Part 2! Previously the household played musical sims! Blondie succeeded in having heirs, but failed at his relationship!
This time...
Blondie (Jari) - 3rd Gen Torch Holder
Torfa - 2nd Gen ex-TH
gheez - 2nd Gen Spouse.
With appearances by Kara Junie
jenji_sims & Cambia
When Zan woke up early the next morning he discovered Lolita had left the house. He couldn't really blame the young woman, his son had treated her shamefully. However he was surprised she'd left her young twins behind. It was his daughter he was more shocked at. His son's three young adopted children were sitting by the front door, a note pinned to a toy that read:
Hey Bastard,
Try raising your own kids.
Zan hadn't even been aware Jari had adopted, much less sent his sister off with his young children. The house was holding curious secrets from Zan and he didn't know what to do, beyond making sure these abandoned children were cared for.
Torfa quietly helped him and how involved she was in the matter Zan didn't want to find out. After fifty years of marriage he was aware of his wife's faults, but even he didn't want to dwell on the idea that she encouraged or was responsible for this.
Jari for his part took care of the twins without a word of complaint and while on the occasion he seemed overwhelmed he managed to keep his episodes under wrap.
Life in the house was now so hectic, between three toddlers and two babies that the maid quit saying she wasn't paid enough to clean up after that many youngsters.
Zan now passes the narration back to the invisible hand in the sky.
3:3 The DIY Challenge: no NPC's are allowed on the lot for one week. Fire the butler, the maid, the gardener and the nanny. Not that the nanny does much, anyway...* If you have Ambitions, power down any Servos on the lot for the week.
Thanks Zan. Let's get the mood a bit lighter with my normal mode. I'm not comfortable with story mode yet.
Honestly, after the last two generations this was pretty easy. Child raising in TS3 is pretty simple compared to TS2.
Though I was getting a bit burned out by too many tots at once. So's Torfa.
Zan however is in his element. This is what he lives for, the screaming, annoying poop machines smell of babies, teach them all he knows!
And Blondie got to fulfill a slew of wants with the adopted kids.
And several with his biological children.
And Torfa was gleeful at the idea of all that baby candy she could steal.
Or catch up on her reading, that works too.
The nice thing about Glumra taking the kids for a few days? It's already birthday time for the adopted kids!
Little boy in front would be Mortimer.
That would be Octavia.
And since I wanted them the same age here's a cake for Igor. Look at how badly Blondie wants the cake. I mean to wish his son a happy birthday.
Kiddie version of Igor.
And of course obligatory 'there's so much cake' shots. Now that they're kids the little rugrats will be way easier to take care of, being out of the house for several hours a day.
See life is perfectly normal. See the ghost of your mother.
Faint right out of the shot.
Cambia continues to obliviously play video games.
Some random stuff Blondie has stolen in his thief job. His taste is questionable.
Blondie obsessively fishing since he needs one more skill to complete his LTW of Max three.
Shot of the older kids playing with blocks.
And before you know it it's Thursday afternoon and Blondie is talking to himself again. Why?
Guess who had birthday's!
Better shot of Dellingr who is Athletic, Artistic. He looks like a traditional Hardbottle-Taclawse boy.
And Sleggja who is Clumsy, Absent-minded. And she has her mom's Lolita
will_o_whisper's eyes! :D
Torfa and Zan immediately start the important toddler training.
Remember the easy adopted children? Well...
The little bastards...
Were skipping school...
To play in the playground...
And guess who had gotten a social worker warning!
RAWR! I've never had school skippers at this young an age. Frosti Frost yes, but he was in high school. They had F's! All three of them! And they kept trying to sneak out of the school to go play! RAWWWWRRRRRR!
So after class I sent them to go spend a nice, long, punishing weekend with their Uncle Frosti, who happens to hate children in his tiny house instead of their posh, rich on-the-beach estate. I MIGHT LET YOU COME BACK! Or you might be exiled for pixelated life since I don't know if the social worker takes all the kids like in TS2!
Life is suddenly much easier at the beach lot.
With extra attention being paid to the potential heirs.
