Some seeds started...

Mar 09, 2008 18:42

Today, Michael and I have been feeling under the weather so we stayed in except for lunch. Kind of feels like we're fighting something. Although it's still darn cold, 16F this morning, the sun came out so it put me in the mood for some seed starting:

* Rosemary
* Curly Leaf Parsley
* Thyme
* Rainbow Coleus
* African Marigolds

Difficult to germinate herbs and some flowers since this year's plan looks like I'll need a bit of both.

Oh, and buttercrunch and emerald oak lettuce. Yesterday was a bit of a hectic day, so it's a nice change of pace to stay in anyway.

Over two weeks ago, I did start:
* Pot Marigold
* Lemon Basil
* Thyme (has not sprouted yet though)

seed starting, garden, herbs, flowers

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