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Jul 12, 2008 07:47

Phew, what a long week! Monday I went to school then to Literacy Source to tutor, Tuesday was just a lot of school stuff, and Wednesday was pretty much the same. Thursday I went to school, and then babysat three kids and a brand new puppy. The puppy (Icelandic sheepdog) was actually pretty good- he only had one accident inside the house. The three girls however, were not so well behaved. Here’s what we wound up doing (and bear in mind that absolutely none of this was my idea): we caught a fat ole honeybee with a butterfly net, then put the bee in the freezer. While waiting for the bee to freeze, we rocked out to Fleetwood Mac (ugh) and danced our butts off. After about two songs the bee was immobile, so we took it out and I tied a string around it (harder than it sounds). Then the girls took it outside and waited for the frozen bee to wake up. After a few minutes of waiting we declared the bee dead, and the girls decided they should dissect it. However, as I was untying the bee, it woke up. So now I’m sitting there asking the girls, “Okkk, you’ve got a traumatized bee tied to a long string...now what”? Answer: they take the bee for a walk. After fighting over the string for a while they drag the bee around the yard for about 30 seconds before losing interest. They still really want to dissect it. I say no way- if they want to dissect something fine, but not a honeybee. So they catch a wasp and we go through the whole freezer, Fleetwood Mac dance party sequence again, then they take the frozen wasp out, chop it up and look at it under a microscope. Meanwhile the honeybee has been put, string and all, into a Tupperware container filled with grass and flowers. Once they finished dissecting the wasp, the 7-year-old uses the dissection knife to untie the wiggling honeybee, which was pretty freaking brave; I wasn’t getting near that thing. The bee wound up seriously maimed- whether from being frozen, tied up, dragged around the yard, or untied with a knife I’m not sure. By this time I was pretty tired, and sick of Fleetwood Mac. I told the girls that I was ready for their dad to come home, and that I was going to a party straight from their house. A 9-year-old’s response, “You’re going to a party? You sure don’t look dressed for it”. Sigh.

So yeah, that was an interesting afternoon. After leaving the girls I did go to a party, where I got to hang out with some of the coolest people ever. I was standing near the food, talking to James, when suddenly Scott, Kyna’s husband and a crazy smart doctoral student, popped up and asked me what the innervation of serratus anterior is. I could blame my inability to recall on the fact that he took me off guard, but that would really just be an excuse. Man, 6 months ago I could have rattled off the innervation of any muscle in the whole freaking body, but now that information is buried so deep I’d need a bulldozer to move all the other crap out of the way and retrieve that little gem of worthless information. It’s kind of depressing. The next day at school I asked a bunch of classmates some random innervation levels, and none of them could remember either, so that made me feel a little better.

After the party, James and Miranda came back to our apartment, where John and Brad were hanging out. We smoked mango flavored shisha and played Wii; it was fun. Unfortunately, at some point the hookah got knocked over and hot coals landed on the hardwood floor, burning the shit out of the wood. Whoops.

So that was Thursday. On Friday I went to school for what felt like a long time, then met up with my friend Miyuki. We sat in a coffee shop and talked for 3 hours, which was great. Later that night John and I walked to the Apple Store in the U-Village b/c the space bar on his Mac Book is broken. There was a loooong line outside the store- we forgot that the new iPhone came out yesterday. I can’t believe how many people were waiting in line to get that stupid phone. John really wants me to get one, but I’m going to pass. Anyway, we weren’t able to drop off the laptop- maybe we’ll try again today.

Speaking of today, I only got 5 hours of sleep last night and now I’m really tired. Around 6am this morning I knocked over the full glass of water that sits on my nightstand, and it landed directly on me. By the time I changed out of my soaking wet pajamas I was fully awake. This is the third time I’ve done that exact same thing- I’m not very coordinated in my sleep. I’m trying to look on the bright side- I’ll be able to get a bunch of crap done before 9am even rolls around! Yeahh...actually I’ll probably just play around on MySpace and burn mix CDs, let’s be honest. Kelly and Rick are coming over this afternoon and John is going to teach them stuff about leatherwork for a presentation they have to do for our Occupational Task Analysis class. That’ll be fun.

Ugh, I’m going to go brush my teeth. Have a great weekend!
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