Measurement Day, Day 8 #100Days

Jan 27, 2014 21:48

This is how we stay honest.

I’ve been at this 7 days - thirty min­utes of car­dio and healthy lunches. Every Day. The ben­tos didn’t get made over the week­end, because when you’re not get­ting up until 10 or 11, how healthy some­thing is isn’t as impor­tant as how fast you can eat it.

Regard­less here are my num­bers from 1÷20÷14 which was we’ll call Week 0:

Week 0 - 1÷20÷2014

It’s what I expected - not my heav­i­est, but noth­ing fits right, noth­ing looks right, and split­ting a pair a jeans is less than encour­ag­ing. My game plan was to work­out 30 min­utes a day, every day, no mat­ter what.  After Day 2, I decided I needed a more tan­gi­ble goal. Any­one can walk for 30 min­utes but I needed to burn the chub­bies, so I added run­ning for those 30 min­utes and for added spice, I had to do at least 2 miles. Harder than I real­ized, since I hadn’t run at step since the Belle Isle 5K on 12÷31÷13. 20 days off - yikes!

Week 1

Now here we are we the start of Week 2, so that makes it  Mea­sure­ment Day. I’m not expect­ing dra­matic results because I still have a sweet tooth that ants envy. It’s some­thing to work on - the snack­ing, the weak­ness for Godiva Marzi­pan Hearts - all for the dress. Always remem­ber the dress. 4 inches need to come off that waist and three off the hips. By the com­ments on the site, this beauty fits like a glove tight. Alright,  so let’s trim those arms and lose the bingo flaps.

So (deep breath) here is the tally of Week 1:

What do we see? Lost a few pounds, not a big deal (I mean it’s awe­some, but that’s not my focus). 0.25″ to an 1″ every­where else - except the belly and the hips.

Dang, genet­ics.

This week we focus on less Saun­ders Salted Caramels, 1 Godiva Cherry Cor­dial with cof­fee (not 3), and we’ll see if we can’t get back to the almond milk and morn­ing ab work­out. And more sleep - I love sleep. Let’s get sexy with sleep again.

I’m not unhappy, but I know I can do better.

Hello, Week 2 - let’s make a lit­tle magic.

morbid fascinations

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