Bleach Drabble (217-219)

Oct 16, 2005 23:32


The pseudo theme for 2/3 is: Threesomes? o.o


Title: Brave Little Soldier
Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Character/s: AizenxGinxKira
Word Count: 669 (insert immature laughter here)
Warning/s: Um, sort-of spoilers for the Soul Society arc, I suppose. XD
Summary: Aizen has a certain amount of finesse when it comes to these sorts of things.
Dedication: antiparallel- because I said I’d write it, and so I did. I don’t know how WELL I did, but I did and that’s… yeah. Something.

Aizen-taichou is never very loud, all soft sighs and gentle whispers, fingers deceptively light. He is the image of precision over Kira’s heaving shoulders, hands never lingering long enough or sharp enough to leave a mark on the surface, but Izuru can feel the bruises left behind by Aizen’s touch anyway, deep down into the very string of his muscles.

He cries and falls and Ichimaru catches him with a soft cluck of admonition in his ear, tucking a lock of blonde hair behind his vice-captain’s hair with surprising tenderness as he tells him, “Stay strong, Izuru-chan, ne? Bite your tongue and bear it a little longer for me.”

And Kira nods deliriously because he cannot tell his taichou no, shuddering when he feels the tips of Gin’s fingers digging deeply into his sides, his teeth scraping sharply into the back of the blonde’s neck.

“Maa, no need to be so rough, Gin, Kira-kun will have a hard time explaining those marks in the morning, ne?”

Gin laughs around the taste of vice-captain in his mouth, withdrawing just enough to look up at his former captain and say very innocently, “It’s alright if he tells everyone I did it if it’s the truth, don’t you think?” the third division leader poses with a sly leer, blowing on the raw mark he has left on Izuru’s throat.

“T-taichou… nnngh… I…”

“Does it hurt?” Gin asks, resting his weight against Kira’s shaking back. “A lot?”

“N-no, it doesn’t…”

“See? No harm then, Aizen-taichou.”

Aizen sighs indulgently at Gin’s easy-going take on things, looking at his former subordinate with a mixture of bemusement and exasperation before he shakes his head and takes a moment to remove his glasses so that he can wipe them off on the sleeve of his coat. He resettles them on his nose once they’re clear of steam, and very patiently, he says, “Still, Gin. I think these things sometimes require a certain amount of finesse, don’t you?”

“Do they really, Aizen-taichou?”

“Of course,” the older man assures Ichimaru, running his index finger feather-light along Kira’s jaw before pushing the young blonde’s chin up, forcing their eyes to meet. “Kira-kun, are you certain it doesn’t hurt?”

Izuru shakes his head, unable to avert his eyes from the fifth division captain’s fatherly gaze. “N-no, sir…”

“Absolutely sure?”

“N-no… it doesn’t… it…”

“Not at all?”

“Not…badly,” Kira admits after a shaky breath, his fingers unconsciously bunching in the deep folds of the fifth division captain’s pristine white coat. “Not…in a bad way.”

“Well, isn’t that very brave of you, Kira-kun? Certainly, a sentiment to be admired,” the fifth division leader encourages; thumb brushing across the corner of the blonde’s slightly parted lips.

Kira closes his eyes and tenses instinctively under the seemingly well-intentioned touch, the bridge of his nose very sweetly turning the slightest shade of pink.

And when Aizen looks at that eager face torn between anticipation and fear, as he takes in that shuddering young body dangerously trapped between his and Ichimaru’s, he can’t help but think that Izuru is just the most perfect little pet he’s ever seen, an ideal trooper with his stiff upper lip and his brave words, even in the face of all this peril.

Full of courage, this little one is, and Aizen can’t help but find it very admirable of young Kira Izuru.

He smiles.

And then very deliberately, he takes his glasses off and sets them aside.

Kira’s eyes fly open at the sudden sound and bewildered, he looks up and whispers a plaintive, “A-aizen-taichou?”

