Bleach Drabble (253-255)

Nov 20, 2005 00:49

Ch. 204=BIG OMGWTFBBQSAUCE in my head.

Which is why I'm posting these early, even though I was planning to do it Sunday night. DAMN YOU KT!!! *shakes fist*


Title: The Dating Game
Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuxYumi, IkkakuxKira, Iba+Kira, Renji+Kira, slight ByakuyaxRenji
Word Count: 979
Warning/s: Vague spoilers for the Soul Society Arc?
Summary: Sequel of sorts to drabble #250 (Choices, Choices)- Kira takes Yumi’s advice.
Dedication: antiparallel, randompantat, and sw_inku for the Great Kira art!
A/N: Wow I have been getting a TON of Kira fanart. XD I like how everyone likes me bullying him so much. I feel the love! ^^ I honestly was thinking about making this a different pairing than I did, but art inspires. *thumbs up to sw_inku* XD

Several fateful days ago, Yumichika had turned Kira’s life upside down.

Ayasekawa had stormed one of their outings, seized Kira by the hand, and marched him over to his friends, stating very matter-of-factly that it was time to stop being chicken and get down to business.

All of them had hemmed and hawed-save for Shuuhei, who looked simultaneously horrified and amused-citing that they had no idea what Yumichika was talking about.

Ayasekawa had sniffed and stated, “Very well then. This is perfect because Shuu and I were looking for someone for a beautiful threesome anyway.”

This time everyone’s jaws had dropped, including Shuuhei-though Yumi suspected in anticipation rather than shock-and after a few seconds, Iba, Ikkaku, and Renji were citing objections and blustering and disapproving perfectly.

Yumi clapped his hands in delight and turned to Kira to say, “See? They all really love you.”

They’d all gaped again-Shuuhei possibly out of discovering that the threesome proposal had fallen through-and went silent.

Kira blushed.

And then like magic, so did they.

Yumi, growing impatient, gave up on getting anything admitted and simply pointed in order, “Iba-kun… Friday. Renji-kun…Saturday. Ikkaku- Sunday.”

Then he’d grabbed Kira’s hand and flounced off with him again, chattering about how Izuru was going to have so much fun this weekend. And possibly sex.

Faces aflame, Iba, Ikkaku and Renji all looked at Shuuhei accusatorily.

Shuuhei shrugged and suggested that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if some of them got laid sometime soon.

The first date with Iba was quiet and Kira felt like the other man was watching and trying to anticipate his every move so that he could be prepared for it, so that he could take care of whatever Kira might need at any one particular moment and not disappoint him by reacting too slowly.

They ate dinner and Iba apologized profusely when he found out that Kira is allergic to certain types of shellfish.

Iba walked him back to his door like a perfect gentleman and they stared at each other awkwardly for a moment before Iba sighed and chucked the blonde’s chin. “I’ll see you next week.”

He left without another word.

Kira wondered what he might’ve done wrong.

The second date with Renji was a picnic in one of the spots they’d spent a lot of time in back during their academy days. Renji was very considerate but seemed particularly focused on talking about how he’d almost had to cancel because his captain had told him that he would like the redhead to stay late as they were behind in paperwork. Renji grumbled and growled about Kuchiki Byakuya and wasn’t quite able to hide the admiration in his voice as he did. Izuru thought that it really wouldn’t be very bad if Renji decided he was more in love with Kuchiki than him, because the way Abarai’s eyes lit on fire when he spoke of Byakuya was almost inspiring.

Renji walked him back too, and smiled before they parted ways, leaning forward and kissing Izuru softly on the cheek before murmuring that he had to get back to headquarters to work with his taichou on that paperwork.

Kira told him not to keep his captain waiting and thanked him for dinner.

The third date with Ikkaku was greasy vendor food in Rukongai and a walk through the lively, crowded streets. Ikkaku liked the atmosphere because it reminded him of the old days before the academy. Winking, he told Kira he’d show him all his favorite spots from when he was a kid.

First, there was a pond full of tadpoles to see. Ikkaku tried to catch some with his bare hands and Kira laughed when he overstepped and fell face-first into the water.

