I think I managed to save the gumbo. With the addition of some cayenne and paprika, which it needed anyway because it had no kick, plus some peanut butter and cinnamon, I think I've reduced the burnt flavor to mildly noticeable aftertaste. I think. Well, I'm the one that will be eating it. And I've learned my lesson about simmering in a large stock pot and naps. :)
So, chicken soup has joined the others in the freezer. I have just enough room now for the gumbo. All my ice cream is shoved into one tiny corner. I don't go through a lot of it, but I do occasionally indulge. And when I do, it tends to be the Gelato that has ingredients I can pronounce. (Plus really handy jars that I used to store things in now! :D)
Joined a 21 day challenge. I want to concentrate on doing little things to improve, like drink sufficient water every day. My doctor said I should have at least 114 oz a day. The app I got suggests even more! Also, my ribs have finally healed to the point I can start doing crunches again, so I want to get back into the habit of doing those in the morning.
I might also get back into some writing. I am thinking of signing up for an exchange. It is RPF, which can be problematic, but I think if I either stay with a nice friendship fic or do something wildly AU where it is no longer those particular people, just characters with my understanding of their personalities, then it should be fine. After all, putting people you admire (or hate) into your stories so you can give them the ending they deserve, is a time honored writing tradition!
Speaking of writing: I have a couple of panels at Westercon on writing Fan Fiction. One is a Welcome to Fanfic, which I am moderating, the other is Putting More Oomph in your Smut :) I shall be talking about use of words and language. Let's face it, what your late high school/early college students call things and say during sex, while fundamentally the same as what a Tolkien elf might say or do, is wildly different in terms of language! Now, an Urban elf may know what a Johnson is, but I sure don't think Elrond would! LOL!
I also get to be on a "SF Match Game"...yup, that gameshow from the 60s, but with a twist. The example they gave in the program book is: "Captain Kirk has the biggest _____ in all of Starfleet." Yes, I immediately thought ego too, but honestly, "Prime Directive" is funnier, plus it covers ego, harem, arrest record, body count, etc. ;)
The other two panels are on creating things out of textiles. One is a hands on, the other a discussion. One is crafts, the other is about art. I'll take the same show and tell to both ;) Should be fun!
Mom should be visiting next week. In theory she'll be over on Saturday so she and I can hang out and she can give me some stuff, then we'll join one of my sisters for lunch. We'll see. I've learned not to get my hopes up. It's not that the intent isn't there, but...I've gotten far too many calls in the past of, "I'm just not feeling up to it today," to cast my plans with her in stone. Saves me the disappointment.
Been watching some anime recently. Fairly recent stuff too! I know, I'm as shocked as you are! But High School Musical, UtaPuri, they're cute...and are musical! How can you not love a pretty boy who bursts into song in the middle of the street? Okay, in UtaPuri they have a framework for it, at least ;)
Also been watching more JDramas. Recently saw some older stuff, now watching Siren. My sources give me old and new, which is fun. Not quite going through it as fast as I'm getting it, thank heavens! :) I tend to like the JDramas because they are complete story arcs lasting exactly one season. Don't get me wrong, I love some of the longer, more open ended, American and British series, but...it's really nice to get some closure in a story! I do come from a lit background, after all! LOL! Plus, because it is in a foreign language, there's lots of reading! ;) But detective stories, action stories, high school stories (both teacher and student), history, comedy/dramas, dramatic comedies, straight up thrillers...okay, okay...but if anyone else watches and wants to talk, just let me know, okay? :D
My, I've gotten rather off topic, haven't I? LOL! Guess I just felt like talking today! My sleep schedule was rather messed up due to going in for OT today. My father passed away years ago, so I didn't mind covering the shift :) It will help pay for the a/c unit I bought two weeks ago! Still need to see about having a friend over to help me install it. Not something I want to do by myself, you know? Plus I want to finish rearranging my living room, which parts of are totally a two person job. I'll see if I can talk to the persons I'm thinking of for help tomorrow after work.
Anyway, time for bed, tomorrow is a new day, full of possibilities! :) *hugs you all*