Even Gin’s eyebrows are slightly raised now, and with an anticipatory edge to his smile, the third division leader leans down to press a facetiously tender kiss to the back of his vice-captain’s head. “Close your eyes,” he tells the young death god sweetly.

“T-taichou? Aizen-taichou? Wha…”

“Don’t worry, Kira-kun,” Aizen murmurs softly into this brave little soldier’s ear, stroking his cheek comfortingly with the tips of deceptively gentle fingers. “This… this won’t hurt a bit.”



Title: Daughter of the House of Kurosaki
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Ichigo, Rukia, Isshin (implied IchigoxRukia)
Word Count: 697
Warning/s: Spoilers for Ch 199
Summary: Rukia is under their roof now.
Dedication: jen_kat- thanks for driving to Costco this weekend. ^^
A/N: Frenzy writing. This is called frenzy writing during the last few hours of my sad, short weekend. No quality here. Just FRENZY.

There is something very, very inappropriate about this, but then again, with the looks his father is shooting him, Ichigo supposes that that’s the point in the first place.

Rukia’s bed is set up on the other side of his room facing his own bed, and Ichigo thinks that it had been definitely way too moral; the way Isshin had been willing to take her in with just a vague sob story and lots of well-timed tears.

“Well, there you go, Rukia-chan! What do you think? Papa bought you a very nice bed, yes?”

“Oh, it’s lovely! I could never ask for anything more! Thank you!” she exclaims, throwing her arms around his neck in a melodramatic fashion that only someone like Isshin could really ever fall for.

Isshin hugs her back in a manner entirely inappropriate for their supposed father-daughter relationship, and just as it’s about to get to the point where Ichigo wants to throw the perverted old man out the window, Rukia pulls back expertly and looks down at the ground, wiping faux tears of joy from her face. “Oh, I’m too happy!” she sighs, sounding like a drama heroine…

…in Korea.

“Don’t cry, Rukia-chan, this is a joyous moment not meant for tears!” Isshin exclaims. “Oh, I know! Look at the nice new clothes I bought you! That should bring a smile to your face!”

He throws open Ichigo’s closet and waiting there are rows and rows of girls’ clothes lined up from wall to wall, shirts and skirts and shoes and panties and…


“Now, now, Ichigo, no need to be cross!” Isshin lectures as Rukia gazes upon her new wardrobe with more of that over-acted excitement. “You weren’t using that space anyway! And girls should always have plenty of pretty clothes, ne, Rukia-chan?”

“Of course!”

Ichigo’s eye twitches. “There’s something very wrong about all of this and…”

He pauses.


Rubs his eyes.

A nurse’s outfit. A nurse’s outfit and…

“The hell?” Ichigo demands, storming over and yanking the uniform off of the rack. “Is this some kinda sick joke or somethin’?” he asks incredulously.

Isshin pouts at the accusation. “Rukia-chan insisted that she do something to earn her keep!! I was going to make her marry you, because papa is always thinking of Ichigo, but then I thought that my new daughter deserves someone better! So I thought she could help out in the clinic instead and…wouldn’t she just look SO CUTE in that? Don’t you think, Rukia-chan? Ne, don’t you?”

Ichigo feels the vein in his forehead beginning to stand out. There is just something very, very wrong about his hentai-oyaji picturing Rukia in that cute little uniform, something so wrong that, no matter what the old bastard claims, is way different from how he makes Ichigo’s real sisters dress in the same outfits.

He doesn’t know why, but it makes Ichigo want to really, really hit the bastard. Hard.

Rukia on the other hand, grabs the outfit out of Ichigo’s hands and tells Isshin very sweetly that it’s lovely and that she’s so lucky to have such a kind new father.

Ichigo sort of wants to punch her a little at this point too.

As if sensing his animosity towards her, she spins around and says, “I’ll go try it on right now!” rather cheerfully, exiting the room with the uniform in hand while the elder Kurosaki stares after her dreamily.

Ichigo crosses his arms and concentrates his gaze at the ground as he hears her pad down the hallway into the bathroom.

After a moment, he raises his eyes and glowering at Isshin, asks, “What the hell d’ya mean, someone better?”

