Aug 10, 2008 08:27
I just finished a week-long fieldwork at Western State Hospital- the largest psychiatric hospital this side of the Mississippi! It was very...interesting. I found many of the staff members pretty frustrating (they're state employees which basically means they can't be fired so a lot of them are on autopilot), but the awesome patients more than made up for that crummy aspect of the experience. The first two days were really rough, but by the third day I realized that the more time I spent interacting with patients, the better things got. I think I could do a lot as an occupational therapist in the field of mental health, but I'd still rather work with individuals with physical disabilities. Anyway, it was probably the longest week of my life, and I'm still exhausted from waking up at 5:15am every morning in order to get down to Tacoma before 8am.
Friday night after my last day at Western I met up with my friend Jen and we went to Solstice to see a local band, The Senate. The band was good and played for 2 hours, which was pretty cool. Solstice is one block from my apartment, but this was the first time I'd seen live music there, so that was neat.
Yesterday was a good day- John and I went to brunch, then came home for a while, then went to the gym and played racquetball, then ellipticaled (not a real word). We have no idea how to play racquetball but had fun whacking the ball around the room. I don't know if it's just b/c I spent a week at a psychiatric hospital, but I thought the racquetball room was kind of creepy. The walls were bright white and super tall, and there was horrible florescent lighting. Also, it felt very weird to have just one, pointless, never ending goal: hit the little blue ball around the cube-room.
Hmm, what else...OH I'm trying to learn how to beat box. It's sooo hard! In addition to learning the different sounds, I also have to gauge how long I can sit at my desk and make obnoxious noises before John ends up at Western State. Tricky.
Anyway, that's about it really. Today we're going to walk to Target, which is 4 miles North of us. Tomorrow I have to go back to school, but I only have two more weeks and then I'm off for summer break (almost 5 weeks), hooray!