


“Right. On the other hand, Renji is absolutely gorgeous, and he obviously adores you, though his biggest problem might be the fact that he isn’t the type who can easily admit that sort of thing, yes? But if anything, the two of you would look good together, and that’s half the battle in itself, don’t you think?”

Kira swallowed shakily. “Uh?”

“Though personally, I think Ikkaku is definitely your best match, and not because I know him best, but because he’s always “Gin-bastard this, and I’ll kill him-that, and when I ask him whether he’s in love with you he gets pink and blustery, not anything like Shuuhei, who just sputters and glares and gets indignant…”

Kira’s head hurt. “So…um…Ayasekawa-san thinks I should… date Ikkaku?” he posed, tentatively.

Yumi smiled luminously. “Well… yes and no. I think you should try all the flavors before picking a favorite! Why rush, right?” he declared without any shame or hesitation.

Kira’s cheeks flared. “W-what?”

And then Yumichika was standing again, abruptly pulling Kira up with him. “C’mon, let’s go pick out the first one together, ne?”




Title: Fine Lines
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Urahara, Aizen
Word Count: 673
Warning/s: Implied spoilers for the Soul Society Arc
Summary: Urahara and Aizen are very different students.
Dedication: Beck- Dude has it been forever since I wrote Urahara or what? -_-;;
A/N: I don’t know if I like this, but it’s out of my system now and I can only move on from here. Right? Yes. I need to stop doing these stupid compare/contrast pieces between Aizen and Urahara.

Urahara likes to play pranks on his friends, devising rather ingenious methods of getting them entangled in the worst possible situations without hurting them and then bearing their reprimands with smiles and laughter because he is always forgiven. Eventually.

Aizen doesn’t play pranks at all, doesn’t get into any mischief and is only kind and considerate to his friends and peers, his smiles serene while Kisuke’s are wicked, his eyes gentle while Kisuke’s are openly cunning. He never needs to be forgiven because he never does anything untoward to anyone.

Urahara likes credit where credit is due, and when he feels he receives an unfair amount of recognition for his class accomplishments he infuriates the teachers with his ambiguous words, talking them in circles around themselves and flustering them for the mere purpose of illustrating that he is far more brilliant than they are and that their opinions on his achievements have no real bearing on the weight of their true grandeur. He doesn’t believe that geniuses should bow to idiots. Ever.

Sousuke bows humbly and accepts their teaching with calm humility. He takes their praise and takes their criticism all in the same way because he values what he learns from them even if he knows they are not his equals. He believes that there are some things wise men can learn from fools. No matter how idiotic they may be.

When someone makes a suggestion to Kisuke that he doesn’t like, he thinks for a moment before very cheerfully tearing the idea into pieces from every angle imaginable, smiling the entire time he destroys inferior thoughts and somehow, making it impossible for the one being torn apart to hate him. On a long-term basis, anyway.

When someone makes a suggestion that Aizen does not feel is the best course of action, he will look solemn and consider it from every angle, will wonder if he can’t improve it or somehow, make the person has who suggested it change their mind by subtly-placed hints in his reactions and words. He is always very gentle, and even when Sousuke doesn’t take the other students’ advice, he never once hurts their feelings about it. They are disappointed, but never angry at him.

Kisuke takes tests in haphazard ways, writing his brainstorming and his formulas all over the paper and sometimes the table, the notes indecipherable to anyone but him. He always gets 100%.

Aizen is very precise in every character he writes, progression from point A to point B visible in both his explanations and the formulaic way in which he writes them on the paper, using lines that show every step he took to get to from his problem to his current deduction. He always gets 100%.

Urahara has very few close friends though he can smile and laugh with anyone. There are only three or four people in the world he is willing to confide everything in and anyone else is simply stuck being there. Most usually for his amusement.

Aizen is well-liked by everyone and treats everyone as his close friend. He is immensely popular in all of his classes and his peers all look up to him as a leader. They are willing to follow him because he gratefully acknowledges that they are there and most of all, seems glad for their presence.

Kisuke likes people, but is distrustful of them.

Aizen likes people and doesn’t mind being bothered by them.

In some respects, they are very similar. In others, the two are as different as night and day.

When asked why he is so reserved all of the time, Aizen always smiles politely and bows his head, saying, “Because I am always conscious of the future I want my actions to build for me.” The teachers love that answer.

When they demand to know why Urahara insists on being such an upstart, he grins unabashedly at them from under his unruly bangs and gives them the answer they absolutely hate most, saying, “Because I don’t have anything to hide.”



Title: Piece of Work
Rating: PG-13 for some gore?
Pairing/Character/s: Gin, Aizen, Tousen
Word Count: 189
Warning/s: Arrancar-arc spoilers.
Summary: Gin paints a picture.
Dedication: antiparallel- I miss Gin too.
A/N: I felt like creepy? I dunno. -_-;;

The first partial mask he was able to grow was lovingly kept and used as a canvass to paint flowers and bunnies on.

Tousen scowled at him and said it was degrading to deface the symbol of their hard training just like that, but Gin decided that the flowers and the bunnies were pretty and Kana-chan just couldn’t see that. Literally.

When he went to take it to Aizen for a second opinion, one of the Arrancar roared from the wings that such trivial matters should not be used to waste Aizen-sama’s time.

So Gin smashed its face in with his palm and pushed until he could feel brains and other wonderfully slimy things.

He used the red on his fingers to paint a heart on his mask.

Then he continued up to Aizen’s fancy chair and showed his captain what he thought was a very pretty piece of work.

Aizen smiled gently and told his favorite vice-captain that he felt it was absolutely idyllic.

Satisfied, Gin turned around and strolled out of the throne room.

When he found Tousen again, he smiled and said, “I told you so.”



ibaxkira, gin, ginxkira, kuukaku, urahara, shuuheixyumichika, kuukakuxyoruichi, renjixkira, iba, aizen, shuuhei, yoruichi, ikkakuxkira, yumichika, bleach, renji, ikkaku, tousen

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