Bleach Drabble (212-216)

Oct 15, 2005 23:14

The theme for tonight is... daddies?

Well, mostly.

*procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate*


Title: Hard Knock Life
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: shinigami in general? O.o
Word Count: 231
Warning/s: Sort-of-but-not-really post-Soul Society arc stuff.
Summary: It’s time to rebuild in seireitei.
Dedication: Jen and Christine, whose joint comments spawned this strangeness. I hope you’re both happy!
A/N: Um. My brain has officially shut off for the weekend so I’m just dumb. That’s all.

Buildings had been destroyed, multiple walls and storage facilities demolished, and infrastructure hung irreparably in hazardous angles while various other landscapes had been charred barren and desolate within the court.

The ryoka incident, on a whole, was Soul Society’s most singularly destructive event in its eons of history.

And after the dust had settled, after the tears shed and the disbelief dealt with, after the wounds healed and the relationships between all death gods redefined, the fact of the matter remained that everything that had been destroyed in the course events had to be rebuilt.

The workload, to say the least, was enormous.

And so a general assembly was called after the more pressing administrative matters in Soul Society had been dealt with, the authorities in seireitei ready to rebuild the shambled ruins of the court’s damaged sectors so that completely normal operations could be reinstated for everyone as soon as possible.

In short, the goal of the vast assembly was to decide who amongst all members of the thirteen teams was most fit to take charge of reconstruction efforts.

The decision was to be made by open vote.

But despite there being thousands upon thousands of shinigami in the service of Soul Society, everyone already knew what the outcome would be.

Long before the first vote was even counted, the fourth division rolled up its sleeves and started moving rubble.



Title: Daddy’s Girl
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Kenpachi, Yachiru, Nemu
Word Count: 672
Warning/s: No real spoilers… I don’t think. Maybe some OOCness?
Summary: Nemu doesn’t think Kenpachi is frightening at all.
Dedication: PAPA, I MISS YOU!!!

Kurotsuchi Nemu doesn't consider Zaraki Kenpachi particularly frightening.

But perhaps that’s merely because she views the world in a way out of synch with everyone else.

It’s just that to her, Kenpachi isn’t very scary at all.

Because when she thinks about it, she sometimes believes she wouldn’t mind very much, to see what it would be like to be doted upon as a daughter.

And so she doesn’t think Zaraki Kenpachi is in any way as intimidating as his reputation, especially not with little Yachiru on his back like she is now, bright and happy and adored in her own way as she pats that large, impossibly spiked head. Nemu watches the little one with Zaraki, how she sometimes laughs and presses little kisses on his cheek which annoy and embarrass him, which make him swat ineffectually at her and grumble crossly at her not to do stupid things like that anymore when he inevitably misses.

Yachiru always giggles and claps her hands together because she knows he’s not really cross with her, and very much like a tiny princess, she tells “Ken-chan” to take her somewhere fun now.

And Zaraki Kenpachi just isn’t very terrifying at all when he sighs and with a hint of defeat in his voice, asks his little one, “what the hell she wants to do now.”

Nemu watches them with a very small hint of envy, all the while wondering what it is about Zaraki Kenpachi that everyone else finds demonic, what there possibly is about such a man that is evil or crazy or out-of-control, as some of the other shinigami claim he is.

Because when she watches him with little Kusajika-fukutaichou tugging on his bell-spiked hair like it’s the reins to a very tame pony, she doesn’t see anything scarier than a subtly doting father with his precious daughter standing before her. And far from finding anything evil in that image, Nemu can’t help but think it would be nice to be precious to someone herself, if only for a moment.

Because when her father swats at her, the flat of his palm stings very much. And when he asks her something, it’s never what she wants to do, or where she would like to go, but rather, a sharp “what are you doing? Where are you going?” that tells her “no” rather than asks her “what.” And she thinks it would be nice one day, to be able to lean over and kiss Mayuri’s cheek and smile like Yachiru does to Kenpachi, to be able to say “tousan” just once instead of “Mayuri-sama” like he tells her to.

And so there’s nothing at all scary about Zaraki Kenpachi to Kurotsuchi Nemu, nothing dark and wicked about a man who, even when fiercely cursing the little girl on his back, doesn’t move to shake her off or even deny her any of her rather ludicrous requests.

Nemu watches this very tender scene and thinks to herself that Kenpachi is not a man to be afraid of like everyone says he is. It may just be because she sees the world very differently from anyone else, but she feels it would be wonderful if every little girl had a doting father’s cheek to kiss whenever she wanted to.

