Nov 16, 2010 16:13
November 22 is the one-year anniversary of Damian and me going out for the first time! I am very happy, as although it has been a long weird year, he has helped me through the difficult times and made the good times even better. I don't know if I'd even still be here in Seattle if I hadn't had him. There were a lot of really low points where I might have considered going back to WW permanently if I'd been just on my own. But I didn't, and I am glad, even in the face of this new unemployment.
This weekend is the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Also, they are doing a special HP exhibition at the Pacific Science center, which has props from the movie and cool stuff like that. And I haven't been to the Science Center in just forever, so we are going to do that. I didn't even realize the movie was coming out this weekend until I saw a posting by Leah on facebook (see what being without cable does to me?). Leah (Luke's sister) apparently works at a movie theater so she has already seen the movie! Jealous! She says it's awesome, so yay!!
I went to the PACSCI website and nearly didn't get tickets for the only show left this weekend (except the super late show Sunday, which would be fine except the buses don't go to Lake City that late, plus Damian has work Monday). But someone must have been holding out and cancelled their order, because enough tickets became available. The show sold out immediately after I ordered. Whew! I love seeing movies at the Imax. So far I've seen Watchmen, The Dark Knight, and The Half Blood Prince there. The first two were filmed specifically for IMAX so they were super duper pretty. I've only seen anything as close to that quality on Blu Ray. DVD just doesn't cut it.
While I would like to get HP on Blu Ray, I'm sort of 1) Poor and unemployed and 2) willing to wait until all the movies are out, because they will probably have some super uber edition of all the movies together. Heh. Hopefully I will have a good enough job by then I could actually afford it.
It's good Damian is cool with Harry Potter, or I would go crazy. But still we will have to find something special to do for him on Saturday. I am sure we will think of something.