Lots of it. Isn't it nice to have children who can't skip school? I think it's wonderfully freeing. *shakes tiny fist of rage*
Don't worry, Torfa is still getting her candy supply too. Whenever Zan isn't looking that is.
Zan calling Frosti Frost and asking him the usual Grandpa questions of whether he has enough toys for the kids and if he's helping them with their homework.
And with the house suddenly having three empty spots and there being only two of the recommended three tots for heir polls...
It's time to see if Blondie can find someone he genuinely likes. I promised him he could steal candy if he was really good about this and tried to make friends.
The first woman he met at the park was none other than Kara Junie-Cervantes by
jenji_sims who had married a townie soon after coming to town. Ah well, at least you can hang out a bit while I scan the area Blondie.
I come back to her rebuffing him for trying to flirt. WAIT? She's married! Why would you flirt with a married...oh wait. You're not only insane, you're an evil bastard too. I forgot.
I do not condone pursuing a married/taken person in real life.
He has to ask her if she's single right? And when she says she's not, he'll let it drop.
Yes, it's tough you didn't meet her before she was snatched up...
Um, that's slightly more than a friendly hug there that you're doing autonomously.
Blondie? Sim!God to Blondie!
And then she agreed to go home with him. Shame on you Kara! You're a married woman! I've given up on Blondie, what with the Brave, Absent-minded, Evil, Insanity, but you! You know better!
Okay so the plan. Get her pregnant and then when she gives birth move the kids into the legacy house. Good plan yes? Yes! Or as good a plan as I can with this blatant adultery.
The babies do not agree with my plan...the babies sense evil. Also I'm slightly afraid of Sleggja.
Oh ho ho she has rejected both the try for baby and the woohoo. IN YOUR FACE BLONDIE! Whatcha gonna do now, huh?!
The entire household is eagerly waiting to find out. Thanks peanut gallery!
So what's he do? What's he do? He pulls a 'ask Kara to break up with her husband' in his pie menu?! So I let him try because WTF game?!
And she dropped her husband like a hot potato. In TS3 divorces are instantaneous and summed up with a pop up menu running along the lines of, 'Yeah, I'm not going anywhere with him. It's time to let him go.' OUCH!
Blondie didn't even wait for the pop up to disappear.
Immediately followed by asking her to study...
And then, yes, yes he did roll this!
*is speechless for different reasons than Kara*
*is flabbergasted*
Zan is happy for them...or as happy as Zan can be for his son who just stole another man's wife.
But wait! Blondie's not done!
Thanks for rubbing the whole 'let me decide who I want' thing in my face Blondie.
And just in case you were wondering, Kara is allowed to touch, kiss, hug, woohoo, caress or massage Blondie whenever she damn well pleases.
And then he rolled the want to have a baby with Kara. Who incidentally dislikes children but went along with it. This should be interesting.
Not an hour after she 'divorced' him Kara's ex-husband Tory started dating a new woman. Clearly he was broken up about the entire situation.
And then he had to get going because work called. All in one afternoon. One afternoon he stole another man's woman, then went steady, got engaged, married her, impregnated her with his babies and then went to work. ONE DAY!
The Lolita twins are not pleased. They are not pleased at all.
Kara getting a job in culinary because I will have a cooking sim this generation. Kara Traits: flirty, dislikes children, kleptomaniac, no sense of humor, virtuoso
And attempting to bond with Torfa over the cooking channel.
Well I'll end this with some Torfa and Zan being adorable.
I love the way she looks when she hugs him like that. Like he's the single most important person in her world.
And Kara finishes it off with a pop right as the clock flipped to Monday.
Next time! The final eligible heir is born! Will the love last between Blondie and Kara? How will she take being surrounded by children?
Story Progression
Lolita left the house and immediately got with a townie named Leonardo.
Grumpus dated and broke up with Marci (townie).
Nott's Kid: Erin is pregnant with Titus' child.
Lolita broke up with Leonardo.
Barri's Kid: Kizzy married Larry the disgruntled babysitter.
Hyrja's Kid: Rickie had a boy Diego.
Grumpus dating (townie) Krista.
Nott's Kid: Erin had girl Kerry.
Kara's ex-husband Tory dating Marci.
Frosti Frost dating Rosalinda.
Grumpus broke up with Krista.