Actually squeezed in some gardening this wknd...

Apr 01, 2007 21:04

I checked on my berry canes Saturday morning hoping they were still viable for planting (especially since 3 more canes arrived). They were already growing! So much for trying to keep them dormant! I started clearing out the area targetted for them. Pulling out dead wild grape vines, cutting away new growth from an old mulberry tree that was cut down awhile ago and digging out rocks. Lots and lots of rocks.

My body is still sore, but it was worse last night. Most definitely it was a workout. Darn rocks.

I'm still not done, although I was able to plant the following:
Red Raspberry Reveille, 6 canes
Blackberry Apache, 3 canes
Blackberry Jumbo (cold hard and disease resistant), 3 canes

I still have Red Raspberry canes (6) left to plant, but I'll need to extend the bed and figure out what I'll do for the front side of the bed.

I also seem to have lost 1 of my 4 Dicicco broccoli seedlings; my plan B is to plant Sugar Daddy Peas in it's place. I dusted them in inoculant to help and well, I have it, might as well use it.

Michael made a small light set-up for me for a bunch of my pepper seedlings to boot. So that was a treat.

Now for photos.

Left) Area I cleared for berries. Center) Berry bed. Right) Mulberry branches I cleared.

Left) Beds with about 80 garlic scapes sprouting. Right) Winter sowing.

Left) Coleus Fairway Rose @ 3 weeks Center) Seedlings at 6 weeks Right) Seedlings at 3 months

I've been struggling with what I believe is blight with the coleus seedlings, I already lost 2 seedlings. Here's the 3rd from the same cup of the 2 lost ones, how it's surviving I'm not sure.

Larger photos here.

seed starting, blackberries, coleus, garden, garlic, raspberries, winter sowing, berries

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