Then there was a gigantic tree that they climbed to the very top of. From there they could see the white gates of the court, huge and majestic. Ikkaku said it was where he’d go when he was young and dreaming of becoming a shinigami.

Then there was a fishing hole where Ikkaku caught a rusted tea-kettle after thirty minutes of struggle and a hidden cave that had some of the prettiest crystals Kira had ever seen.

At the end of the evening Ikkaku walked him home and stood by his door looking like he wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what it was.

Neither of them expected it when Kira leaned forward first, brushing a soft kiss onto his friend’s lips and thanking him for a really nice date.

Ikkaku turned red and muttered, “um…n-no problem. I’ll… see you tomorrow then?”

Kira nodded. “Un.” Then he went inside, letting himself feel proud for having given his first kiss ever. In all the times before, they’d been taken from him.

The next day when everyone gathered for lunch in the commons, Yumichika wouldn’t let anyone eat before he found out exactly what had happened and with whom.

Kira shyly told him his stories and after twenty minutes of listening, the fifth chair nodded solemnly and said, “Ikkaku it is.”

Iba and Renji smacked the baldie and told him like good sports, that he better be nice to Kira.

Ikkaku smacked them back and said that he always was.

Yumi, fluttering into Shuuhei’s lap like he owned the place-everyone supposed he did-stated that was glad everything went well this weekend though he was sorely disappointed that he and Shuuhei were still the only ones here who’d had any sex.

Shuuhei suggested that they let Kira in on that after all.

Yumi thought about it for a moment, and then very plainly stated that it didn’t look like Shuuhei was going to get any himself for a while now too.

Kira thought that they were cute and hoped that one day he could make Ikkaku cry like Yumichika made Shuuhei.



Title: Limitless
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Urahara, Isshin
Word Count: 602
Warning/s: Spoilers for the post- Soul Society arc
Summary: Kisuke is always pursuing perfection.
Dedication: koyami- okay, this didn’t turn out as happy-cracky as I wanted it to, but I hope you like it anyway. Thanks again for the Urahara art! ^^
A/N: More serious than I’d intended, I suppose, but such is the way these things go. I don’t even quite know if this one makes sense, if you really asked me. ^^;;

“Just call me kami-sama,” Kisuke jokes as he puts the finishing touches on the gigai he is building, looking up at Yoruichi with that easy-going air of his that comforts her about as equally as it disturbs her.

“Kisuke, you know the rules. It has to be at least 8% different,” she warns him.

He frowns at her recital of seireitei policy and looks down at the body he is just created.

He doesn’t like that the laws say that gigai’s made in Soul Society have to be at least 8% inferior to normal human bodies. He doesn’t like the fact that the higher ups are afraid of what making a gigai with 100% likeness would mean.

They say that they are not the supreme god or beings who created all of creation. They are merely guardians between the worlds. They tell him it is not their place to attempt to make perfect facsimiles of life because it is not their realm. They are not god.

Kisuke is a perfectionist at heart, and the 8% grates on him every time because he knows that he can get it down to .0001% if allowed to continue his research on the matter.

Yoruichi tells him that there’s really no point in building a perfect gigai in the first place because for one, it’s impossible, and for another, no shinigami in his right mind would want to keep it anyway.

Kisuke smiles at her, agreeing completely to most of that, but continues to work and see if he can’t make that .0001% a .00001% or even better… zero.

He has no illusions of wanting to become god in his goal of perfection; he simply wants it because he knows that if anyone can do it, he can. It might be selfish to want to do something so seemingly sinister for the purpose of bolstering his own sense of pride, but he thinks that Yoruichi is right anyway. Not about it being impossible of course, but rather, that no shinigami in his right mind would want such a thing.

He supposes it’s just in his nature to pursue perfection. Even seemingly useless ones.

So the day when he accomplishes his goal, he smiles and destroys the body he created shortly thereafter, thinking that as long as he knows it’s possible that’s all that really matters.

He’s not trying to play god. He’s not doing it for any other reason than to satisfy his own curiosity. And it’s not as if his accomplishment will somehow make a change in the pages of Soul Society’s rather boring and uniform history.

Plus, no shinigami in his right mind would want a perfect human body in the first place.

God and such things aside, he’d really just wanted to see if he could make the world’s coolest gigai. And now he has.

