Viking Death Squad - TS3 Style 3.01

Jun 24, 2010 08:19

Previously half the kids left the nest, Happy found his mate in a ridiculous fashion and Blondie displayed control issues...

This time! 2nd half of the newest mini-challenge! The Taclawse clan gets Angelina'd and it requires a lot of household shuffling to survive!


Jari (Blondie) - 3rd Gen Current Torch Holder
Lolita will_o_whisper involved with Blondie.
Torfa - 2nd Gen Ex-Torch Holder
Zan gheez - 2nd gen Spouse

With an appearance by Cambia simmytizzy.

Yes, this is a two-parter! Why? Because I do so much household shuffling this entire post is nothing but pushing sims around. Anyway...

Torfa is rushing!

She's gotten a special opportunity to see a beloved one! Why in Sim Torfa would get this opportunity with her well known epic cowardly nature who knows...

Are we ready?!

VICTOR'S mostly BACK!!!

The excitement cannot be contained!

Back home The Girl successfully completes the games most blobby looking heir portrait ever. There are no hard feelings about Blondie winning here...nope, not at all...

I let Victor spend the night, even though I really should have sent him off immediately since I still need to adopt my toddlers, but I wanted to have some time to go all d'awww at my first playable ghost. :D


Torfa got into her oldster grandma look.

But she seems to be okay with it!

And Cambia came out! I presume to check out her competition.

Whom she completely rejected. I was devastated. She wouldn't even talk to him. Did you forget you're dead too?!

I know Victor...

He was a trooper and kept trying though.


Well you know what? Victor doesn't need you! He can find other hot sexy oldsters that appreciate silly face!

Goodbye Victor! Date lots of young women and give me ghost babies! *sniffles*

And content that the status quo was back Cambia went off for her customary nap. Because that's what she does, play video games or nap. There's a reason the epitaph on your grave sucks!*

So then I told Blondie to go get his mating dance on...

In family tradition Blondie tries to break the ice with a silly face...

Oh so the mailbox is aloof huh?

Blondie knows you've been letting other men stick their hands in you!

Bills, packages filled with books, gems and rocks!


You're right Blondie, she's not good enough for you!

He was just testing the waters! He's got a perfectly good sim! He doesn't need you!

And that's how the mailbox rejected Blondie's love...

So instead he called up the adoption agency!

'Hello, I'd like three orphans so I can skip this whole mating thing...'.

Torfa recognizing her child might not be the best candidate for adopting.

But it's the sims! They don't let something like mental competency or moral compass (or even cash, adopting is free!) stop them from unloading a tot on your front doorstep.


'Sup Blondie?

'That woman is touching my child!'

That woman is the future mother of your eligible for heir children, go be nice!'

::prods with stick::

That's right. You can build that relationship past a quarter mark if you really put your lips to it!

Adoption guy is way too interested in the kissing and less in making sure he doesn't brain a toddler I see.

Speaking of adoption...this is Igor! Athletic and Brave!

Mortimer an Artistic Virtuoso...

And Octavia who is a Clumsy Genius...

And then The Girl sparkled!

And grew into maternity clothes...all part of the master plan!

At least her big brother was there for her.

Glumra Taclawse! Traits: Loner, Genius, Easily-Impressed, Family-Oriented, Bookworm LTW: World Renowned Surgeon

Hey thanks for picking up the slack know, you're pretty good at that!

And the house is awfully full!

Glumra is going along with it, but look at those dead eyes, she will get her revenge!

Blondie stands on the beach with his mother, evilly not seeing off his adopted children.

And Zan wanders back from who knows where and asks Torfa what he's missed. She lied. It was for the best.

Meanwhile. Okay let's get this legitimate heir business on the road here sim people!

Their relationship bar is up to halfway! And look, cuddling on a bed! This is a new step for Blondie! All the while he's rolling wants to teach the adopted kids their skills and zero to do anything with Lolita... <.<

Nope, he doesn't want a kiss. Are you mad woman? What kind of evil, insane, despicable sim do you think you're dealing with?! Blondie just wants to raise his adopted children in peace!


ONLY ON BLONDIE'S TERMS! And because I made him...

Let's pull away form Blondie's fascinating control issues and enjoy a nice beautiful morning with Torfa.

She's getting to be a really good gardener!

And just like I called it, she also achieved rockstar at an advanced age. You rock those aviator glasses! WOOOOO!!!

And Zan continues to fruitlessly talk to Blondie about treating women right.

Well, he's back to ignoring her, but at least Lolita has this much right? I started to feel really bad for her because she started rolling generic wants to flirt, kiss anything. She didn't care who. D:

Since she rolled the want for it, I let Torfa retire and she started clapping. :D

They all started clapping it was rather sweet.

Attempt eleventybillion at getting these two to even recognize each other in more than a romantic light. Though I don't think reading together raises social. :(

Zan and Torfa enjoying her retirement.


Okay! So I decided to devote an entire afternoon/evening to the wooing of Lolita! Go Blondie!

If he didn't have wants to teach his adopted kids he wanted to talk to her tummy. Her he could give a damn about. I could not get their relationship, on either side at this point, to advance past halfway no matter what I did. *tears hair out*

And then after twelve hours of cooing at a stomach and failed attempts at kissing she wants to announce her pregnancy. Yeah, okay...

At least he congratulated her? And then rolled more wants for his adopted kids. OKAY I GET IT! I'm sorry! This has taught me a valuable lesson about trying to force my sims to like the PT'er I've exclusively chosen for them!

Luckily it's only a mere few hours later that Lolita goes into labor still hoping someone will love her. :(

And then she biked herself to the hospital, like you do when you're heavily pregnant and in labor apparently.

But there was one family member eagerly waiting!

Hi Victor! :D

To his credit Blondie at least showed up for the birth. Exhausted from work, but he managed to show up.

I give you Dellingr Nabrakov Athletic and Artistic!

And Sleggja Nabrakov Clumsy and Absent-minded!

'So I can get my other children back now?'

*sigh* Yes.

'And you won't force me to be in a relationship against my will?'

*sigh* No.

'Good sim!god'

There's something bad about being schooled by my evil, insane sim...

Next time! Part 2! Will Blondie find true love? And how will Blondie fare as a single parent? Part 2 will/should be up later today. And will hopefully be more exciting and less musical chairs in the household.

Story Progression

Grumpus and Joanna Jack dating (not a PT).
Frosti Frost and Griselda Applegate dating (not a PT and Elderly).
Grumpus and Joanna broke up.
Hyrja's Kid: Rickie married his high school sweetheart Kylie.
Barri's Kid: Christal had a boy Eric.
Sneaky dating Janis Slade (not a PT).
Victor stole Janis Slade and started dating her instead.
Sneaky dating Sally Garrett (not a PT).
Victor and Janis broke up.
The Girl dating DeMarco who used to be involved with her Aunt Helga.
Kara Junie jenji_sims married townie Tory Cervantes.
Hel Njord pixie_pan involved with Carlos townie and pregnant.
Sneaky married Sally.
Grumpus dating Marcy a townie.
Frosti Frost's girlfriend Griselda died of old age.

The experiment was a failure. None of the kids or even their cousins married/mated with a pixel_trade sim. :(

viking death squad, sims 3

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