Fun Fact: Did you know? In Japanese "Rs" are pronounced like "Ls" and "Ls" (when they're translated from other languages because Japanese doesn't have an L sound) are pronounced like "Rs"...which is why my name ends up being "Lon Sensei" and which is also why a Japanese person saying "Rearry" is quite possibly the cutest thing on Earth. Cuter than a room full of newborn human babies and puppies and uh...Hello Kitty and shit.
While you might be sitting there thinking this post is either about making fun of or adoring the Japanese pronunciation of things, it's totally not. As interesting and/or offensive as that could be...instead I'm gonna talk about something that's been bothering me for a minute now: English spelling abuses. Yeah, that's right. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore (I'm lying)!!!! Notice up above how I said Japanese people pronounce "really"? Notice that sign up there? That's right people! If there's more than one "R" in a word, Japanese people have the tendency to pronounce (and write) the first one properly (as in, more like a Native speaker) and the rest of them like "Ls". "Rock" equals "lock" to a Japanese person, but for some reason "really" and "restaurant" equal "rearry" and "restaulant" respectively? Someone get to the bottom of this because it makes my brain explode.