However, he thinks that perhaps the real god-of-gods is trying to tell him something when, just days after his first perfect specimen was created and destroyed, Isshin shows up at his door for a rare visit.

The other death god has a favor to ask him.

And shortly thereafter, Kisuke gets to work again, thinking to himself that Isshin is a shinigami who has never really been in his right mind in the first place.

But he supposes it’s a favor he can do for his old friend just this once, because really.
It’s not like making one of these gigai is something so big that it’ll change the entire future of seireitei or anything earth-shattering like that.

It’s just a wedding gift for a friend, after all.



Title: Borne of Necessity
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Ikkaku, Renji
Word Count: 565
Warning/s: Spoilers for Ch 204
Summary: Ikkaku doesn’t think Renji’s bankai is that big a deal.
Dedication: Everyone who had the same GEEZUSOMGDUDEWHAT reaction that I did.
A/N: My attempt to explain what the hell is going on in 204 all of a sudden. OOCness abounds, but whatever, I just needed to write SOMETHING for it. Cuz OMG.

Ikkaku Madarame sighed and rolled his eyes as Renji talked about what a rush bankai was, how the difference in power and connection to his zanpakutou was remarkably stronger, as if he wasn’t sure where he began and where Zabimaru ended.

“Yeah, yeah…great stuff, you’n your division, so strong now, blah, blah,” Madarame drawled uninterestedly as he munched on beer nuts and waited for the barkeep to get him a refill.

Renji frowned at the tone. “Well, ya don’t gotta sound so bored with it just ‘cuz you’n your division don’t understand it,” he sniffed.

Ikkaku was glad to know that his friend’s sudden level-up in ability didn’t necessarily translate into greater emotional maturity.

If it wasn’t supposed to be a goddamned secret, Ikkaku would burst the idiot’s bubble and tell him that he had one too. And it probably wasn’t as fruity as Renji’s either (what, with all the fur and stuff).

But he was going to take the moral high ground here. He wasn’t going to…

“I’m tellin’ ya Ikkaku, you just don’t understand, man. But maybe ya know, I could show ya how to do it. I think I remember what Yoruichi-san was talkin’ about…gotta find one of those white dummies or somethin’, but that can’t be too hard, yeah?”

Ikkaku groaned internally as Renji took on something akin to a “Let the strong protect the weak” sort of attitude that got assholes killed for stupid reasons.

Gritting his teeth, Madarame wasn’t quite able to stop himself when he said, “Look Renji, I ‘ppreciate it, really I do. But don’t ya think you better learn how to use yours for real first? I mean… I read the reports. Just ‘cuz ya gotta new toy don’t mean you know how to play yet.”

Renji looked wounded again. “Oi… I was fightin’ taichou. He’s got years on me for the whole bankai thing. I think I did pretty damn good for my first time, bastard. Che. And what about you? You shouldn’t be goin’ around sayin’ stuff like bankai’s your everyday sorta thing, ya know? Stop talkin’ bout it like you know everything. Che. Piss me off.”

Ikkaku sighed. “Whatever.”

He was too tired to argue with Renji about the fact that he knew exactly what he was talking about.

Because several years ago, Ikkaku had realized that Zaraki didn’t have bankai.

Shortly thereafter, he’d deducted that Yachiru most definitely didn’t have it either.

So the natural thing to think after that was that somebody in the eleventh oughta get it, given that all the other divisions at least had one bastard that could do the stupid thing.

It had taken some time or whatever, but really, Ikkaku didn’t think it was that big a deal after he did get it.

Renji, obviously, had been listening to that stuffed-shirt Kuchiki and his “bankai is for nobles, stay away peasant scum” spiel for a few years too many now.

“And you don’t know how damn hard it was to get the stupid thing down in three days in the first place,” Renji added, still sounding hurt as he dug around to regain that slippery superiority foothold of his somewhere on the rocky cliff he was climbing.

“And I’m still sore from it and it ain’t just somethin’ you can practice whenever the hell ya want to, okay, asshole?”

Ikkaku banged his head on the table.



shuuhei, isshin, yumichika, kira, ikkakuxkira, urahara, bleach, shuuheixyumichika, renji, ikkaku, iba, byakuyaxrenji

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