One Piece- "Marriage Cycle"

Nov 14, 2005 23:02


Title: Marriage Cycle
Author: Celeste
Feedback: (yes!)
Theme: 100-150 word drabble cycle
Universe: One Piece
Pairing: ZoSan
Rating: PG-13
Time: Um… I took about… an hour and a half, give or take a few minutes on it?
Word Count: N/A
Summary: Sort-of a tagalong series of unrelated ficbits to go with the series that ended with “Meeting Halfway”- snippets of life after marriage.
Dedication: sherrymarie- dude, I feel like I’ve missed something too. It’s like waking up in unfamiliar territory. O.o
A/N: I decided that I suck for pretty much abandoning the fandom for as long as I have and so I’m trying to see if I can get back into the One Piece swing of things and not be a single-minded idiot like I have been. Whether I succeeded or not is um… up for debate. By the way. I am SUCH A LIAR. -_-;; Also, I figure I need to learn to be more concise, so thus me trying to keep these short. ^^;;
Distribution: Just lemme know.

1. Sweeping Changes





Crashes from the galley make Usopp and Chopper wince simultaneously, and with wide eyes, the little reindeer says, “I thought things were going to change now that they’re really married.”

Usopp smiles down indulgently at the younger crewmember and with his hand in the air, indicates for Chopper to wait.


Usopp lowers his hand and looks solemn. “There it is.”

Chopper blinks. “I see.”

It’s a small change, but he supposes it’s better than nothing.

“Nngh… ah!!”

He winces.

Or maybe it’s not.


2. Competition

He’s gotten to know the scars on the body above him far too well in the past few days-- definitely too well for a technical newlywed-- but he grits his teeth and keeps going anyway, because Zoro’s looking down at him with that too-smug, challenging stare of his as they move together.

Sanji won’t let the bastard have an easy victory just like that.

They keep going and going until Nami screams at them to be quieter. After that, Zoro rolls off of him with a satisfied grunt and gropes around for something to clean up with.

Come morning, they’ll probably have aches in places they don’t even know they have.

Sanji breathes in relief and pillows his head on Zoro’s shoulder.

He goes to sleep thinking that it’s a stalemate again, at least for tonight.

He doesn’t think tomorrow will be any different, but it’s fun to try anyway.


3. Alias

Everyone is still calling him ‘Roronoa Sanji.’

He hates it.

Zoro hates that he hates it, because the big idiot doesn’t understand that it’s just plain unfair.

When Sanji says it’s unfair in his most reasonable angry-voice, the swordsman merely grunts and growls and then says, almost embarrassed, “Well I’m not changing my last name to ‘Red Leg,’ okay?”

Sanji gapes at him and for a moment is too stupefied to dignify that with an answer.

When he gets over that moment he kicks Zoro in the head.


4. Mine

Zoro is protective of the things he considers his own, few as those things are in the world.

Sanji is one of those few things now, though the blonde would protest if confronted with the fact out loud.

But the truth is the truth, and Zoro thinks that it’s just how he is, how he will always be.

So he steps in front of the bullet like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Later, after Chopper has bandaged him up and Sanji has finished smoking a pack and a half out on the deck, the cook finds his big overprotective idiot and kicks him in the head, saying, “Next time, just tell me to duck, asshole.”


5. Mpreg?

Luffy is fascinated by the institution of marriage as Usopp has explained it to him.

So when he goes up to Zoro and pulls out the front of the swordsman’s haramaki, asking “Where are the babies growing?” after a particularly revealing conversation with the long-nosed liar, Zoro finds himself choking on his own spit and glaring at the canoneer, who is doing his level best to look innocent and nondescript in the background.

Sanji is both disgusted and amused at the idea, and thus doesn’t do anything to dissuade Luffy’s illusions as he pokes around in Zoro’s personal space.

However, when Luffy trudges over to Sanji and pats his stomach inquisitively as well, both swordsman and cook share a look with one another before turning to face Usopp in eerie synchronization.

