Previously there was a lot of family bonding. This time the heir comes to the forefront! Also new
Mini-challenge Cast:
Torfa - 2nd Generation Torch Holder
gheez - 2nd Generation Spouse
Their Sons and a Daughter:
Frosti Frost - Frosti
Blondie - Jari
Happy - Patti
Grumpus - Eldr
Sneaky - Narr
The Girl - Glumra
Appearances by: Lolita
will_o_whisper and Nikki
If you want to be heir Blondie you have to work for it!
With Happy as your personal, if slightly scary, trainer!
Also, here is Frosti Frost post make over. I think he looks quite dashing with some facial hair. :D
Maybe even a little rakish. Go Don Juan!
Zan and Torfa continue to garden together.
And Zan has fully embraced the way of the pantless handyman.
Being the last update with all the kids together there's a lot of random.
And then Sneaky did the unforgivable. HE WENT FISHING AT 5:55AM! The curfew is clearly set until 6am young man!
That's right! You run your green butt to the cop parked in front of the neighbors!
And let her pull a U-turn to properly deposit you...five feet down the know he could have walked.
His punishment is helping Torfa with the garden because this family is very stern with rule breakers!
I really wish I could have a big aquarium...but not enough to pay 20 bucks in real life for a stuff pack...
One of my favorite Grumpus pictures. Also he always paints in dark colors. It's his inner Grump demanding a lot of black, blue and purple.
The end is coming!
Today Happy is a man!
Happy (Patti) Brave, Good, Ambitious, Bookworm, Handy LTW: Max Three Skills.
And if one twin goes...
So must the other.
Yeah baby, hail to the heir! BLONDIE! And in case I had any doubt, Torfa immediately rolled a want to see Blondie reach the top of Criminal which is worth 20,000 points. As opposed to the piddly 5k wants she's rolled for the other kids. <.<
Blondie (Jari) Brave, Insane, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Absent-minded LTW: Max three skills.
But wait!
Zan didn't want to be left behind...
Still madly in love after all these sim years. :D
Happy helps out with the large garden and I decided to move the unmoving gnomes and use them as decorations in the house.
Grumpus is annoyed at the lack of symmetry in the juice box kingdom.
Blondie rushes off to his first job in the Criminal Career track without answering his phone.
And Torfa is rocking the girl metal look. Damn woman!
As Zan tries to give Happy a boost towards his LTW by tutoring him in the way of the garden.
And Blondie manages to get arrested on his first day of work. STOP RUNNING TOWARDS THE COP!
With Blondie in the slammer, it's time to move the kids out. The week is over and I completely forgot to gather bugs for my mini-challenge, but my dice have gotten revenge...
2:4 A Bug's Life: the sims in your house watched an episode of a famous cult tv show featuring an assassin made entirely of bugs, and now they have a compulsive need to GET RID OF EVERY BUG KNOWN TO SIMKIND! Make at least five thousand simoleons by finding and donating bugs to science. The more we know about these menaces, the less likely such an assassin could ever exist, right?
Come on Sneaky, it's time to go...
Yeah, you're not keeping that...
You too Grumpus...
I think that's one of the happiest expressions he's ever shown.
Your hair on the other hand...
I kept it. Grumpus (Eldr) Good Sense of Humor, Inappropriate, Grumpy, Friendly, Lucky
Sneaky (Narr) Insane, Good, Kleptomaniac, Computer Whiz, Party Animal
If you put Sneaky in a full beard he's the exact clone of Zan, only green. It's freaky.
Happy adding a 'haunting' noise to the doorbell.
Blondie enjoying some juice after his incarceration because they didn't feed him and he nearly starved to death. Almost got to be the shortest heirship ever.
He's so pretty. :D
And Frosti Frost sends off himself and the younger twins in fashion....Why?
2:3 The ‘Angelina’ Challenge: adopt three toddlers in a row. If you don’t have enough money to adopt, save up until you do. If you don't have enough room in your household, move some people out.* Once the adopting starts, it has to be three in a row. None of these children are eligible for heir.
I need the space. <.< *headdesk*
But before we get to that! I decided to run an experiment and set up each of the guys in a house with one or two pixel_trade ladies to see if any of them autonomously get together and because two-thirds of the town are related to them by now!
Meanwhile...Blondie needs to pick a mate and Happy (hopefully) will get the spare. :D
These two charming ladies were chosen due to their stats. I give you the lovely, if oddly dressed for I have no custom content, Lolita Nabrakov
will_o_whisper and Nikki McFeegle
Happy is eager to start the process. <.<
But isn't so sure about Lolita. Is it the bear hat? It's the bear hat isn't it?!
He hits it off well with Nikki...or er, well.
Well, he hits it off well for this family. They spent hours outside making silly faces at each other autonomously. There are worse courtships!
After a hard afternoon of being silly Nikki needed to hit up the booze.
Blondie after coming home from work decides to talk to her first. They're both insane and Kleptos so I have hope!
Well. No, he didn't really like her. Maybe he was worried she'd steal his crazy spotlight? And I think he sensed his brother had picked know by making silly faces at her.
What'd I tell you? A family tradition.
He definitely likes Lolita better...
A lot better...
But not enough to let her kiss him or anything...
Blondie! Look at her wibbly little lip!
Wait. What?!
Lolita is as confused as I am.
Don't encourage him to be controlling Lolita!
They're not listening to me...seriously though if Lolita tries to kiss him, he shuts her down. BLONDIE DECIDES WHEN IT IS TIME TO KISS!
Zan is trying to give Blondie some advice about treating a woman right. With analogies involving Saturn...but then again, it is Zan here.
And then the game decided to remind me I needed to get Happy and Nikki out of there to make way for orphans...
We see Happy cornering Nikki in the bathroom for some flirting. Because is there a more romantic room in the house?
She's okay with it, though it's a little awkward.
What with the crowd and all...I'm not controlling Zan or Torfa for this bit. Zan drank bad juice and Torfa decided she needed to practice guitar in that bathroom on her own.
Nothing more romantic than listening to your dad tossing his cookies while your mom accompanies him with a guitar solo...
It's enough to make Nikki ask him to go steady people! THIS IS EPIC ROMANCE!
Yeah you know nothing turns a girl on more...X_x
Hey Mrs. T, lay some romance in this joint!
Because Nikki is not letting a moment like this pass! No she isn't!
Don't you give her puppy eyes PATTI TACLAWSE!
Say no Nikki! He deserves it! Torfa rock harder!
I can't believe she said yes...
Yeah that's the look of evil there! Woo!!!
And then Torfa stopped playing, gave them that look and walked out. BECAUSE SHE'S BADASS!
Next time! I kick out the world's oddest engaged couple! Toddler madness descends and Blondie's control issues lead to complications! And I obsessively follow story progression to see if any of the spares get together with PT'ers autonomously!
Story Progression
Barri's Kid: Kizzy pregnant with Larry the disgruntled babysitter's baby.
Barri's Kid: Christal and Whitney had a girl named Becky.
Barri became an elder. :(
simmytizzy also became an elder.
Nott's Kid: Theodore and his girlfriend Joni had a girl Tia Mejia.
Nott's Kid: Erin had triplets with her husband Wilson. Bob, Angelina and Brenda. First town triplets!
Barri's Kid: Kizzy had a boy named Irving...not to be confused with her brother Irving. <.<
Nott's Kid: Erin abandoned her husband and triplet infants and ran off with a much older man named Titus.
Helga picked up a new boyfriend named DeMarco.
Helga then died at 91 days. :(
Helga's Twins: January and Janis were fostered with Hyrja and her family.
Barri's Kid: Christal is pregnant again.