The Japanese government is kind of like a drug cartel, except instead of peddling crack to children like any good cartel leader would, they push rice into your home. Think about it! They have pushed out all competition so that they control the amount of rice in the country at any given time. They have people grow the stuff and have a bunch of distributors out there in the streets selling bags of it in your neighborhood grocery store or rice shop. With no competition out there they're able to control the prices, and the public, hooked on the stuff, can't help but pay whatever price is decided upon.
The situation is dire, people!
Wake up and smell the green tea. The price of rice is still high in this country with no signs of going back down anytime soon. The problem here is a supply vs. demand one. There's less rice circulating, but everyone still wants the shit, hence higher prices on what's available. Fuuuuck that, I say! That's why I've officially started my Japanese rice boycott. I haven't touched any rice since I finished the last bag I bought on Sunday. You know what I ate two days ago? A chicken sandwich from McDonalds. You know what I ate yesterday? Chicken strips...from McDonalds! And you know what I'm gonna eat today?! Yeah, more McDonalds chicken productsChicken karaage and yakisoba from San-A.. Sure I'm living up to Black stereotypes and annihilating my insides at the same time, but I've got to do something lest this situation really get out of control, damnit!
But uh...
There's a tiny problem. Not buying rice has made me remember that, even as high as the price is these days, everything else is even more expensive. Eating out every day isn't exactly economical, and nothing else is really sold here that could last me nearly as long as a bag of rice does. I could go buy some yakisoba...but then I'd have to buy the sauce to go with it. And vegetables. And possibly meat. And I could maybe get 2-3 days worth of food out of that. I could make spaghetti, but that'd be gone faster than you can say "itchy butt cheeks". So here I am bitching about the current price of rice when I really should be bitching about the price of like...everything.
Now is one of those times I really wish I had a BFF with some base access.