Usopp swallows and backs out of the room very, very slowly.


6. Instinctive

When Sanji asks one day in bed, why the hell Zoro thought being married was a good idea, Zoro simply grunts and says he follows his instincts.

Sanji snorts and says they’re in trouble then, because Zoro’s instincts are also the ones that told him North meant going up.

Zoro can’t argue with that, but after a moment, he grins and says, “Ended up exactly where I needed to be though, didn’t I?”

Sanji shakes his head, though Zoro can tell that the blonde is mildly amused by everything, and tugging him closer, the swordsman assures him that if anything goes wrong, it’ll probably be Sanji’s fault entirely.

Sanji head-butts him and tells him he’s going to take the idiot-marimo for all he’s worth in divorce court.

That’s always as far as they get whenever they talk about the future, but it leaves them both smiling before they fall asleep.


7. Milestone

Sanji is romantic by nature and Zoro is not, which is fine by Sanji most of the time, because he thinks that if the big idiot really ever tried something like that, the few brain cells he has left would explode inside his head after the first second of unfamiliar thinking-strain.

So on their anniversary, after Sanji’s cooked all of the swordsman’s favorite foods, the blonde is satisfied with the fact that Zoro offers to do the dishes afterwards and doesn’t call him names for the rest of the day.

The chef sits at the table and smokes while Zoro cleans up, thinking that things are better this way in the long run. Because really, Zoro can’t afford to lose what few brain cells he has left.


8. Live Long and Prosper

When Sanji had asked Zoro what he wanted for his birthday this year, he hadn’t expected the swordsman to say “stop smoking.”

There’d been an awkward silence between them after Sanji had finished gaping at the request.

The chef wasn’t sure whether he’d felt touched by the sentiment or if he’d wanted to smack Zoro for believing that going from three packs a week to nothing in the span of a day was possible.

So he’d stammered and stalled, muttering, “I uh… well…”

But then, Zoro had smirked and interrupted, saying, “Can’t do it, can ya? Shitty love-cook.”

Sanji had snarled “I can too!” before he could think about it properly, a knee-jerk reaction to the swordsman’s off-putting smugness.

Today, Sanji takes comfort in his lack of cigarettes by remembering the fact that Zoro had been the sole recipient of his withdrawal-rage during the first few months of the quitting process.


9. Not a Damsel

His kidnappers laugh down at him, sneering, “So, you must be the wife, huh?” in his face. He glares at their tone and thinks that the moment he gets out of these ropes he’s going to kick out their teeth.

That desire keeps him patient, keeps him from doing anything stupid-well, stupider than being kidnapped in the first place-because he knows if he bides his time…

There’s a crash and a scream from outside then, and Zoro appears in the doorway a second later.

They make brief eye-contact, nodding almost imperceptibly to each other before swords cut the air and rope is unraveling.

Sanji stands then, hearing Zoro honoring his request by sheathing his weapons as he does.

The blonde allows himself a little half-smile and steps forward to face his stunned captors.

Zoro, appreciative, watches as every last man goes down so fast they can’t even scream.


10. Dreamscape

Zoro had been feverish at the time, but Sanji remembers that as he sat at the swordsman’s bedside scowling at the other man for being sick and injured and sick, the green-headed idiot had muttered something along the lines of a house in a nice country where someone called him ‘master.’ Sanji had bristled instinctively at that, at least, until he realized that the statement was telling him that Zoro wanted to maybe teach other people the art of santoryuu one day, in a dream dojo that resided someplace far in the happy future.

The blonde remembers vaguely wondering if he was in that dream somewhere too.

And then Zoro had rolled onto his side with a pain-filled grunt, brow furrowing and the words, “’m comin’, asshole, quit your whinin’…” coming out of his mouth.

After that, Sanji simply sat back and waited for Zoro to wake up.



usopp, zoroxsanji, sanji, luffy, zoro, one piece, nami

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