And maybe it’s because she was brought into this world in a different way than everyone else so that she doesn’t look at it in quite the same manner, but when she sees Zaraki Kenpachi, she feels none of the fear that others always do.

But what she does feel is perhaps, much more dangerous than that.

Because wanting more than Mayuri-sama is willing to give her is infinitely more fearsome than a thousand Zaraki Kenpachis could ever be.

She’s almost certain that this longing will be the death of her.

But then again, she doesn’t see the world in quite the same way as everyone else does, and a small part of her thinks that even for just one kiss, it would be worth it.



Title: My Fair Lady
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Ikkaku, Yumichika, Tatsuki
Word Count: 294
Warning/s: Spoilers for Ch 195
Summary: Ikkaku finds the perfect revenge.
Dedication: Erm… this one’s just kind of dumb, so I’m not going to tack on a dedication. Though I suppose Tatsuki sort of reminds me of Kelly sometimes. XD
A/N: I’m just being lazy and not doing my reading like I should be. BAD ME.

The crazy bitch that snapped his bokutou was apparently in their class.

Ikkaku sat with his arms crossed and glared at the front of the classroom where Arisawa sat, looking like some sort of normal, if slightly tomboyish schoolgirl, the complete opposite of the psychotic she-beast that had grabbed his poor wooden sword out of his hands this morning and splintered it across her knee, telling him to stop threatening everyone with it because he was annoying. And really bald.

Madarame snarled to himself. He would show her annoying. He would… he blinked.

Brilliant. He was absolutely brilliant.

Ripping a piece of notebook paper out of his notebook at the sudden inspiration, he hastily scrawled out a note and tossed it up a few rows in front of him to where Yumichika sat, the other shinigami filing his fingernails in boredom as the teacher droned on about rotating and vectors and A equals something-x.

The note bounced off the fifth-seat’s head and landed neatly on the desk, giving Ayasekawa pause before sighing at his teammate’s juvenile antics. Unfolding it, he read:

Ne Yumi,

Betcha even YOU can’t make Arisawa beautiful. Even you ain’t THAT good.”

Frowning, the fifth-chair crumpled the note back up and looked back at a smirking Madarame challengingly.

Grabbing his own piece of paper, he replied with a note that said:

If that is a challenge concerning my skill, then I accept!
-Beautiful Yumichika

And so, for the next week and a half, Madarame enjoyed what he and Renji had termed the Ayasekawa-and-Arisawa show, all in the fond memory of his short-lived bokutou.

“Ne, Tatsuki-chan, I definitely think pink is your color!”

“Leave me alone you makeup toting rainbow-browed freak!”

“Maa…we’ll have to work on that language of yours too…”




Title: Father Figures
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Ryuuken, Uryuu, Souken
Word Count: 635
Warning/s: No real spoilers… you know, except for who Ryuuken is? O.o
Summary: Ishida always made two Father’s Day cards.
Dedication: Ann, for not calling me out on being a wuss for her kiddie pron story. ^^;;
A/N: Well, aren’t I on a daddy-love kick? ^^;;

Uryuu used to always make two cards on Father’s Day, one for his grandfather and one for Ryuuken.

It was an assignment at school of some sort, and Uryuu’s cards looked the best every time, decorated precisely and artistically, his handwriting careful and straight, his hearts and stars always symmetrical and his designs always innovative.

The one he made for Ryuuken usually said something along the lines of “Dear otousama, thank you for working so hard every day for me. From, Uryuu” on it, and was decorated with several gold and silver stars.

Ryuuken usually found his card placed on top of his desk when he returned from work on that Father’s Day night, sitting there on his desk waiting for him, carefully set so as not to disturb any of his important paperwork.

The next morning, Souken would always beam at him over the breakfast table, presenting the card Uryuu made for him like it was the grandest prize in all the world, shyly given to him during their walk home after school.

The old Quincy would read the cards out loud with barely concealed delight and Ryuuken would listen respectfully if impassively to his father’s happy rambling as he read a message that always seemed to sound something like, “Dear ojiisan, thank you for teaching me about _____ the other day, it was very interesting. Also, I really liked the cake we made together! I hope you have a good Father’s Day today and that in the future we can keep having fun together everyday. Love, Uryuu.”