Isshin grins. “Aaaah, are you mad at papa about that? I knew Ichigo was at that age!! It was papa’s ingenious test! Because papa is always thinking about Ichigo, and really, since she’s going to be living under our roof, I can become tyrant papa and force her to marry Ichigo if you want! After all, since I’m always thinking about Ichigo, and then she’ll really be my third daughter and…”

Ichigo gives up and punches him.




Title: Between Heaven and Earth
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ChadxIchigoxIshida OT3
Word Count: 632
Warning/s: No real spoilers, I don’t think?
Summary: Chad binds the earth and the sky.
Dedication: Dave- DRAW ME PRON.
A/N: So I’ve been meaning for a long time now, to write a fic that follows “Janken” and “PDA”, but I’ve been too caught up in the drabbling I guess, to be able to write a full-length follow up. Thus we have this, which is granted, really cheesy, but at least it’s out of my system. ^^;;

He is the mountain between heaven and earth, rooted deeply into the ground and at the same time, reaching up to kiss the sky.

Chado stands with Ishida on one side and Ichigo on another, and as they bicker back and forth loudly on the way home from school, he silently walks beside them both at the center of the storm, unruffled by the biting winds or angrily rumbling earth that surround him.

Ishida’s nose is in the air and he pushes his glasses up on his face very smoothly with his index finger, the clouds reflected in the lenses and obscuring eyes that undoubtedly shine with excited mirth as Kurosaki growls angrily at him for his last comment.

Gaze concentrated on the ground, Ichigo snorts and mutters something to Ishida that makes the Quincy huff in response, makes him immediately look to Chad for support in his inevitable rightness.

Chad turns his countenance back and forth between them both as they look at him expectedly, each believing that the third boy will side with him and not the other. And with the hint of a smile, Chad can’t help but think that he is the mountain towering between heaven and earth while they, they two are the universe around him.

The very universe without which he would cease to be.

And so when Ichigo rumbles from one direction and Ishida sighs from the other, Chad reaches out and touches them both gently, these elements that make up all life around what would otherwise be a solid, lonely tower of stone.

His earth relaxes under the weight of his hand, shifts and settles until it is cool again, the solid ground beneath Sado’s feet from which all assurance springs. Ichigo is the world he knows well, the one through which he is and always has been deeply rooted, the thing which he will be inexorably linked back to for all his life. His origin.

The sky calms as well at his comforting touch, a quiet exhalation of air that signals the end of its thundering storm. From there a gentle light shines down upon him, and Chad breathes deeply from it, the very sweetest of scents. Ishida is the air above them both, boundless mystery and swirling emotion, the thing that Chad wants to reach up and up and up for, to bring back down from it’s isolation in the world beyond. His destination.

Chad is the mountain that connects heaven and earth, and as his hands squeeze gently, the shoulders of the two who make up the entirety of the universe around him, he is glad for the role he has here, as the bridge through which the earth reaches heavenward, as the place through which the sky can feel the ground penetrate its lonely throne of endless nothing.

And so the universe shifts from chaos to order under the touch of his hands once again, Ichigo and Ishida both looking at him with the hints of smiles on their faces.

“Don’t you have anything to say?” Ishida asks, tossing his head to clear his long hair from his face.

“Che. Probably wasn’t listenin’ to a word we were sayin’ in the first place,” Ichigo mutters, hands in his pockets as he absently kicks at a pebble by his foot.

“Oi…Sado… what were you thinking about just now then?” Ishida pushes with a fondly exasperated sigh.

Chad, basking in the calm that has settled among them all, returns his hands to his sides and peers gently between earth and sky. “The universe,” he says simply.

Ichigo and Ishida share a look of mutual confusion at his response, and together they ask, “What?”

Chad smiles and keepings walking, thinking all the while that he is the mountain that joins heaven and earth.


Speed writing=LOTS OF DUMBNESS. Help me fix it?

isshin, aizenxginxkira, rukia, chad, chadxichigoxishida, gin, ichigo, kira, bleach, aizen

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