それはそれだ (And That's That)

Feb 09, 2012 12:08

Well, after 3 whole days, the rice boycott is officially over and done with. It was fun while it lasted. Fun and full of fried chicken. I strolled into the Kanehide looking for something to make for lunch today, and lo and behold I saw a 4kg bag of rice for 1298 yen. So I reached into my wallet and paid 68 yen more for less rice than I would have gotten otherwise, but it seemed to be about as good as it's gonna get until the rice production gets back to normal. You may have won the battle, Japan Agriculture Association...and you may have even won the war, too. But I'll be back to boycott something else I'm sure, and I promise it'll last at least 4 days! Mark my word.

rice, food, boycott

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