I came home for lunch and was finally able to get some gardening in. With it getting dark by 7:15, I really haven't been able to get the clean up done that I've been meaning to.
I finally pulled up a bell pepper plant with about 6 or so green bell peppers. Also pulled up the cantelope seedling that never took. So I was able to plant:
Silver Skin
Spanish Roja
German Porcelain
And additional Lorz Italian clove
I can see sprouts already of:
German Red
Vekak Czeck
Lorz Italian
No signs of any sprouting for the Brown Tempest
I also am noticing something was digging in between the garlic sprouts. Fortunately, the bulbs didn't seem disturbed. I think a local groundhog has found my spinach seedlings and has been digging around. I was able to get the digging to cut back by using some basil plant clippings.
While doing some clean up around the beds, I pulled up a pretty good looking lone carrot, a broken bell pepper branch on the ground with a bell pepper!
I hope to be able to get more gardening in this weekend (in addition to some housechores):
1) harvest rest of jalapenos and maybe pull the plant (hesistant to pull it out as it is helping to keep a remaining bell pepper plant
2) harvest and retire upside down anaheim chile pepper
3) retire upside down 5 gallon bucket
4) retire cuke earthbox
5) save some strawberry plants and retire hanging strawberry planter
6) protect rosemary in pot
7) harvest rest of potatoes
8) add extra protection to dwarf trees (another layer of burlap with hay
9) start bringing coffee and poinsettia plants in
10) dispose of morning glories and 4 o'clocks in pots
Whew, we'll see how much of this list I can actually get done.