I hain't posted for ages, but that doesn't mean I've died and joined the hordes of the zombies. I have merely been in the Good Ole U S of A[tm]. Even if it's only Somewhat Ok these days. But let's not get me started on that. Instead, let's talk about the weather. It's quite a change to come from the Danish summer/fall to the Midwest and experience... clouds, rain, cold, wind, greyness,... actually, not all that different, but this weather would have been called crappy even in Denmark.
Having gotten over a little cold (that I dutifully passed on to
quaryn_dk), I am back at working on cute geometric applications, having fun with Delaunay triangulations, contour generation and simulated annealing. Yes, it will eventually need to be optimized and integrated, but right now it's just playing around with algorithms I'd heard of but never tried.
The weather is kinda cutting down on my photography here, even though I got some nice equipment: new tripod (a proper size one this time), better polarizer, ND filter, bouncer and light tent. My photo journal now shows the difference that a simple bouncer can make in a picture.