Cloudfreak Prosperity - Groovenik Week One

Aug 26, 2010 12:42

My pixel_trade Prosperity. With the demise of my VDS I had a great town, full of PT'ers and nothing to do with it. So I decided to finally start up my prosperity. :D Also I'm using the mini-challenges though I freely admit I bend the rules where pixel death is concerned since this is first and foremost a prosperity.

Week One - 1.1 Uncontrollable Urges: designate one sim (and only one) that you can control for a sim week. All other sims cannot be checked on/controlled at any time for the duration of that week - not even to give them makeovers.

Romeo Groovenik madame_ugly - Romance/Family LTW: Woohoo 20 Different Sims. Romeo is a Capricorn who loves unemployed women who aren't afraid of make up, as long as they're not sporting beards.

Rae telectroscope
Octavia dark_moon689
Maia bondchick_nett
Tamarind amaryssobellus
Norma pinkposeysims

Warnings: Gratuitous pixel sex, underwear, a reprehensible man and insanity.


Meet Romeo Groovenik madame_ugly. To give you an idea I let my husband set this sim up and he went with the theme alien pimp. I also play this prosperity one day at a time so while I'm documenting Romeo's first week in the Cloudfreak community when I played I alternated between the Groovenik and Suntoes households.

Romeo wastes no time in greeting Rae telectroscope who is in desperate need of a make over since I overhauled most of my make up/hair.

Romeo ever the sympathetic host offers Rae a chair.

And with fantastic style...

Creates his ideal make up wearing woman.

After her free hair styling Rae is bowled over by our dashing romancer's many charms.

And his leopard undies don't hurt.

Unfortunately Rae has an issue with personal space...

So they continued their date elsewhere.

And by elsewhere I mean the closest photo booth because Groovenik's are nothing if not classy.

Fortunately Romeo managed to escape safely inside while Rae was swooning...and while they have two bolts together Romeo doesn't quite feel that she's the 'one'.


Romeo got a job to bring in finances while he searched for true love. To celebrate he decided to go downtown and see what was available.

Despite enjoying a rousing game of pool for several hours only men came into the pool hall/bowling alley and Romeo abandoned his game.

Not one to be discouraged Romeo patiently waited for the local oddly dressed matchmaker to finish using his face to wipe her crystal ball.

And paid the fabulous fee of 300 simoleans for 'the woman of his dreams'.

The matchmaker assured him that she was indeed 'perfect'.

Alas Tiffany the gardening club lady, is a tad bit too mature and has the disease not-a-pixel_trade so their relationship was doomed from the start.

The sexy, sexy start.


Romeo was enjoying a quiet morning working on the crossword...

But was interrupted by the rare chance to be alone with his next door neighbor the charming Octavia dark_moon689.

Their mutual attraction boiled over from years of so-close-yet-so-far and they gave in.

And while it was enjoyable both had regrets. He wasn't sure he wanted to tackle the responsibility of helping her raise her adopted children and she knew he was a dirty rotten scoundrel.

To get his mind off the events Romeo went back to his favorite bowling alley.

And reacquainted himself with Tiffany.

After wards he tried to find his balance by bowling.

And met the beautiful Maia bondchick_nett who has three bolts. Unfortunately she left soon after their meeting.

But upon coming home...

Romeo met the sassy free spirited no nonsense anti-free spirited superwoman Tamarind amaryssobellus and while she wasn't three bolts...

She was a beautiful and intelligent lady.

And as we know Romeo has a fatal weakness for beautiful, intelligent women.


In the earliest hours Romeo plans a surprise date with Maia...

But is distracted when Tamarind shows up to leave him more than his customary flowers.

While Romeo is at work Maia comes by to cause random acts of violence to his trash can and paper theft.

While simultaneously leaving him love letters.

Taking this as a sign Romeo apologizes to her later in the evening.

Maia forgives him.

Though Romeo can't help but feel there might be some people who do not approve of his lifestyle choices.

Seeing as the easiest answer is simply to return home, he invites Maia along.

In a burst of conscience Romeo asks Maia to move in with him.

Not realizing she'd in turn dropped out of college.

Feeling guilty Romeo decides to man up...

Hopeful that they'll live happily ever after.


Maia decided to change her look after she married. Unfortunately she won't be able to pursue her dream of being Mayor until after the week was up, but that would give her time to nurture the new life she suspected she was carrying.

Unfortunately Maia tended to spend more time daydreaming than taking care of herself...

Romeo took advantage of his exhausted new wife's late afternoon nap.

To spend more time with his sassy Tamarind discussing the practical applications of make up...

And woohoo.

After he said goodbye he met this charming young lady by the name of Norma pinkposeysims.

They had two bolts and an instant understanding and friendship.

Romeo was also happy to note that Norma had a mischievous streak.

And took thorough advantage of it. Norma for her part might have realized she'd fallen under the charm of the town Casanova and was none too pleased with herself.

Later back at home Romeo pretended to have been reading when Maia woke up.

After she finished her phone call they decided to spend quality time together.

Though Romeo had ulterior motives.

Despite having Maia on his mind Romeo did not hesitate to greet Norma, even meeting her outside.

And while they enjoyed themselves...

Maia had woken up to the confirmation of her earlier suspicions.


Maia wasn't thinking very clearly when she went downstairs.

To say it took her a moment to comprehend what was happening might be an understatement.

But once she understood she was quick to break up the scene.

And hating to admit it Maia still found Romeo attractive, even as furious as she was.

Romeo for his part, didn't seem upset by the turn of events.

Instead he welcomed the chance to not have to sneak around.

And quickly met with an evil witch whose name he promptly forgot.

Things were going well...

Until he was nearly caught in a sniping attack between his date and the other local pointy hatted spinster.

Romeo decided to continue their date at home, where Maia was busily writing in a corner.

After Romeo's thoughts turned to Maia and the state of their marriage.


Maia was not handling the disintegration of her marriage well.

Her pregnancy was also difficult and wrought with accidents.

Which pushed Maia over the edge.

Maia wasn't sure what she was supposed to do.

She'd dropped out of college for that cheating scum!

Confused and heartbroken.

Maia was out of control and alone.

While Romeo tried his hardest to stay away from his mentally unstable wife.

However even when he was out on a date with local Mist (from the Kjalarr Legacy) Romeo still had no luck, Tamarind quickly letting him know she didn't approve of his backstabbing ways.

Mist for her part seemed to enjoy the drama.

Not letting what happened with Tamarind or Romeo's own horrible reputation stop her from enjoying herself.

As for Tamarind?

Romeo was able to cool her ire by explaining his home situation.

Maia wasn't sure what to think of the young woman her husband had brought home. Misty or Ginger or something like that...

Romeo and the aforementioned Mist took advantage of Maia's distraction to fully enjoy themselves.

Which drove Maia over the edge again.

Possibly completely this time.

The couple that had only a few 'years' before had been so happily in love could barely tolerate being in the same room together.

After Romeo had gone upstairs for the night Maia stopped to find herself incredibly hungry.

But the pangs of childbirth stopped her from finding something to eat.

And in the last hours of the night Maia gave birth alone to the Groovenik's first child, a little girl named Phoebe.

Next time:

Shit hits the fan, Maia becomes her own woman again, Romeo gets a taste of his own medicine and Phoebe grows up!

prosperity challenge, sims 2

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