They were different sorts of messages for different sorts of men, and though young Uryuu didn’t quite know the implications of the differences at the time he was writing them, Ryuuken was certain the boy knew enough to have determined for himself that his father and grandfather served different purposes in his life and that he should thank them accordingly for those things.

Uryuu is too old now for Father’s Day cards, though on noteworthy days like that Ryuuken sometimes finds something special waiting in the fridge with his name on it when he returns from the office. He always takes it upstairs to his study and sits at his desk in the dark, alone for dinner because Uryuu doesn’t live here anymore, refuses to live here, though he will always, always have a key, though he can return anytime he likes. And as Ryuuken eats those special meals on those special nights in his quiet, lonely office, he more often than not finds himself reaching into his desk to unlock the bottom left drawer, opening it and letting his hand brush against the stack of old glue and construction paper cards he keeps there, one for every year from pre-school to the end of middle school.

He doesn’t take them out, just lets his hand curl around the paper gently for a moment, because he knows exactly what each one of them looks like, what every single one of them says verbatim.

Uryuu is too old for Father’s Day cards anymore, but Ryuuken thinks that the careworn pile of glue and paper he keeps locked away in his desk is sufficient for a lifetime.

Just a few words on weathered blue and white construction paper decorated with stars to remind him of what life is all about.

And even though Uryuu is too old for cards like that now, Ryuuken is certain that the ones he has are already more than enough anyway.

So he sits in his study eating alone at his desk on those special nights after a long day’s work, his fingers brushing the only thank yous he’s ever really needed.

And for Ryuuken, it makes it so that even like this, even alone in the dark late at night…

…it’s enough.



Title: The Pitter-Patter of Little Feet
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuheixYumichika, Yachiru
Word Count: 457
Warning/s: No spoilers I can think of.
Summary: Shuuhei’s biological clock is ticking?
Dedication: antiparallel and jen_kat 'cuz fanart and colored fanart are LOVE. ^^
A/N: STILL WITH THE PAPA THEME. I really have no explanation.

Yumi looks good with a child in his arms, and the thought entrances and disturbs Shuuhei all at the same time because he’s young dammit, and should not be thinking things like that, about nest-building and young-rearing and proud-papa-ing.

It’s very uncool after all, to be in the prime of life as he is and all of a sudden start to believe that maybe Friday nights would be better spent at home reading to the kiddies instead of going out to have a beer with the boys.

Except that there’s just something strangely riveting about the way Yumi as he very patiently tells Yachiru that no, she can’t just go anywhere she pleases when she’s filthy because that means everywhere she goes gets just as messy as she is and it’s a big hassle later, for responsible adults to have to clean up.

She’s bathed and changed now it seems, and Shuuhei watches with no small amount of fascination as Yumi speaks to her calmly but sternly, telling her that what she did was wrong.

Yachiru pouts and frets in his hold and tells her freaky-brows keeper that she didn’t think she was that messy when she went in and that she’s certain Shuuhei’s office will be easy to clean of all the mud and blood she left in it, no problem.

Shuuhei blinks. “Wait…my office?”

“Still, he shouldn’t have to clean it of mud and blood in the first place, and now he does. That doesn’t make it right, fukutaichou. Do you understand?”

“…I guess so.”

“Good. Now, go and tell Shuu-chan you’re sorry, fukutaichou.”


And then Yachiru is on Shuuhei’s shoulder, patting his head with one tiny hand and saying very apologetically, “Sorry ShuuShuu, about messin’ up your office so bad!”

Shuuhei blinks. “Er…well…”

Yumi crosses his arms and gives his lover a meaningful look, and despite the shock, Shuuhei is well-conditioned enough to know when that’s his cue to nod his head and say, “Er, it’s fine, Yachiru. You didn’t mean any harm.”

And that said, she beams at him with the biggest bright smile in her arsenal before giggling sweetly and exclaiming, “Yay! Can I go now, Yuuuu-chan?”

Yumichika absolutely sparkles at the touching reconciliation, and without missing a beat, tells her, “Of course you can, fukutaichou!”


And then she’s off.

Shuuhei watches as the pink-haired child zips out of sight, off to whatever mischief she’s bound to cause next, leaving him staring stupidly after her and with an office of unknown horrors to go and clean up.

He supposes that maybe this was all for the best though.

Because he needed a reminder as to why exactly, he isn’t ready for kids.

And Yachiru’s as good a one as any.



tatsuki, souken, kenpachi, ryuuken, nemu, yumichika, bleach, shuuheixyumichika, uryuu, yachiru, ikkaku

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