I'm in a surprisingly good mood today - though this exuberance was dampened a little when I weighed myself but that's nothing really new. I enjoyed learning bio for the first time today, and I hope this actually means I'll start remembering what I memorize. I haven't been the most productive today but somehow I'm living too far in denial to think it's a big deal.
Tomorrow I have a feeling I won't quite be in as bouncy a mood - I have CIP from 1-3 tomorrow afternoon. It isn't actually a nice time slot; for one it makes it hard for me to spend most of my Sunday in school studying since it's smack in the middle of the day. And that's pretty much a big deal :/ but I'll deal with it. Hopefully with some semblance of self control and the ability to reign in my ever wandering imagination I should be able to study bio at home.
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