I hereby declare this to be the International Day of Stupid for the following reasons:
An Indian subprovince has instituted a $337 reward for getting more than 15 (fifteen) children in order to assure the local tribe is not overwhelmed by immigrants. One recipient of this reward was
a mixed local-immigrant pair. But seriously -- 15??? In a country that's trying to fight its population boom???
Chrysler calls climate change warnings
Chicken Little behaviour and foresees more oil finds leading to reduced gas prices and a return to gas-guzzling cars. At the same day that Wunderground
summarizes 2006's weather as "the weather dice coming up 13". I hope they go bankrupt.
A Texas-based company is suing Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo over
the joystick port On brighter news, the
One Laptop Per Child project plan to let the public
buy a laptop for $200 (in
bright colors, with
hand-crank!) which gives the buyer a laptop but also funds a laptop for somewhere in the developing world. It's pretty!